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SuicideFuel What do you hate the most about being an incel?



21 yo 3.5/10 truecel monster
Jul 14, 2019
Despite all the shit I get daily for being a mental truecel, nothing compares to the pain of this chronic loneliness.

Just look at this image for example

Incel suifuel

Imagine actually being the first option to someone, being the first person they think about when they need company or anything like that. When they want to hang out. Imagine actually waking up with someone like pic related by your side.

We'll never have that, I've never even had a friend who considered me their first option, let alone a girlfriend.

I'm also not an ungrateful piece of shit, if I hadn't my parents and specially my brother with me I'd have already killed myself a long time ago. It's just that having someone like that outside of your family, even if it's just one friend, is a part of a normal healthy life.

Humans are social creatures, how am I supposed to keep trying to do anything when I lack something basic to our nature? I've never experienced this and I already have scars way too deep to have any hope, and my life until now is proving it won't get any better, only worse.

I could take all the shit I take for having incel tier looks and actually try to accomplish something if I just had at least a friend like that to serve as a little light in this dark world. This loneliness is by far the worst thing of my inceldom, my whole life is about coping and LDAR until nothing works anymore and I finally find the guts to end it all.
Being so socially unintelligent that you can barely even hold conversations
even if i somehow ascended i would still need to run after people to get theri affection .
I would need to chase after girls and jestermaxx .
Even if i just wanted to have friends , i would need to run after people .
Im sick of always trying to keep the conversation flowing ,
im sick of being the only one interested in being friends ( or more ) .

Thats the true blackpill here ,
Nobody will ever chase after you or value your attentiuon high enough of being worthy of doing that .
We will always be the ones running after people for their friendship or affection , always the third wheel ,
always the one dragging behind .

Im sick of this , and i wont chase after people anymore ..
If that means im lonely for the rest of my Life , SO BE IT .
at least ill die with dignity .
I hate being an incel because I'm alone. There is no one for me, no one who understands me, no one who can genuinely pat me on the shoulder and tell me that I did OK--not good, or even decent, just OK. No one cares for me even slightly.

You may look at me and see flesh and bone, but I assure you, there is nothing there.
The complete isolation and monotony of every single day.
Imagine actually being the first option to someone, being the first person they think about when they need company or anything like that. When they want to hang out. Imagine actually waking up with someone like pic related by your side.
This is the only reason people are able to tolerate wage slaving, they have people depending on them and they have something to look forward to when they come home
The invisibility, the shame of having desires that normies get no shame for.
I’m not lonely, just want to plunge my pork pistol in a warm snatch and feel some validation. Having some friends would be cool too.
No cute adorable loli waifu of culture
Being a purposeless wageslave
Coming home and sitting alone and my computer every day/weekend
Spending extra time and money grinding up the ladder for no real reason

The complete isolation and monotony of every single day.
i hate that i am lonely alot and its not the alone time i am refering to, its that feeling that the only people who care are my dysfunctional family and don,t get me wrong they drive me up the wall alot and put a lot of stress on me but i do care about them but that no one else in world gives a damn about me i have no friends never had a girlfriend. i can,t get a rental unit or get a job am so socialy awkward i look and sound like retard when i open my mouth and i think i might have some form of anxiety but am not sure and the worst part is when people find out i am unemployed they look at me with disgust like i have a disease or something i wish there was a way for society to feel how incels feel ,the never ending loneliness having no friends when things get rough no support what son ever knowing how we look or how tall we are gets us excluded from having a decent healthy life and having that someone look at us like we are not broken instead of looking at us like freaks. sorry guys for this post its rough and not well written but i have had a bad day and i am in a bit of a dark mood
Despite all the shit I get daily for being a mental truecel, nothing compares to the pain of this chronic loneliness.

Just look at this image for example

View attachment 162134

Imagine actually being the first option to someone, being the first person they think about when they need company or anything like that. When they want to hang out. Imagine actually waking up with someone like pic related by your side.

We'll never have that, I've never even had a friend who considered me their first option, let alone a girlfriend.

