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Serious What do you think chances you will "ascend" within 3 years?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Deleted member 7448

Deleted member 7448

Name is Abdu, live in Laos, born on 24.08.1992.
May 16, 2018
A lot of things can happen in 3 years. Some of you guys are hoping to get surgeries, some others are improving themselves in other ways. While this is just speculation, do you think you stand a chance within the next 3 years?

Personally I have less than a year of rotting left (which is something that I absolutely prefer over the alternatives and do not look forward to ending). So within 1 year I definitely don't have any % chance, but that's ok cause at least I'm not forced to wageslave yet.

But in 10 months or so I will have to get my shit together and get some soul-sucking shitty job. But even if I had a job and my life will be a bit more normal, I'm still left with several insurmountable problems. First and foremost I'm autistic, avoidant and anxious. For me to ascend the girl would pretty much have to ask me out, or we'd have to be friends or something. But that won't happen cause as I said, I'm autistic. The second problem is of course my looks. A girl would have to overlook my baldness and many other physical flaws. And there's a myriad of other problems, muh depression, lack of energy, lack of social skills etc... Ohh and of course, lack of social circle. So unless there's some girl at my future workplace that is able to overlook all my problems and even ask me out, then I'm probably not gonna ascend ever.
Very very very very very very low
High chance I will be betabuxxing a used up non virgin foid in the next 3 years.
I'm gonna ascend my neck into a rope and descend into dreams.
I cant even betabux because of my stutter so 0%
Why didn't it happen for me 3 years ago then?
I won’t say 0, but 0.000000000000001. And that’s only if I approach 400 foids in that time
can't put a number on it but decent chance.. i'm probably deluded though
3 years I genuinely thought I'd have a girlfriend by now JFL

if I keep living in this country I'm pretty sure my chances are less than 5%, if I move and put my hands in some buxx then maybe it can increase. But if not I'm fine as long as I have money to pay hookers
Nonexistent, as I've long since given up trying. My mindset and energy level would have to completely change for me to reverse course, and even then the chances would be minuscule since I'm an ugly khhv at 26.
Less than 1%.
My only hope is finishing uni and getting a good job then finding some foid desperate for money.
3% because I'm planning to run JBW game in SEA.
going to be dead in less than a year
High chance I will be betabuxxing a used up non virgin foid in the next 3 years.
Yeah that makes sense, 99% of us will probably end up going this route eventually. The younger the better though, if it happens at like 30 then the woman is already a used up hag just needing a warm body and some sperm to settle down and pop out a few crotch fruit.

I'm not sure I can betabux though. My career being uncertain aside, my mental disorders are really keeping me back. And to be honest I don't know if I could live with the reality of betabuxing, it would gnaw at me at all times. I want love not a contract where we both benefit from each other. Betabuxing is soulsucking. But love only exists for Chad.
Nonexistent, as I've long since given up trying. My mindset and energy level would have to completely change for me to reverse course, and even then the chances would be minuscule since I'm an ugly khhv at 26.
Yeah I've never even properly tried tbh, but after years of rotting I can consider that I've given up entirely. Idk, a girl would basically have to fall in my lap and have a crush on me before I made a move, and that's just not gonna happen.
3% because I'm planning to run JBW game in SEA.
Hey man, I hope it works. Good job for at least trying.
going to be dead in less than a year
I'm sorry to hear that. Let's hope a meteorite hits the earth and you won't have to do anything and there will be no sorrow.
My only hope is finishing uni and getting a good job then finding some foid desperate for money.
Yeah that's pretty standard for most guys, and it works in many cases. Make those big bucks and at least a little something is bound to happen.
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This, especially with the coming crisis and civil war in the west. I won't be able to get my surgeries in 3 years

i hope you've picked a non meme field then
I picked a double meme field, meme undergrad and meme master's. In this shitty country where degrees are worthless cause the universities are worthless. But of course they make you work like a fucking dog to get them, and stress you out as if it's a fucking Ivy League school.
I picked a double meme field, meme undergrad and meme master's. In this shitty country where degrees are worthless cause the universities are worthless. But of course they make you work like a fucking dog to get them, and stress you out as if it's a fucking Ivy League school.
It's a shame because since you hate effort you should have done something that would been worth the effort

But then again, if you'd have picked a better field and gotten a job ... do you think you'd have been able to work a 9 to 5 consistently?
It's a shame because since you hate effort you should have done something that would been worth the effort

But then again, if you'd have picked a better field and gotten a job ... do you think you'd have been able to work a 9 to 5 consistently?
Actually I picked those precisely cause I hate effort. I know that long-term it bites me in the ass, but after so many years of muh depreshun I didn't have the energy, willpower, motivation etc... to go for a harder degree.

