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Serious What counts as legit ascending and what as paying for sex but in other forms of value exchange?

Which is paying for sex with extra steps and which is genuine ascension because women liked you

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Feb 23, 2022
Today I took my weekly shower and began to ponder what really counts as ascending. [Unpaid sex] is the seemingly obvious definition, but what happens when the payment isn't done in cash?

1. Would traveling with easy women and paying for all the trip expenses count as ascending? The woman most likely wouldn't have sex with me normally and it's really just prostitution with extra steps

2. If women offered to sleep with me after doing some maintenance work (plumbing, gardening, being electrician etc.) unlike in porn people check on spare cash beforehand to check if they have enough money, so if women offered you that it would mean she likes you on some level..

3. And what if she wanted to pay for gas, but fuck for work you did?Again by technicality you haven't originally intended but ultimately are paying for sex, just not in cash but in other means of value exchange

4. If you're a vendor and the item women spread your legs for was food (carrots, box of eggs, milk, beef?) Video from india, because from where else:feelskek:

View: https://twitter.com/gandha_gandhi/status/1597246293285699584?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1597246293285699584%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

5. What if it was because you were boss/important role in workplacs and she was trying to get into higher position. This time it's even harder to tell because she could be doing it to get richer and corrupt the system so whenever layoffs happen she gets laid off last. She could genuinely like you. Or she could be degenerate whore with submission to authority fantasy or something like that

Curious for your opinions:feelshehe:
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Basically all instances of consensual sex involve some exchange of value (e.g. genetics, economic resources, social status or power to promote or demote others in a bureaucratic environment). This means you practically cant ascend without "paying for sex". Everytime a woman would agree to have sex, it exactly means that on your part, something of value that has caught her interest will be given to her. It just may not always be explicitly stated, what she would expect you to give in return for sex

Also none of the scenarios in OP would count as ascending. Users here seem to be misunderstood about the meaning of "ascension". Ascension is not just about receiving "validated sex", it's about having security of access / consistent access to sex. This means if someone were to receive "validated sex" (e.g. casual sex) once or twice in a lifetime, this may not automatically mean they will have ascended, because they could experience a multi-decade dry spell after having "validated sex" on a few occasions. By the same standard, an escortmaxxer can be judged to "ascended" because they have a secure / constant access to pussy over extensive periods via escortbux

But despite a secure / consistent access to pussy via escortbux, an escortmaxxer may be judged as incel in respect to a common view in the :blackpill: culture that looks has more importance than wealth and status in the world of sex & relationship. Any male who cannot sexually attract a female with their looks alone, by that standard would be judged as incel by others in the :blackpill: culture, even if they had other "non-genetic resources" to gain consistent access to pussy over prolonged period (e.g. use economic resource to escortmaxx or use status to groupiemaxx). By the same standard, a male with high-value genetics (e.g. face, height, frame) and little to zero history of "validated sex" would be judged as either volcel or mentalcel (e.g. autism, schizo) by the :blackpill: culture

Whether or not looks matters more than wealth or status in the sex market is a comparative issue, because previous eras of mankind didnt exactly operate by the same standard as modern men of today in context to sexual relations. In previous eras, looks did not matter, because either wealth or brute force was used to gain consistent access to pussy. Physically unattractive men were able to slay as long as they had control of economic resources or power to physically force women into submission

TLDR: All instances of consensual sex involve exchange of value, which means its practically impossible to ascend without "paying for sex". Ascension is not only about receiving "validated sex". Ascension is about having consistent access to pussy over extensive periods. The only true ways to ascend without "paying for sex", are through rape (which is uncivil and illegal) and accidential sexual penetration (which is practically impossible)
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Any sex including escorts is ascending thus making me the only truecel here (Ok, maybe a few handful of people are truecels as well).
TLDR: All instances of consensual sex involve exchange of value, which means its practically impossible to ascend without "paying for sex". Ascension is not only about receiving "validated sex". Ascension is about having consistent access to pussy over extensive periods. The only true ways to ascend without "paying for sex", are through rape (which is uncivil and illegal) and accidential sexual penetration (which is practically impossible)
Then should betabuxxers, that is, married men with golddiggers, be allowed on this forum?
I mean, they would be literally involuntarily celibate had it not been for their money and their "wife" is a prostitute that gets their money and has sex with them every now and then (certainly a lot less than how frenquently he wants it).
It is literally the exact same situation as escortmaxxing, except with less lying and paperwork involved.
Then should betabuxxers, that is, married men with golddiggers, be allowed on this forum?
I mean, they would be literally involuntarily celibate had it not been for their money and their "wife" is a prostitute that gets their money and has sex with them every now and then (certainly a lot less than how frenquently he wants it).
It is literally the exact same situation as escortmaxxing, except with less lying and paperwork involved.
Exactly that is the point. If the person has consistent access to sex over extensive periods, irrespective of whether they are betabux, escortbux or frequent "validated sex", it can still count as ascension. If the forum is really and truly for "non-ascended" males then from a practical POV, regular escortmaxxers and slayers by means of betabux / groupiemax shouldn't be active users

