Tryharding is a scam. Be it in video games, the work place, anything you do, never try hard and never give a fuck about "muh kda, muh ranking, muh job performance." Think about it. In video games, no one gives a shit if you're a god at Call of Duty. WOWWEEE ZOWIEEE you got to Diamond 1 with a 10 to 1 KDA? OH GOLLY GEE! None of the random people you interact with with care all that much or remember in 10 years unless you were some e-sport pro gaymur with a fanbase and even then they won't care all that much either. Most e-sports is just about who's marketable and bends the knee to corporate bullshit. They make less $$$ than youtubers and streamers anyway except in rare cases. Instead try chasing memories. While you were wasting your youth in the MLG being a god at Halo 2 doing high stress scrims and linking up on IRC to play with other skilled dweebs all your bros were having social bonding playing SWAT and Zombie game modes having a blast and making lasting connections. Every LAN you ever went to you never got invited back cause you're a tryhard little shit that wasn't fun to be around.
Being #1 at your job? Fuck that shit. The harder you work, the more work bossman and all the other retards stuck working jobs will make you do . All you're doing is being a smug prick making your fellow co-workers look bad. "b-b-b-b-but I'm the fastest cashier surely they'll promote me to supervisor" you tell yourself. No no no, they only promote the bootlicking toe suckers to higher positions whom they like. Do you like Trump but all your bosses simp for Hilary? Too bad, no promo for you jackass, even if you have perfect attendance and are the best at what you do. Never ever fucking tryhard cause it'll just cause you more problems. Strive to make bros and memories that have similar mind sets. You've only got like 30 good years as an adult before you fall apart. Use 'em to network and connect, not be a try-harding little dweeb who climbs ladders that won't matter in 10 years.