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Toxic Femininity What Do Women Truly Want? Why Are Women Ungrateful and Bitter Towards Men?



Jul 30, 2022
It was mostly Men who Fought and Died to protect Women for Millennia. This has not changed, even until today

Men have fought and died in countless wars to protect the women of their nation or community - Yet they complain and say “men are toxic”, “men are trash”, “men have bad attitudes”, “I’ll feel safer alone bear than a man”. It’s the same men who designed built the world that has enabled the average woman to live as freely and independently as ever. From my observations, I’ve reached a conclusion that many women are ungrateful, and they tend to try and find something to criticize in the behaviors of men, despite all the things that men have historically done for them

A woman might counter-argue and say, “It’s men who start wars, not us. So why should we be grateful to men who fight wars that they were responsible for starting in the first place?”. However, history shows it was not always men who initiated conflicts. There have been women in history who also performed actions that resulted in widespread conflict, or aggravated it, like Tamara the Great (Queen of Georgia from 12th to 13th century), Cleopatra the 7th (Queen of Ptolemaic Kingdom), Queen Isabella I (Queen of Castille aka Spain & Portugal), Marie Antoinette (Queen of France prior to French Revolution). History shows that in some cases, it was the actions of women in positions of power that either caused or exacerbated a situation that led to widespread conflict

Actually there is a published study that showed historical queens were around 39% more likely to declare war than historical kings (Harish & Dube, 2019):

Nonetheless, regardless of whether a man or woman initiated the events that led to widespread conflict - It is normally the common man who has to fight the battles, not women. The common man doesn’t have a say in whether their home country goes to war, or which non-friendly army or region should be targeted. The common man only follows orders from his superiors. If he’s told he has to buckle up and prepare for combat, that’s what will be expected of him. If he’s injured or slaughtered in mid-combat, it would be perceived by his allies as a noble sacrifice for a greater cause - A man who served his country well, until he was slaughtered in the battlefield

Women will never really understand this, cause it was never them who had to fulfil these deadly roles throughout history, and go life-and-death with enemy combatants who were a threat to the safety and wellbeing of the homeland. It was primarily men who fulfilled these roles, and it is primarily men who will continue to fulfil these roles, despite the risk of critical injury / death that comes with it. Remember if a new world war breaks out, we are the ones who will be sent to the battlefield to die for their asses, while they stay at home comfortably, nurturing children, and living to breed another day (with the males who are still alive). Men are the ones who will have to risk their lives and have their organs ripped out of their bodies. Women are the ones who will be protected, far away from the bloody frontlines, and doing passive duties like nursing, telecommunications, babysitting etc.

The Appreciative Woman vs The Ungrateful Woman

An appreciative woman empathizes with the plight of young men, because she remembers that she’s indebted to men at the end of the day. The appreciative woman remembers that
(1) it was ultimately the discoveries & the works of men that enabled her to become as “empowered” and “independent” as ever before, (2) it was mostly men who fought and died in previous conflicts to protect her female ancestors, and (3) it is mostly men who would fight and die in potential future conflicts to protect her ass and the asses of other women

An ungrateful woman forgets what men did for her and her female ancestors, and the sacrifices that men made in order to protect women and eventually create the conditions that enabled her to become “empowered” and “independent”. The ungrateful woman who forgets the sacrifices and efforts of her male ancestors, so she says “men are trash”, “men are toxic”, “I’ll feel safer alone with a bear”

You can look at this differently. Think about all the stuff that women have access to, and think about who invented, designed or manufactured these things. Their phone? Men. Their social media? Men. Men. Their houses? Men. The systems used to supply water, heating and gas to their houses? Men. The systems used to export trash and organic waste from their houses? Men. Their personal computers? Men. Their jobs? Men (if the industry wasn’t established by men, the companies probably were). Their social welfare entitlements? Men (via obligatory tax payments, lawmakers). The vehicles they use for private transport (owned cars) and public transport (buses, planes, trains)? Men. The online and real-world supermarkets in which they shop? Men. The substances used to provide healthcare and safe contraceptive treatment? Men.

