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What do you think about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle getting married?



Mixed-race incel with mixed feelings.
May 9, 2018
They are getting married on the 19th.
Isn't the woman a mulatto? Their kid will be a quadroon? RIP white Britain, not that I really give a shit.
Isn't the woman a mulatto? Their kid will be a quadroon? RIP white Britain, not that I really give a shit.
What does her being a mulatto has to do with anything?
I don't really care. This tradition only exists to circle jerk the established ruling class
who gives a fucc
I don't care. I'm sad for our English fellow -cels though. They should have beheaded those fucks long ago not to have to support their stupid couple issues and family needs on both medias and personnal wealth, for that's categorized Suicide Fuel.

It is unethical and promotes the idea that, on a macro level (NOT a micro-level), people of different races can get along. Its is also a betrayal towards your race, part of your God-given identity (racemixing is similar to being homosexual).

Also, the mixed sons come out genetically fucked up (the daughters do too but they're women so they do fine) and they have no racial identity. See Elliot Rodger or Chris Harper Mercer. Racemixing parents tend to be liberal (they racemixed after all), there for the kids are taught to be leftist beta cucks.
It is unethical and promotes the idea that, on a macro level (NOT a micro-level), people of different races can get along. Its is also a betrayal towards your race, part of your God-given identity (racemixing is similar to being homosexual).

Also, the mixed sons come out genetically fucked up (the daughters do too but they're women so they do fine) and they have no racial identity. See Elliot Rodger or Chris Harper Mercer. Racemixing parents tend to be liberal (they racemixed after all), there for the kids are taught to be leftist beta cucks.
But there are endless societies in the world where people of different backgrounds get along with each other! The United States, for example. It's not unethical at all. And also, do you think it's wrong to be homosexual? Why?

Studies show that the children of mixed-race are smarter than children with just one race (sources: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet...ly-diverse-parents-intelligent-ancestors.html, https://www.theguardian.com/lifeand...-taller-smarter-children-says-extensive-study, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...and-more-intelligent-says-study-10358706.html) as well as studies showing mixed-race people are seen as more attractive (source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20301855). I have no idea why you're so against this as it seems to me it's beneficial for society.
i see you're mixed. if you don't mind me asking what are you mixed with?
Yes, hence my username "Mixedcel". I am half black and half white. :)
But there are endless societies in the world where people of different backgrounds get along with each other! The United States, for example.
On a micro-level, yes, but on a macro-level, whites and blacks hate each other. Just look at the way they vote. Look at all the chimpouts when an "innocent" black guy gets killed by a white cop. Dylann Roof said his actions were racially motivated. Sure, I can be friends with any black guy, but I cannot like blacks as a whole.
And also, do you think it's wrong to be homosexual? Why?
Homosexuality is a cancer upon our society. It is a mental illness which goes against the clearly defined order of God. It can't even be justified biologically ("sex" w/o reproduction). Gays also support a cancerous leftist agenda. Not to mention they attack religious freedoms and freedom of speech (can't say faggot outside the internet).

Studies show that the children of mixed-race are smarter than children with just one race (sources: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet...ly-diverse-parents-intelligent-ancestors.html, https://www.theguardian.com/lifeand...-taller-smarter-children-says-extensive-study, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...and-more-intelligent-says-study-10358706.html) as well as studies showing mixed-race people are seen as more attractive (source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20301855). I have no idea why you're so against this as it seems to me it's beneficial for society.

This intelligence thing is because basically one smarter race (whites/east asians/indians) bring up the dumber races (african/hispanic/south american/southeast asian). As people continue to become racially genetic bastards, more whiteness/asian/indian intellignce seeps into the african/hispanic/south american/southeast asian genes, making them smarter. The atractiveness portion I blame on uniqueness. Sexual uniquess is very powerful, both men and women will prefer new partners to existing even if their current is slightly more attractive (heard that on yourbrainonporn).

Lastly, racemixing is not beneficial to society. It is a product of the media to get people to lower their allegiance to their race and country, so they can control people easier. They've already succeed in making people lose thier allegiance to their religion and their sexuality (being straight, chaste, and non degenerate.)
On a micro-level, yes, but on a macro-level, whites and blacks hate each other. Just look at the way they vote. Look at all the chimpouts when an "innocent" black guy gets killed by a white cop. Dylann Roof said his actions were racially motivated. Sure, I can be friends with any black guy, but I cannot like blacks as a whole.

Homosexuality is a cancer upon our society. It is a mental illness which goes against the clearly defined order of God. It can't even be justified biologically ("sex" w/o reproduction). Gays also support a cancerous leftist agenda. Not to mention they attack religious freedoms and freedom of speech (can't say faggot outside the internet).

