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JFL What do you think about this statement?



Everything I write on this profile is parody.
Aug 16, 2022

Oh please tell me about MORALS
Actually watched first 2 seconds. Imagine even listenning to a whore opinion on anything.
Why can’t women simply accept that Chad’s options aren’t tied down to just some post-wall roasties? :feelshaha:
With her small brain she can't see that most rich men who lacks of nothing prefer young foids it's COPE
Old whore cope. The real reason males want younger women is because they are better looking, have less baggage, and have more years to have more kids.
Why can’t women simply accept that Chad’s options aren’t tied down to just some post-wall roasties? :feelshaha:
Girls can viciously discriminate their partners based on looks money and status but don't you dare think about younger prettier cunnies ... THATS IMMORAL!!!
"you're manipulating someone into giving something that they're not aware of what they're giving you"

Genderpill she know her vagina is worth 1 million $ @Robo_Cope @Fire

Just only date 38yo roasties theory after the cock carousel :feelskek:
Surprisingly, a turd-skinned roastie bitching about turd-skin roastie problems. :feelskek:
35+ aged chads will still date women in their 20s because they can, and younger women are better.
35+ aged chads will still date women in their 20s because they can, and younger women are better.
But she was not complaining when she chased guys exclusively in their 30 with cars and houses when she was 16-20 and doing double anal penetration porn with old dudes on camera... what a HYPOCRISY
But she was not complaining when she chased guys exclusively in their 30 with cars and houses when she was 16-20 and doing double anal penetration porn with old dudes on camera... what a HYPOCRISY
jfl solipsitic selfish foid logic :feelskek:
Mia Khalifa is a spineless looser that did porn, made a shit ton of money, and didn't have the balls to accept her choice.

She blamed men for being "exploited" into doing porn, while literally having a website of her stuff.

Point being, I don't care what she has to say.

It's about MALE POWER, IT'S PREDATORY! You are dating an 17 year old as a 30 year old?! Why are you dating a LITERAL CHILD THAT DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO WALK BY HERSELF! :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:
Just make the age of consent to 100 so that nobody has sex
If you manage to attract young prime pussy, good for you I guess, it doesn't make you a predator, just a lucky dude.
If you manage to attract young prime pussy, good for you I guess, it doesn't make you a predator, just a lucky dude.
why did all girls at age 13-17 seek boyfriends in their 20s, 30s almost universally? Never saw 14yr old foid with 14yr old boyfriend actually they severely bully and laugh at 14yr old guys trying to approach them
it is fair you dumb piece of shit whore in fact it's natural and biological for men to desire young bitches. If there's anything that your mind rotten shitskinned brain has to blame then it's nature and biology.
Unironically it would make our incel lives better knowing other suffers too
it would be funny and interesting to see the age of cuntsoynt raise to 25, I'm curious how normtards will think of this.
This "manipulation" argument is cope since both genders can be manipulated in a relationship irrespective of age.

It is more likely that someone younger may be more easily manipulated, but that line of thinking does not keep in line with other stuff in society that is socially frowned upon or illegal.

You would need to do brain studies and stuff to determine what ages are wrong and stuff, but its a court of public opinion with this stuff instead
older women say this purely out of self-interest. they want to establish social standards to force men to choose them. same people will tell you that you are owed nothing and should just accept other peoples choice. absolute scum.
older women say this purely out of self-interest. they want to establish social standards to force men to choose them. same people will tell you that you are owed nothing and should just accept other peoples choice. absolute scum.
> I am being manipulated by boss to work shittier job while he works easier job and earns more... I HAVE RIGHT TO DO NOTHING AND EARN SAME !!!

This is how Communism is born , women are basically commies
> I am being manipulated by boss to work shittier job while he works easier job and earns more... I HAVE RIGHT TO DO NOTHING AND EARN SAME !!!

This is how Communism is born , women are basically commies
I still think women support communism in disproportional numbers because they conciously or subconciously realize that if everyone has the same material wealth, they will be the wealthiest and most powerful group around because they are born rich in sexual market value. It's also just self-interest.
I still think women support communism in disproportional numbers because they conciously or subconciously realize that if everyone has the same material wealth, they will be the wealthiest and most powerful group around because they are born rich in sexual market value. It's also just self-interest.
Well Communism is perfect way of them equalizing or gaining more power because you have to take from rich and give it to poor and stupid (women).
But they are fucking retarded and they fall for bait thinking they will profit from it and not some small elite group controlling whole economy.

First they lure retarded women to vote commies in power by promise of "everything will be free" and they start getting excited how they will basically make government take from "rich" and give it to them for nothing... but actually that never happens but only small elite in power get everything and rest get free "crumbs"

Toilets are that stupid
"you're manipulating someone into giving something that they're not aware of what they're giving you"

Genderpill she know her vagina is worth 1 million $ @Robo_Cope @Fire

Just only date 38yo roasties theory after the cock carousel :feelskek:
lmao one of the most USED UP disgusting self-degrading TOILET of all our generation is giving relationships opinion to men jfl « :feelswhat: who the fuck do you think you are ? get the fuck out of here :feelshaha: … what a retarded bitch :feelswhat:
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Women don't know what words are, they say shit like this because they want to imitate being human
they're more animal than us & give more to their instincts without second thoughts
lmao one of the most USED UP disgusting self-degrading TOILET of all our generation is giving relationships opinion to men jfl « :feelswhat: who the fuck do you think you are ? get the fuck out of here :feelshaha: … what a retarded bitch :feelswhat:
girl became rich because of men but still want to fuck up men jfl
they're more animal than us & give more to their instincts without second thoughts

girl became rich because of men but still want to fuck up men jfl
She has to FUCK every man in one way or another :feelsthink: … fucking shameless :feelshaha: , it’s never enough for toilets
Why do you still listen to foids?
That is a very post-wall opinion. That's exactly why I don't date OLD WOMEN over the age of 25. (I don't date any women.)
Think about it logically. If foid are stupid, then their opinion is worthless. Therefore how desirable you are to women should not impact your self-esteem. Maybe water is wet, but some still need to process it.
I still think women support communism in disproportional numbers because they conciously or subconciously realize that if everyone has the same material wealth, they will be the wealthiest and most powerful group around because they are born rich in sexual market value. It's also just self-interest.

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