As for the 9 to 5, I will work 9 to 5, no way around it. Part-time jobs in this country aren't really a thing, maybe they are but they don't fit my situation. Even full-time jobs pay shitty salaries, unbelievably low, so a part-time job is only worth doing if you're literally starving. And then the bosses still will probably make you work longer hours except off the books and unpaid.
Less than 0%.
minuscule, but I hope I'll have some nice white collar job by then tbhtbh and at least a single irl friend
Fakecels assemble?
For me I guess it's around 40%, not totally hopeless. It wonders me a bit that almost everyone here is blackpilled to the max or has given up all hope. There are of course some hopeless situations, but there are also unorthodox ways to to get solution and a stable life.
I think I have a decent chance. I have known guys who are genetically inferior to me who have had sex, so why cannot I have it? It makes no sense, unless the world is somehow conspiring against me. I use to think of myself as Schrödinger’s incel though.
For me I guess it's around 40%, not totally hopeless. It wonders me a bit that almost everyone here is blackpilled to the max or has given up all hope. There are of course some hopeless situations, but there are also unorthodox ways to to get solution and a stable life.
Welcome greycel, you seem to be pretty high IQ. Mind sharing your musings on those unorthodox ways?
I think I have a decent chance. I have known guys who are genetically inferior to me who have had sex, so why cannot I have it? It makes no sense, unless the world is somehow conspiring against me. I use to think of myself as Schrödinger’s incel though.
There is always a chance, indeed. If I get over all my mental shit I might have a chance too, although my baldness and myriad of other physical shit is a pretty big barrier.
If covid will disappear I will pay for a whore in SEA but that's not ascending.

Without paying I don't have a chance to get a hug in the next 3 years.
0% if I'm being realistic to about 0.0000000001% if I'm being excessively optimistic
Welcome greycel, you seem to be pretty high IQ. Mind sharing your musings on those unorthodox ways?
Never meant that I'm higher IQ, just that I haven't given up completely. I will list now some of these unorthodox ideas (never said that they are the perfect solution to all things). If you have trouble affording an apartment or living in general, live in a car or in a camper. Want to make some money with high risk, take up debts and go gambling at roulette/poker or blackjack and try your luck. Best way to escape inceldom (for even most truecels) would be to get a wife from some really crappy country. The rest of unorthodox way would go into the illegal field (And I don't intend to break forum rules yet).
I turned 25...

If I was gonna ascend, I would have by now.
I plan to ascend within the next 6 months.
Never meant that I'm higher IQ, just that I haven't given up completely. I will list now some of these unorthodox ideas (never said that they are the perfect solution to all things). If you have trouble affording an apartment or living in general, live in a car or in a camper. Want to make some money with high risk, take up debts and go gambling at roulette/poker or blackjack and try your luck. Best way to escape inceldom (for even most truecels) would be to get a wife from some really crappy country. The rest of unorthodox way would go into the illegal field (And I don't intend to break forum rules yet).
Haha, those are some wild ideas man. I like that kind of devil-may-care attitude, though it takes some serious bollocks to commit to such things.
Haha, those are some wild ideas man. I like that kind of devil-may-care attitude, though it takes some serious bollocks to commit to such things.
Thanks for the compliment. Sometimes such wild ideas or solutions are a necessary evil.
Nada, it's over for me.
Extremely slim to none, and in the current climate of the world, 'ascension' would just make us bootlickers for chads and women
If my parents stop me from getting the surgeries I need then I will threaten to commit suicide
I will become gigachadpreet and tear those foids holes apart.
whats the point of this thread? everyone is going to say that they have zero chance anyways
You definitely have a very low chance of ascending anytime soon. Even if you suddenly became 7/10 in looks you still have a ton of other health issues you have to figure out.

It sounds like your body is in an energy starved state. I don't even think you will be able to get a job in honesty, so I would start trying to go to doctors now, to try and work on your health problems, and get a record for when you go to social services.

