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Experiment What are your feelings towards Donald trump?


  • Favorable

  • Neutral

  • Unfavorable

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Rice Cel

Rice Cel

{SRK} {TYP#6} Ricecel in 'Murican Hell
Apr 9, 2018
Do you view him favorably, unfavorably, or neutrally?
Hes gonna send your ass back to the rice fields and give all whitecels black jb slaves.
I like him only because (((they))) all hate him and want to kill him.
I like him only because (((they))) all hate him and want to kill him.
This. Also, memes wouldn't have been half as good and the world would have been a lot more boring if Hitlary or Comrade Sanders got elected. Politics is a show anyway, might as well make it funny.
98% of all my love for him is solely because we need to fight back against political correctness. Besides that I also like his emphasis on having a nationalistic approach on politics like not catering to other countries with our military and negotiating trade deals to favor the USA more.
This. Also, memes wouldn't have been half as good and the world would have been a lot more boring if Hitlary or Comrade Sanders got elected. Politics is a show anyway, might as well make it funny.
98% of all my love for him is solely because we need to fight back against political correctness. Besides that I also like his emphasis on having a nationalistic approach on politics like not catering to other countries with our military and negotiating trade deals to favor the USA more.
Yeah I like him mainly just because sjws hate him and for the reasons you guys listed
He’s a low iq, corrupt, elitist with the vocabulary of a 12 year old.
He is a president of other country that make a lot of the people that I hate really mad, for me he is ok
I don’t know shit about politics and don’t care or know him but it’s funny seeing normies get angry at him
He is not my president
Anyone who likes him is an idiot.
I love that guy, Obama was a true cuck compared to him.
Hes alright its nice seeing all the people triggered over him.
lol damn politics divides everyone, even incels
Makes some good decisions and makes some bad decisions so I'm neutral
He has good intentions, but the (((deep state))) has him cornered. He'll be lucky to see the end of his mandate given how much opposition he's facing.
Hes gonna send your ass back to the rice fields and give all whitecels black jb slaves.
DE39B363 919B 43B4 9678 CFBD2B7DB88F
-edgy 16 year old
favourable mainly because he triggers libtards.
He causes libtards to get riled up, I'm for that.
He is a fake outsider that has been a part of the club for a long time. He just gave the 'deep state' that supposedly hates him immense funding. The best term for him would be "controlled opposition".
Even though his a puppet for Israel but I do like he pisses off normies to no end !!! So yeah his neutral for me.
I like him only because (((they))) all hate him and want to kill him.

That is where a lot of my favorable opinion of him comes. He literally agrees with most of the deep states agenda and just because they didn't pick him they have launched one of the biggest witch hunts in political history and they're worried he might not be prepared to cover up their crimes.
I like him. No politician is really good but he's the best I've seen tbh.

I hope Bolsonaro gets elected in Brazil and forms an anticuck American alliance with Trump.
neutral because i don't live in mericuh
Another example that Chad always win and it doesn't matter how mean you are as long you are white and tall people will love you.
I like him. No politician is really good but he's the best I've seen tbh.

I hope Bolsonaro gets elected in Brazil and forms an anticuck American alliance with Trump.

If destroying your industry and giving your natural resources to America for free is "anticuck" then grab some history book, pal.

Even though his a puppet for Israel but I do like he pisses off normies to no end !!! So yeah his neutral for me.

kek If Shillary was a Jewish ass licker then Trump is a Jewish rimjob master.

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Neutral, politics is cope cause I'm still incel either way, but I like how foids and foids rights activists hate him.
Neutral, but like him for sjw tears
He is a neocon Zionist.

The vulgar many, on admitting their own incapacity to govern themselves, have elected me as their head. By doing so, they have clearly proclaimed their own inferiority and my (((superiority))).
These old threads feel like a graveyard
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