I'm also not an ungrateful piece of shit, if I hadn't my parents and specially my brother with me I'd have already killed myself a long time ago. It's just that having someone like that outside of your family, even if it's just one friend, is a part of a normal healthy life.

Humans are social creatures, how am I supposed to keep trying to do anything when I lack something basic to our nature? I've never experienced this and I already have scars way too deep to have any hope, and my life until now is proving it won't get any better, only worse.

I could take all the shit I take for having incel tier looks and actually try to accomplish something if I just had at least a friend like that to serve as a little light in this dark world. This loneliness is by far the worst thing of my inceldom, my whole life is about coping and LDAR until nothing works anymore and I finally find the guts to end it all.
nkt having someone do sexual yoga with
is worse part. but to some degree NoFap compensate
Being reminded about it everywhere
I hate feeling like I'm trapped behind an ugly face that I don't identify with.
I hate feeling like I'm trapped behind an ugly face that I don't identify with.
Theres nothing wrong with being ugly personally, its just the way we are treated for having an ugly face.
Being f^cking ugly, what else would incels hate about themselves?
Being ugly is the core reason why we’re in this situation.
Just look at this image for example

View attachment 162134

What we feel when looking at this picture has, IMHO, nothing to do with loneliness.

This is a beautiful young woman. What you're experiencing is emotional and sexual desire. Since it's not entirely satisfied (you wish you'd be living this, not just looking at the pic), this desire turns into frustration.

This has nothing to do with loneliness, otherwise a picture of a non-attractive woman, or even just a man, would have been just as good an example.

Few days ago I was in a public steam room and a young attractive female sat next to me. I hadn't been close to an attractive young female with that little clothes on for years. It was painful, but clearly not because of loneliness. It was just frustration.

Paradoxically, loneliness hurts less when you're actually alone. It's the taunting that hurts.

Islam is right about women : they should hide their beauty.
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I hate being an incel because I'm alone. There is no one for me, no one who understands me, no one who can genuinely pat me on the shoulder and tell me that I did OK--not good, or even decent, just OK. No one cares for me even slightly.

You may look at me and see flesh and bone, but I assure you, there is nothing there.
Being a member of a race whose women prefer whites to their own.
Fuark I hate being mentally blackpilled, I want to be a normie like others, I don't want to go insane or kill myself, I JUST WANT TO BE FUCKING NORMAL.


  • d49e6653080b84d002b77ec18763ad6a.jpg
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It's fine, really.


No life security

Cant get or do anything because I'm ugly and dumb
The hypocrisy and lies from women and society. Most women aren't sincere, they try to keep you in the beta orbiting cuck "farm" so to speak through lies, "improve your personality bro", "treat women right bro", and society nowadays preaches that some random black dude who overheard a silly joke or a transgender who got his/her/its/whatever pronouns addressed incorrectly is hyper oppressed and a victim while a truecel who has to live through decades and decades without even knowing how it feels to peck kiss a foid is not someone with problems or a victim. They treat it as a nonissue.
even if i somehow ascended i would still need to run after people to get theri affection .
I would need to chase after girls and jestermaxx .
Even if i just wanted to have friends , i would need to run after people .
Im sick of always trying to keep the conversation flowing ,
im sick of being the only one interested in being friends ( or more ) .

Thats the true blackpill here ,
Nobody will ever chase after you or value your attentiuon high enough of being worthy of doing that .
We will always be the ones running after people for their friendship or affection , always the third wheel ,
always the one dragging behind .

Im sick of this , and i wont chase after people anymore ..
If that means im lonely for the rest of my Life , SO BE IT .
at least ill die with dignity .
Being treated as an inferior being by cucks and foids for my face, WHEN THEY'RE THE SUBHUMANS, they can't think rationally or intelligently and ruined the life of ugly men with their degeneracy, but they rule, fuck this clown world.
It's real bad for my self-esteem. I can only imagine how being self-confident feels like.
The no sex and no gf is pretty bad i suppose.

