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Discussion What do you have against beta providers?

sneed (not chuck)

sneed (not chuck)

Jan 15, 2023
Is it not a legitimate way to ascend? It's the only way most people will get laid and start families. Most normies are beta providers. Personally, I would beta provide for a Stacey.
Mods ban this cuck please.
I have nothing against them personally; my issue lies with the females who can lead a promiscuous life and still expect to have a beta male provide for them in their later years when their value as a mate has long diminished - their standards will also still be sky-high. It is very annoying. It is never a satisfying feeling, being in a subservient position to a female; she is bolstered to wreck your world by divorce-raping you and rendering all of your hard work null. What man in his right mind would be satisfied with such a role?
The default state of humankind of men to be beta providers to women tbh. Women are supposed to stay home, look after the home, and raise the children. Things went askew when women embraced sexual promiscuity. I fantasize about finding a virgin that will love me but I know it will never happen :cryfeels:
Nothing, just that I can’t bring myself to practice it, kek
I wouldn't mind fucking a fat single mother but wouldn't want to be roped into bringing up another man's kids, I don't even want kids of my own. They're expensive, annoying and drain all your energy.
I wouldn't mind fucking a fat single mother but wouldn't want to be roped into bringing up another man's kids, I don't even want kids of my own. They're expensive, annoying and drain all your energy.
Oh yeah same definitely, I would absolutely never entangle myself with anyone who had kids from some other chad. Fuck no.
Some (not all) incelize their sons
Is it not a legitimate way to ascend? It's the only way most people will get laid and start families. Most normies are beta providers. Personally, I would beta provide for a Stacey.
it's cucked because women can get a job and they out earn men
Is it not a legitimate way to ascend? It's the only way most people will get laid and start families. Most normies are beta providers. Personally, I would beta provide for a Stacey.
Nothing wrong if the woman you providing for is giving you good living.

Cooks good food, sucks dick good, washes your clothes, gives you childrenn.

Shieeeettt if I can get a Stacy I will beta provide. But not for a landwhale or sub 4 and below. There I prefer the modern "equal" relationship where the women wears the trousers and goes to work to bring home "MONEY". Fuck providing for s washed up old hag or some roastie with 3-4 kids in tow who i got to provide for as if i am the daddy. I rather masterbate or commit suicide irl.
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i would go back to fucking goats rather than being a beta provider
Nothing really. I just don't want to be one.
It's glorified prostitution. Except she'll abuse you unlike escorts

If they are not with us , they are against us . These cucks are not on our side , they will do anything for M'lady and turn on each other for a crumb of stinky fishy tuna pussy . :feelswhat::dafuckfeels:
Oh, mein gott! Do you, mister, think, that you arent the same as those filthy 'infidels'? They are savages, ho.. yeah, they can Betray™ Fellow™ Incel™ to get laid. Such devious creatures, no doubt! Only literal Satan' spawn can do that..

Sorry, man, but in the end we are all slaves, peasants, even atoms before biology. Kneel and repent - you will kill a man for a 'crumbordian of pussay' too, as would i, as would anyone here

we all want to fuck at the end of a day. Cant really suppress that.. damn you, evolution! I dont want to jerk off, i dont want to think about sex! I got my job to do, and i cant get anything done with this!!!! Alas, nothing can save you from your hormonal spikes

And so we want to get laid. We want, yep? Everyone wants. And everyone hoes separate ways to get laid.. someone goes to gym, in a futile attempt to make his living shell more beautiful.. someone tries to become rich, to make his living shell seem like smart and stable - wow! Look at me. I am rich!

You know the rest, mister. You already know all this

Oh...RNA again.
Nothing wrong if the woman you providing for is giving you good living.

Cooks good food, sucks dick good, washes your clothes, gives you childrenn.

Shieeeettt if I can get a Stacy I will beta provide. But not for a landwhale or sub 4 and below. There I prefer the modern "equal" relationship where the women wears the trousers and goes to work to bring home "MONEY". Fuck providing for s washed up old hag or some roastie with 3-4 kids in tow who i got to provide for as if i am the daddy. I rather masterbate or commit suicide irl.
Talk about circumstances)
I don’t have any problem with them or any issue against them.

They are simply selecting an option from one of the only options available to them.

It’s either betabux or rot sexless, and they choose to betabux for a whore because they value women highly, desire women strongly and can’t live without women without feeling lonely and depressed.

I’m 25 year old incel, and have been incel my whole life, by now I’m used to my existence and have just accepted my reality for what it is. If I was told to choose between being a wageslave so that I could betabux for a foid or to NEET and live without women, I’d rather NEET and live without women.

I value my spare time and I value not having to sacrifice my physical labour and selling my intellectual resources to society, just for the ability to be with a woman, I don’t value women that highly for me to value them more than The value I associate with having a life of freedom to do what I want without being shackled by a job.

BetabuxxERs are female WorshippERs, if they succumb to their strong desire for women and end up sacrificing their resources and dignity for a woman who will use these men for everything that they have while giving them barely anything back in return, then it’s their loss, not mine.

I don’t feel anything (either positive or negative) towards betabuxxERs because it doesn’t affect me what they do and also because I know that neither myself nor those men have any control over our desires (but rather our desires are controlling us), so I accept that they don’t have the free-will to do otherwise hence I can’t fault them for something out of their control
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Talk about circumstances)
yeah exactly"circumstances". Call me volcel but providing for a landwhale or old hag is just madness. I rather escortcel
yeah exactly"circumstances". Call me volcel but providing for a landwhale or old hag is just madness. I rather escortcel
You are good, i personally think that nobody is in the position to give ranks of fakecel-duracell to anyone

It is your deal, not mine, so do whatever you want) and dont think too much about randoms in the internet
They're cucks
Is it not a legitimate way to ascend? It's the only way most people will get laid and start families. Most normies are beta providers. Personally, I would beta provide for a Stacey.
Being a beta provider only made sense when it wasn't legal for foids to cuck you, divorce you and take most of your money. I shouldn't have to explain that here of all places jfl
Women who settle in the looks department are parasitic, dishonest prostitutes scamming guys into paying through the nose for a fake illusion of attraction.

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