5'5 and below turbo manlet: short, you're shorter than most men, the average foid is taller than you in many cases and literal 13 year olds are taller. Your life is hell and filled with despair, women will mock you and men will torment you, seeing you as nothing but a plaything, a mere clown.
the only way you'll ascend is being very rich or status maxxing. Geomaxxing could work for you but at your height your shorter than the general population, the main good thing is its much cheaper to betabux a third worlder, dont ever bring them to the west.
below 5'8 manlet: you're below average, it'll be difficult but its possible, the only thing Saving you is chad face or lucking out. Your only means of ascension is geomaxxing to countries where either you're taller or around the same height to better your chances. Be warned many foids may just want your money, dont in any circumstances bring them to the west.
a 5'7 guy has a much higher chance of getting a women than a 5'4 guy, despite them being in the manlet range. 5'7 is still a more normal height and is average in many parts of the world.
5'8-6'0: in Scandinavian countries 5'11 is average height and in america it's slightly less. 6'0 is not what it used to be, especially in counties like Scandinavia where its basically average.
6'1-6'5: tall, congratulations now you can put your height in your tinder bio, although the higher up the better.
6'5+: very tall, you can now get foids wet by just even mentioning your height.