Thing is I have seen complete losers with fast food jobs, and no chance at a girlfriend.. who still are excited about their hobbies and laughing and having a good time when I saw them.

What you need at the doctors is a full fucking battery of tests to find out what is going on. Because basically every health condition has low energy, lack of motivation, loss of interest in life.. there is no guessing imo what it might be. That is why they have to just order a long list of tests.
You definitely have a very low chance of ascending anytime soon. Even if you suddenly became 7/10 in looks you still have a ton of other health issues you have to figure out.

It sounds like your body is in an energy starved state. I don't even think you will be able to get a job in honesty, so I would start trying to go to doctors now, to try and work on your health problems, and get a record for when you go to social services.

Thing is I have seen complete losers with fast food jobs, and no chance at a girlfriend.. who still are excited about their hobbies and laughing and having a good time when I saw them.

What you need at the doctors is a full fucking battery of tests to find out what is going on. Because basically every health condition has low energy, lack of motivation, loss of interest in life.. there is no guessing imo what it might be. That is why they have to just order a long list of tests.
Thanks for the suggestions mate, I really think you are right. Unfortunately I will never actually do that. Idk, this might be really stupid, but I'll never actually go to the doctor unless it's some life-threatening thing or some really painful problem like dental pain.

I can't pinpoint why, maybe I don't want to admit to my parents there's something wrong, maybe I'm so avoidant of people I even avoid doctors. Idk.

But I will get a job. It will probably be some dead-end office shit that makes me hate my life, but I'll have to get it. Ultimately, if I can't find any, my dad might try to get me a job again, despite failing the last time, but this time we'll probably settle for something much shittier just so I'd get a job. They love me a lot but they're old-fashioned, they think me being this old and not having a job is an absolute failure, and that's probably a normal way of thinking. I have no other choice, once I finish this shitty degree I won't be able to just rot at home, and they'd nag and press me and guilt me about it so much I wouldn't be able to tolerate it.
Thanks for the suggestions mate, I really think you are right. Unfortunately I will never actually do that. Idk, this might be really stupid, but I'll never actually go to the doctor unless it's some life-threatening thing or some really painful problem like dental pain.

I can't pinpoint why, maybe I don't want to admit to my parents there's something wrong, maybe I'm so avoidant of people I even avoid doctors. Idk.

But I will get a job. It will probably be some dead-end office shit that makes me hate my life, but I'll have to get it. Ultimately, if I can't find any, my dad might try to get me a job again, despite failing the last time, but this time we'll probably settle for something much shittier just so I'd get a job. They love me a lot but they're old-fashioned, they think me being this old and not having a job is an absolute failure, and that's probably a normal way of thinking. I have no other choice, once I finish this shitty degree I won't be able to just rot at home, and they'd nag and press me and guilt me about it so much I wouldn't be able to tolerate it.

You could break it to them gradually. Like first you say you've been feeling weirdly tired and unmotivated so you want to run some routine tests to see if anything is out of whack. Which is true, although at that point you might not tell them the full extent of issues that you tell to the doctor you are facing.

The ideal situation is they run a bunch of tests and actually do find out the reason. Which the great thing about the day and age we live in, is most things are treatable now. This is new in the history of the world in the past like 30 years that we've actually had treatments for things that worked. So culturally we aren't adapted yet to this new reality.

A big problem now is that unless people get severely sick they are not diagnosed with whatever is bringing down their health.
You could break it to them gradually. Like first you say you've been feeling weirdly tired and unmotivated so you want to run some routine tests to see if anything is out of whack. Which is true, although at that point you might not tell them the full extent of issues that you tell to the doctor you are facing.

The ideal situation is they run a bunch of tests and actually do find out the reason. Which the great thing about the day and age we live in, is most things are treatable now. This is new in the history of the world in the past like 30 years that we've actually had treatments for things that worked. So culturally we aren't adapted yet to this new reality.

A big problem now is that unless people get severely sick they are not diagnosed with whatever is bringing down their health.
Thanks for the concern mate, but tbh I'm too lazy to go out to the store, much less go through the trouble of seeing a doctor. You don't understand the degree of my laziness. It might not be an illness at all, I've been like this since I was a kid, I'm so lazy I won't do what's good for me even if I'm sure it will improve my life. I've been rotting since I was a kid for a reason, I'm laziness incarnate.

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