However the supreme belief in :blackpill: culture is that genetics (e.g. facial attractiveness, height, frame) has practically absolute dominance over status, wealth and personality in a liberal sex market. If you struggle or are unable to receive validated sex due to physical unattractiveness, you would still class as "incel" by the :blackpill:-cultured definition, even if you had the resources to slay pussy by other means (e.g. escortbux, groupiemax)

By the standards of :blackpill: culture, "male inceldom" is when a male struggles or is unable to convince females to sex through looks and genetics alone. The :blackpill:-cultured definition of "incel" doesn't really take into consideration that low-tier males may still often slay pussy (or have the means to slay pussy) through alternate methods that involve an exchange of value other than "genetic resources" (e.g. the use of economic resources to escortmax, the use of force or coercive means to rapemax, the use of own social status to groupiemax)
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Exactly that is the point. If the person has consistent access to sex over extensive periods, irrespective of whether they are betabux, escortbux or frequent "validated sex", it can still count as ascension. If the forum is really and truly for "non-ascended" males then from a practical POV, regular escortmaxxers and slayers by means of betabux / groupiemax shouldn't be active users

However the supreme belief in :blackpill: culture is that genetics (e.g. facial attractiveness, height, frame) has practically absolute dominance over status, wealth and personality in a liberal sex market. If you struggle or are unable to receive validated sex due to physical unattractiveness, you would still class as "incel" by the :blackpill:-cultured definition, even if you had the resources to slay pussy by other means (e.g. escortbux, groupiemax)

By the standards of :blackpill: culture, "male inceldom" is when a male struggles or is unable to convince females to sex through looks and genetics alone. The :blackpill:-cultured definition of "incel" doesn't really take into consideration that low-tier males may still often slay pussy (or have the means to slay pussy) through alternate methods that involve an exchange of value other than "genetic resources" (e.g. the use of economic resources to escortmax, the use of force or coercive means to rapemax, the use of own social status to groupiemax)
Bookmarked (sorry I can't make a long reply, but I don't have muh time currently). 11/10 post :feelsokman: :feelsokman: :feelsokman: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Exactly that is the point. If the person has consistent access to sex over extensive periods, irrespective of whether they are betabux, escortbux or frequent "validated sex", it can still count as ascension. If the forum is really and truly for "non-ascended" males then from a practical POV, regular escortmaxxers and slayers by means of betabux / groupiemax shouldn't be active users

However the supreme belief in :blackpill: culture is that genetics (e.g. facial attractiveness, height, frame) has practically absolute dominance over status, wealth and personality in a liberal sex market. If you struggle or are unable to receive validated sex due to physical unattractiveness, you would still class as "incel" by the :blackpill:-cultured definition, even if you had the resources to slay pussy by other means (e.g. escortbux, groupiemax)

By the standards of :blackpill: culture, "male inceldom" is when a male struggles or is unable to convince females to sex through looks and genetics alone. The :blackpill:-cultured definition of "incel" doesn't really take into consideration that low-tier males may still often slay pussy (or have the means to slay pussy) through alternate methods that involve an exchange of value other than "genetic resources" (e.g. the use of economic resources to escortmax, the use of force or coercive means to rapemax, the use of own social status to groupiemax)
How old are you?
Specializing in inceldom? Native english speaker?
Yeah native english. Only escortbuxed but currently unemployed. I've had :blackpill: related ideas since 12 years old. Throughout teen and early adult years, I became more and more aware of the bullshit ways of normies. Now I'm just :blackpill: beyond return
Yeah native english. Only escortbuxed but currently unemployed. I've had :blackpill: related ideas since 12 years old. Throughout teen and early adult years, I realized the bullshit ways of normies more and more. Now I'm just :blackpill: beyond return
Heh, this is what specialization does to mofo
Heh, this is what specialization does to mofo
Brutal JFL. Go deep enough into the :blackpill: and any capacity you previously had for pairbonding or romance will be destroyed
If you give her anything besides sperm, it's paying for sex.
nice poll dude honto sugoi
there is no such thing as "ascension".

If one is born a Chad / alpha male that's what he is.

If one is born a Simp / Normie / Beta male, that's what he is.

If one is born a trucel / mentalcel / manlet / omega male, that's what he is.

There is no method for turning a terminally bluepilled m'lady betabuxx m'queen simp :soy: into a Chad :chad:

anymore than there is

a method to turn a deformed autistic manlet NEET permavirgin (omega male) :incel: into an attractive prospect for a foid to "settle down" with and offload her bills onto after she has had her fun with the cock carousel. :foidSoy::soy:

Incels who still think about "ascension" are not blackpilled, IMO.
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