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What are the most incel fiction characters?



May 13, 2018
I would say goblins. Ugly, short, low IQ, get killed easily, their own mates use them as shields or food (See orks in Warhammer 40K. Btw here they are called gretchins not goblins), most likely he will die virgin unless he rapes a woman.

But also clones from Star Wars are pretty incel. They are created only for combat and to die, if you watched Clone Wars you will remember that 80% the battle scenes were clones dying and dying kek. No sex, no girlfriend, probably they're sterile or impotent so they focus only in combat.
Satou from welcome to the NHK (mentalcel)
the elephant man(truecel)

Arondil, formerly of Dawnstar, is an Altmeri Necromancer and Ice Mage experimenting with necroanimus. After being "evicted" from Dawnstar for his experiments, Arondil took refuge in the icy depths of Yngvild where he endeavors to "reanimate and enslave the dead." Arondil has an obsession with the young milkmaids of Dawnstar and has found a way to bolster his already unique entirely female draugr entourage with their reanimated specters, the Yngvild Ghosts.

Toying With The Dead
Vekel the Man asks the Dragonborn to bring all four of Arondil's journals for a client whose literary interests could only be satisfied by the works of a madman.

Arondil is the author of four journals (quest items) that can be found on tables in his lair, and they must be acquired for the quest "Toying With The Dead." The journals paint a highly disturbing image of the man and chronicle his actions thoroughly.

  • Arondil's Journal, Part 1
Day 1
It seems the cretins of Dawnstar are not quite as foolish as I had surmised. They found my experimentations, and needless to say, were not pleased with what they saw. No matter. My work can only flourish without the distractions of living amongst the unenlightened.
I have found a cave off the north coast of Skyrim that will be more than sufficient for my continued studies. The ruins of Yngvild should hold the materials I need to learn more about reanimating and enslaving the dead.
On a personal note, I WILL miss the young maidens of Dawnstar. Such beauty was intoxication. I often found my thoughts wandering around them, imagining secret encounters between myself and one or two of the local girls...
  • Arondil's Journal, Part 2
Day 8
I have established a temporary work station in the cold caves, and have found multiple burial chambers within the snow and ice. While in the first chamber, I exhumed a few 'test subjects,' all female. I was stunned to find my mind wandering again to the women of Dawnstar as I examine my find. At first, I was slightly disturbed by my thoughts, but later I found myself reevaluating...

Day 9
The first trials went splendidly. Each subject was reanimated in a state of total complacency, bending to my every task and whim. I have ordered a few of my new servants to guard the island, while the rest will act as my personal entourage, standing by me at all times. Standing watch over me while I sleep...
  • Arondil's Journal, Part 3
Day 21
An intriguing development. Tonight, my guards have brought me a trespasser they found near the cave. At first I was understandably upset. Not only was I disturbed during one of my few moments alone with my favorite servant, but I recognized the trespasser as a milk maid from Dawnstar. She remembered me, as well, and made bold claims that I had been lurking near her at all hours. What lies! True, I had taken notice of her on occasion, but she was nowhere near the most noticeable of maidens in town. Her continued accusations, coupled with my fear of more uninvited guests, led me to conclude that she could never return to Dawnstar. My servants were quick to carry out my sentencing.

Her body is here next to me, as I write this. Funny. Her eyes are still so full of life. Perhaps I will try a new experiment tonight, using fresher materials.
  • Arondil's Journal, Part 4
Day 28
The new experiment has proven a success! The milk maid (who's name still escapes me) was revived as the others, bowing to my commands, with only one interesting development. She has reformed incorporeally, more phantasm than reanimated dead. As her glowing visage stood before me, I found my hand reaching out to touch her. As my fingers passed through her, I felt a sensation unlike any other, as if her essence were invigorating my very soul, connecting with me on a level no woman of flesh and blood could do. This discovery is life changing! Day 35 I have ordered my older servants to go out and find any more subjects that may have become lost. With the discovery of the inner sanctum deeper still within Yngvild, I should have sufficient room to store many new materials until I can transform them into willing slaves. I look back on my daydreams whilst living in Dawnstar and wonder if they were in fact portents of times to come...
Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver is pretty incel.
looking at the anime I thought that he was insecure and paranoid but not so ugly.
what do u think?
I don't think that being paranoid and insecure makes you a mentalcel, but i will do some research on this.
I'll copypaste my post from the book thread
The Mule from The Foundation Trilogy of asimov.
>ugly deformed manlet
>ostracized for most of his life
>falls in love with the first woman who didn't see him as a subhuman
>managed to rule almost the entire galaxy, still wasn't respected by anyone due to his deformed appearance
>died a virgin despite being the ruler of a galatic empire
Basically he was statusmaxxed, moneymaxxed, had mental powers and was still an incel.
Imagine being able to read people's minds and literally the only thing everyone thinks of you is how disgusting you are.
I don't think that being paranoid and insecure makes you a mentalcel, but i will do some research on this.

Tatsuhiro from Welcome to NHK is a 22 year old guy who dropped out of college. He lives with his parents and also lives off of them because he doesn't have a job. He pretty much never leaves his house. Tatsuhiro has social anxiety disorder, depression, and paranoid schizophrenia.
Social Anxiety:
Marked fear or anxiety about one or more social situations in which the individual is exposed to possible scrutiny by others.
Paranoid Schizophrenia:
Distrust and suspiciousness of others. Always thinking that someone is out to get them.
Depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities for more than 2 weeks.

this is what i found
Quasimodo from the hunch back of Notre dame was incel. He had a great personality but he STILL gets rejected by the lead foid (who fucks a Chad instead) because he is ugly as fuck.

This nigga Moe is the right answer. He always grumpy too cuz he knows about The blackpill ngl ngl

He is ugly. He knows he's ugly. Hates himself and his life. Ropes(literally almost all the time)

Everything about him screams incel
stimpy from ren and stimpy
Squidward? Spongebob? Patrick?

All 3 fit the incel shoe.
Frankenstein's monster or Smeagol.

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