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Experiment What do you estimate your chance of ascension is?

What do you think your chance of ascension is? Be honest, no shame in having hope

  • Pretty likely, if i just get a good job and looksmaxx i might get there! 60% +

  • Will be very hard but can maybe get my betabux at 35 when women's standard goes down slightly 20-40%

  • Very unlikely, might never ascend in my life time even if i improve myself in every aspect 5%-10%

  • I have a bigger chance of becoming the president of russia and discovering a new planet 0,0001%

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Anyone who says the first option is Chad. :chad::banhammer:
It pains my soul to be over 35, and incapable of even betabuxing a fat tattooed landwhale.
I don't have chance, as I can't even do betabuxxing even if I try, unless I become rich which too have no chance.

It's over before it was even over.
I could have ascended if I started looksmaxxing at middle school, but now the damage is done.
if i lookmaxx, careermaxx, thugmaxx, betamaxx, moneymaxx, friendmaxx, statusmaxx, and jestermaxx I think I would have a 5% chance. Right now my chances are less then 1%
Ideally i'd be 20 to 40%
But more realistically i am 5 to 10%
But betabuxx is cucked
Virgin innocent trad girl only
If I looksmaxxed, money maxxed and status maxxed, I'd probably be able to fuck a granny with grandchildren
A question I never really thought about I would have to intensify my socialmaxxing and statusmaxxing that would be a very long road. I’m a mixedcel and i don’t think I’ll get the chance to grow a relationship with people since I’m always kicked to the curb.
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I have mental and health issues, short, ugly, poor, slav, it's beyond over for me. But as i age and suffer through life, my libido is almost gone. It still comes back sometimes but most of the time is next to non existent.
Spacemaxxing is the only way I can imagine.
ECOA, % - Estimated Chance of Ascension.
I'm mid 30s. Going to be 40 soon.
I always said I'll probably fuck a hooker eventually but I don't have any money. I currently have $0 on me and I owe a family member $300. I just can't fucking catch a break in this shitty world.
Im a spic and spic girls are the few foids who dont treat me like trash so looksmaxxing and ascending with one is my last hope rn

Spent the past year moneymaxxing, looksmaxxing and NTmaxxing. I use tinder premium to run jbw game and talk to girls in various place around the world and get matches and girls talking to me.

Going to japan, korea, china early next year.

If I can't ascend with all this it is fucking over. Fucking turned my life around completely in last yesr or two. But ngl pretty sure i am just a mentalcel and locationcel at the present
Last one, unironically.
If I run my Tinder and OLD stats, I'm pretty close to that figure
I'm cursed with manletism and impaired social skills, I suspect I also might be a mentalcel too. My chance of ascension is near 0%. Not knowing how to talk with people coupled with short height is quantum stealth invisibility cloaks to foids.
5 chads voted, apparently
Very problematic, because femoids are ugly and stupid, and teen girls made illegal
Have some confidence, most of you are capable of ascending later by becoming betabux for an ugly fat 1/10 landwhale in it's 30s. """"""ascend"""""""
I still have some hope, even though everything is telling me that I'm hopeless.
Third option for old used-up ugly cunt.

Fourth option for young virgin white girl.
i'm a wizard so it's 0%
KHHV at 38. Do I have to say more?
I'm holding out for societal collapse so that I can capture myself a virgin out in the post-apocalyptic wastes
I have a subhuman face, things won't improve for me unless I get an unhealthy amount of plastic surgery.
Volcel, if you picked the first option.
now I'm avoidant and unable to properly interact with humanoids
It would take a miracle for me to go back to school or to a gym then another miracle that hopefully a foid would show interrest then another miracle that everything go smoothly, but i think i'll have more chances of getting hit by an asteroids.
It pains my soul to be over 35, and incapable of even betabuxing a fat tattooed landwhale.
Try Slav foids, they'll agree as long you $$$ and take them away from Eastern Europe.
I still hope one day I will wake up as big-dicked Chad. Call it a gigacope but it's what keeps me going during darkest moments.
90% of cels could probably betabuxx but that'd be EXTREMELY cucked and only make your situation worse, realistically my chances of proper ascension, achieving a healthy social and sexual life, are less than 10%.
I have a subhuman face, things won't improve for me unless I get an unhealthy amount of plastic surgery.
plastic surgery requires good foundation as well and has its own limits. It can help to ascend if max 1 - 3 parts of the face need correction. Otherwise you'll look plastic which is also ugly AF
After seeing the results St.Blackops2cel got on tinder in Kenya... I'm pretty sure ascension is just a trip away.
If you didn't ascend in high school or college/uni, it's already over, boyos.
Betabuxxing is so cucked I'll never forgive myself if I did it, but that is probably my only chance of ascension.

If you didn't ascend in high school or college/uni, it's already over, boyos.

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