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Venting What do normies think we are doing wrong?



Mar 8, 2020
What is it that normies mean when they say we need to improve our personalities? Outside of this forum, I don't use incel terms, I don't say negative things about females, I don't voice frustration at people and I try to be friendly; I'm sure that most people here are the same. We aren't acting in a way that would logically cause people to dislike us, so how can normies remotely justify saying that personality is the problem. What makes me laugh is that this is only ever said online where our 'incel personality' is visible. In real life I've never had someone tell me that I need to improve my personality in any particular way.
they think we're like this:

when we actually are like this:
All foids irl said that they like my personality and humor but here i am, 22 years olf KV
All foids irl said that they like my personality and humor but here i am, 22 years olf KV
This is what I hate. I've been told that my personality is fine. I've had the whole "A guy like you would be great" speech before, and I've had females tell me that I'd be a good partner. How am I supposed to take this and conclude that my personality is broken?
They think we’re doing something wrong because decent looking guys and ALL women have no problem getting laid and eventually finding a partner. Ive said it before, since it’s so natural to them they think we must have horrible personalities.

Women’s choice in partner is merely a matter of filtering out, but she thinks she’s doing work.

Men that are above 7-8 in looks get positive reaction from women — regardless of any stupid thing he says, but he swears that he used his game and worked for it. This is from the blue pill premise that women are less horny than men and need to be turned on, but that’s bullshit

Normies think the incel is lazy and get angry if a girl rejects him but don’t understand how many times he’s failed and how horribly hes been treated overall

In public I’m very polite and shy, and I never say the things in public that I say on this forum
They think we’re doing something wrong because decent looking guys and ALL women have no problem getting laid and eventually finding a partner. Ive said it before, since it’s so natural to them they think we must have horrible personalities.

Women’s choice in partner is merely a matter of filtering out, but she thinks she’s doing work.

Men that are above 7-8 in looks get positive reaction from women — regardless of any stupid thing he says, but he swears that he used his game and worked for it. This is from the blue pill premise that women are less horny than men and need to be turned on, but that’s bullshit

Normies think the incel is lazy and get angry if a girl rejects him but don’t understand how many times he’s failed and how horribly hes been treated overall

In public I’m very polite and shy, and I never say the things in public that I say on this forum
Good theory. I think they see us getting awkward reactions from females and assume that our conversation skills are poor when in reality females don't want to talk to us because they don't like our looks.
If you're not good looking normie logic says you have to max out all other stats before you could even think about looking at the opposite sex.

Just their hamsters avoiding saying you're ugly.

How many incels have been told any girl would be lucky to have you? And isn't it's funny that said girl is more elusive than Bigfoot or a virgin foid?
You're not jestermaxxing.
they are under the illusion that its possible to change personality and your inhibition like its not a genetic thing while at the same time giving advice to be yourself :lul: :lul:
your personality is shit bro you need to change it but be yourself :lul:
Only IT thinks that. They like to believe that saying mean/edgy/controversial stuff online means we're monsters irl. Maybe it's in part because reddit culture is highly draconian about censoring anything remotely offensive and politically incorrect, so they find people not censoring themselves at all and speaking freely shocking, but it's mostly about looking for 'lolcows' to shit on and feel superior over, given their user's overlap with a number of other 'cringe subs'.
They have no idea and they talk pure bullshit, the live in completely different world than us
Feeble-minded normies cannot think outside their just-world theory. If we incels can't get laid, then we must be doing something wrong on OUR ends, according to them. They can't possibly fathom that there are factors completely beyond our control (ugly looks, high inhibition due to bullying/mockery, etc).
They think that the reason why we are where we are is because we're not simping for m'lady.
They think we're so low inhib we can shitpost IRL. :chad:

But the "normies" who are obsessed with incels aren't normies, they're just incels in denial. Every time I've checked the post history of someone on IT they're like a 30 yo bald fat virgin who thinks he's better than us because he "Respeks wahmen" and pays for some foids onlyfans. :soy: Real normies are too busy fucking foids and living life, they're not lurking on .co and reeeeeeposting on IT.
normies think we're ugly

IT fags also know we're ugly, an infiltrator even said to us that we are ugly:
he mogs the fuck out of you losers who wouldn't even dare to post their face on the internet. where the fuck do you think you are, you seriously think you can mog anyone you ugly fucks?
Whenever I've chatted with women where they couldn't see my face (online, or being a chadfish), they liked my personality just fine. It's only after they saw what I looked like that they mysteriously stopped liking my "personality."
Whenever I've chatted with women where they couldn't see my face (online, or being a chadfish), they liked my personality just fine. It's only after they saw what I looked like that they mysteriously stopped liking my "personality."
Happens all the time. Without showing my face females will talk to me, but if they see it they lose interest.

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