I was just thinking today. I literally don't even need a cellphone. I don't get any texts or calls from anyone outside of family. I too wish I was someone's first option. I wish I had friends who wanted to hangout with me. I can never move past the acquaintance stage when it comes to friends. No one ever wants to be close to me in that way. I was meant to be alone.
Theres nothing wrong with being ugly personally, its just the way we are treated for having an ugly face.
I wouldn't mind being treated like shit while having a face that I was personally okay with.
loneliness, inability to interact with people, depression
I hate my life and the fact that's not gonna get any better
The rejection. If i had a quality gf i love who cares?
Dude, I have never fucking kissed and I`m already 25yo, what is there not to hate about it?
Loneliness and having no motivation to do the stuff I wanna do because of how shit I feel from how badly people treat me and how I never get any validation from anyone

Overall the worst thing (apart from not having a gf) is random fuckers on the street making fun of my appearance. Whenever I'm somewhere which isn't my home I have no choice but to be in a constant state of tension and feel constantly apprehensive because of this and there is nothing I can do that will ever change that.
The constant brow beating from feminist and cucks.
That there is absolutely NOTHING that I can do to change my situation. In other areas of life, my self-improvement efforts usually yield tangible results. But when it comes to attracting women, no amount of self-improvement will help as there is no gym for my face, no personality courses for my face, and no money for my repulsive face.
You can have friends as an incel

The shitty part is the lack of female validation
The desire to be wanted is legit. So many people take the fact that they're wanted for granted. Life gives too many undeserving people glory, seemingly endless unbreakable companionship, "love", and pleasure while we get nothing but more reasons to kill ourselves or go ER.
Thats the true blackpill here ,
Nobody will ever chase after you or value your attention high enough of being worthy of doing that .
We will always be the ones running after people for their friendship or affection , always the third wheel ,
always the one dragging behind .

Im sick of this , and i wont chase after people anymore ..
If that means im lonely for the rest of my Life , SO BE IT .
at least ill die with dignity .
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Being ugly and be a young guy in this specific time period
Despite all the shit I get daily for being a mental truecel, nothing compares to the pain of this chronic loneliness.

Just look at this image for example

View attachment 162134

Imagine actually being the first option to someone, being the first person they think about when they need company or anything like that. When they want to hang out. Imagine actually waking up with someone like pic related by your side.

We'll never have that, I've never even had a friend who considered me their first option, let alone a girlfriend.

I'm also not an ungrateful piece of shit, if I hadn't my parents and specially my brother with me I'd have already killed myself a long time ago. It's just that having someone like that outside of your family, even if it's just one friend, is a part of a normal healthy life.

Humans are social creatures, how am I supposed to keep trying to do anything when I lack something basic to our nature? I've never experienced this and I already have scars way too deep to have any hope, and my life until now is proving it won't get any better, only worse.

I could take all the shit I take for having incel tier looks and actually try to accomplish something if I just had at least a friend like that to serve as a little light in this dark world. This loneliness is by far the worst thing of my inceldom, my whole life is about coping and LDAR until nothing works anymore and I finally find the guts to end it all.

Lonliness is number 1 but also being hated.
Lets face it, there is no sympathy for incels at all. Being an incel is like being gay in the 1960s in the south, you basically are trapped in the closet and can't seek any help from anyone.

Also the fear, the fear that it doesn't get better it only gets worse. Sure I can cope more and find things to take the pain away but inceldom only gets worse with age because as more and more people settle down there are less people for you and your inceldom becomes harder and harder to hide. People start to wonder why you're almost 40 and still alone. Then comes the realization that when you're really old like in your 70s what then? What happens when you're that old and you have nobody? What happens if you get sick? You'll end up in some government run nursing home laying in your own piss and shit and being abused by some government social worker who doesn't care about you.
The complete isolation and monotony of every single day.

This is the only reason people are able to tolerate wage slaving, they have people depending on them and they have something to look forward to when they come home
I've yet the feel the full brunt of loneliness and isolation. When my parents pass away is when life will get really hard for me.

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