This intelligence thing is because basically one smarter race (whites/east asians/indians) bring up the dumber races (african/hispanic/south american/southeast asian). As people continue to become racially genetic bastards, more whiteness/asian/indian intellignce seeps into the african/hispanic/south american/southeast asian genes, making them smarter. The atractiveness portion I blame on uniqueness. Sexual uniquess is very powerful, both men and women will prefer new partners to existing even if their current is slightly more attractive (heard that on yourbrainonporn).

Lastly, racemixing is not beneficial to society. It is a product of the media to get people to lower their allegiance to their race and country, so they can control people easier. They've already succeed in making people lose thier allegiance to their religion and their sexuality (being straight, chaste, and non degenerate.)
Seems like the majority of your opinions are in fact the opinions of "God". I believe it is the God of Christianity that you so devoutly believe in. Why do you believe in him, if I may ask? What is your proof of his existence?
He should be hanged for marrying a mongrel.
Why is your talk so cruel and vile?
I shouldn't be that blunt; you're right. I'm just VERY, VERY, VERY against ANY type of race-mixing that involves whites. We are 8% of global population and no one is budging me a centimeter on my view. Anyone who tries to tell whites that they should be OK with it needs to explain why I should have no problem with my people going extinct.
Seems like the majority of your opinions are in fact the opinions of "God". I believe it is the God of Christianity that you so devoutly believe in. Why do you believe in him, if I may ask? What is your proof of his existence?
I believe in God, the only God, due to fact of the death and reincarnation of his son Jesus Christ. This was verified by over 500 witnesses, most who died at the hands of the Romans instead of lying to save their lives. Some were lit on fire and some were cut right down the middle in two.

Though I was not alive to witness myself, I become a witness through faith. Blessed are those who have not seen but still believe. I cannot show you a picture, I cannot recount a tale, and I never met Christ myself. Belief in the 21st century is 100% faith, and faith is the only way anyone is saved (not by an works done or undone).
I believe in God, the only God, due to fact of the death and reincarnation of his son Jesus Christ. This was verified by over 500 witnesses, most who died at the hands of the Romans instead of lying to save their lives. Some were lit on fire and some were cut right down the middle in two.

Though I was not alive to witness myself, I become a witness through faith. Blessed are those who have not seen but still believe. I cannot show you a picture, I cannot recount a tale, and I never met Christ myself. Belief in the 21st century is 100% faith, and faith is the only way anyone is saved (not by an works done or undone).
There is no proof of God or the death and reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Also the bible has endless inconsistencies: false and inaccurate descriptions of historical events, breaking the laws of chemistry and physics, talking bushes and snakes and whatnot. It's overly bizarre.

ayy nigga lemme borrow your car for a second
There is no proof of God or the death and reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Also the bible has endless inconsistencies: false and inaccurate descriptions of historical events, breaking the laws of chemistry and physics, talking bushes and snakes and whatnot. It's overly bizarre.
You're entitled to the belief. It is a dangerous one though. Miracles are not outside the scope of God. I can't convert you though.
It is unethical and promotes the idea that, on a macro level (NOT a micro-level), people of different races can get along. Its is also a betrayal towards your race, part of your God-given identity).

nigga god's not real
You're entitled to the belief. It is a dangerous one though. Miracles are not outside the scope of God. I can't convert you though.
It's true, there's no solid or valid evidence of God's existence. There are over 3 200 religions in the world being practised and millions of deities worshipped while we speak. How do you know YOURS is the right one?
It's true, there's no solid or valid evidence of God's existence. There are over 3 200 religions in the world being practised and millions of deities worshipped while we speak. How do you know YOURS is the right one?
Mine is based on the verifiable fact or the only recorded reincarnation of a man (who was also God). Many other religions, such as Islam, do not have such an occurrence.
Mine is based on the verifiable fact or the only recorded reincarnation of a man (who was also God). Many other religions, such as Islam, do not have such an occurrence.
That occurrence never happened. If something is written in a book it doesn't mean it's automatically true and actually happened.
I believe in God, the only God, due to fact of the death and reincarnation of his son Jesus Christ. This was verified by over 500 witnesses, most who died at the hands of the Romans instead of lying to save their lives. Some were lit on fire and some were cut right down the middle in two.

Though I was not alive to witness myself, I become a witness through faith. Blessed are those who have not seen but still believe. I cannot show you a picture, I cannot recount a tale, and I never met Christ myself. Belief in the 21st century is 100% faith, and faith is the only way anyone is saved (not by an works done or undone).

Cucked by Jesus (who loves fags and mixed race b/c he loves everyone)
Cucked by Jesus (who loves fags and mixed race b/c he loves everyone)
Lol guy hope you don't believe that. Fags will burn.
That occurrence never happened. If something is written in a book it doesn't mean it's automatically true and actually happened.
You're entitled to believe that. I seriously can't convince you. I'm not called to evangelize anyway, I'm only called to apologize, which I did since you asked.
Britcels apparently don’t care about it but Americucks sure do. I thought she was Jewish until I heard about her being with Harry.
I couln't care less.
Just a pair of stupid people

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