Men built, designed or invented almost everything that the average woman depends on to get by day by day. Yet many of these women will say, “you’re not entitled to blah blah blah” :foidSoy:, "I don't need a man to tell me what I should and shouldn't do" :foidSoy: “you should seek therapy” :foidSoy:, “he gives me the ick” :foidSoy:. Remember this. If neither the welfare state nor safe & effective contraception / abortion existed, most of these women would still be in traditional roles, with less independence and less liberties. Men did most of the hard work that made it possible for women to live “independently” with more societal liberties

There is No Compromise. Women seem to Dislike Men in General

I have the opinion that zoomer females are beyond compromise. I think women dislike most men. This explains the record rates of foid homosexuality (mostly in Gen Z and Millennials), record rates of sexless / dateless males in Gen Z and Millennials in western countries, record rates of divorce (most of them are wife-initiated), and other consequences that can be traced back to the rise of liberal feminism in western society

IMO The average woman is only attracted to the minority of men
- The other majority of men, she sees them as useful tools to help her get by (aka betabux, oofy doofy), or she finds them repulsive due to their physical appearance. If she allows them to fuck, it’s primarily cause of her ability to force him into betabux if she were to conceive and birth his child, not because she finds him attractive enough to let him fuck her purely for fun. Basically, most men to her, are either suited to fulfil role of emotional pillow / orbiter / financial sponsor, or they would give her the “ick” just by existing. It is only a minority of men, for who she has an interest that transcends the roles of emotional tampon, orbiter and financial sponsor

I also think women in general have disliked men for millennia --- Except the power structures and lack of access to safe / reliable means of contraception in previous eras, did not enable women to behave as disloyally and unapologetically towards men as they do today.
If the average woman dislikes most men, why do they dislike most men? I cannot say. It might be cause they perceive most men to be physically unattractive, but I don’t think it’s that simple

Zoomer Women seem to be Ungrateful and Too Pampered. One day, Women will Learn why Men are Invaluable to their Wellbeing & Quality of Life

Based on my anecdotal observations, many zoomer females seem to be ungrateful towards men. Especially as most of them seemed to favour the bear in the “man vs bear” debate. Men from previous eras were even more conservative and patriarchal as men today. No grateful woman would have chosen the bear over the man. This is one of the reasons why I’d never personally contribute towards the upbringing of a daughter if I ever had one. Imagine financially supporting a daughter until she becomes an adult, only for her to say things like “I hate men”, “men are this”, “men are that” :foidSoy:, and allows random men to fuck her without even telling you who's fucking her. It’s a major waste of money to contribute to a daughter’s upbringing, for her to turn out like this

If the time ever comes, which it likely will, zoomer females (and future generations of females) will learn why the creativity of men and the efforts of men, were ultimately invaluable to their safety, their economic wellbeing and the advancement of their social empowerment as women – The only downside is that it will be at expense of the lives of many men, and empires will either fall or dissipate in the process. Bears didn’t build the things that enabled women to become empowered and have access to better standards of living. Men did. Bears didn’t risk their lives by marching in the face of swords and spears, to bullets and explosions, so their women could remain safe and able to live comfortably as “empowered, independent women”. Men did

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TMW you have light mode on so you cant read any of OP's text
read it. agree with everything. zoomer foids in the west are spoiled cunts and they should be ditched in an island to see how long they will last
zoomer foids in the west are spoiled cunts and they should be ditched in an island to see how long they will last
They're like that outside the west as well, power of globalization.
Foids will hate men for anything, accuse them of anything too. And society praises foids for it.
Zoomer females have grown up in an environment where their sinful and wicked nature can fully be on display. This has caused them to be the most vile females to ever exist. They'll only begin to appreciate males when the countries are in collapse and can't be fixed
I wish women would be kicked out to die in the wild for being such ungrateful brats. Cool, don't like men? Get the fuck out of society then, it belongs to men as we created it.
Good looks is way more important to foids than civilizational building ability or any other productive traits and qualities.
A woman might counter-argue and say, “It’s men who start wars, not us. So why should we be grateful to men who fight wars that they were responsible for starting in the first place?”.
This is foid super retardation since they stop finding men attractive the moment they stop having the will to fight and be aggressive.

Foid tard worm animals beat foids enslave foids
I wish women would be kicked out to die in the wild for being such ungrateful brats. Cool, don't like men? Get the fuck out of society then, it belongs to men as we created it.
Good looks is way more important to foids than civilizational building ability or any other productive traits and qualities.

Also OP, I've never seen what you described as "appreciative foid" in my entire life. I can't even imagine it, seems totally impossible. I can only imagine a foid respecting a man and being grateful to him in a manipulative way when she needs something.
Most get stoned. Others get the bull fire whip for treatment.

Angry Black And White GIF by BLoafX
Nft Cowboy GIF by Rug Radio

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The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

“I was shown hell. I saw that most of its inhabitants were ungrateful women… The Prophet was asked: ‘Were they ungrateful to Allāh?’ He replied: ‘They were ungrateful to their husbands and for the favors and the good done to them. If you show benevolence to one of them and then she sees something in you not to her liking, she will say: ‘I have never seen any good in you.’”[2]

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