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Discussion What are the moral arguments against liemaxxing?

Is lying immoral?

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sneed (not chuck)

sneed (not chuck)

Jan 15, 2023
Why is lying considered inherently immoral? I understand that people generally lie in the course of doing or covering up bad deeds. However, I don't see a MORAL argument against lies themselves, with all other factors removed The fact that lies inconvenience you or make you feel disrespected or annoyed doesn't make lying immoral.

Liemaxxing to women should be a way of life. Lie to women you despise out of spite. Lie to women you fancy to impress them. There is no moral reason not to.
lol foids are natural liers
morality is worthless
It goes against the social contract, but society does nothing for low value men anymore so might as well lie, cheat and steal as much as you can (in video game).
Liemaxxing to women should be a way of life. Lie to women you despise out of spite. Lie to women you fancy to impress them. There is no moral reason not to.
This isn't even an edgy incel ideological thing it's just something everybody already does

There are university studies and shit showing that a typical person lies multiple times a day on average and frauding every aspect about yourself to make you seem more impressive and high status is also naturally expected from any man who's trying to date women
It goes against the social contract, but society does nothing for low value men anymore so might as well lie, cheat and steal as much as you can (in video game).
But why is it considered immoral? Not showering goes against the social contract but its not immoral. I can explain in clear terms why stealing is immoral - you are depriving someone of the fruits of their labor. You don't even need to believe in the concept of property to understand that theft is wrong. What is the baseline moral reasoning for considering lies to be immoral? Why is it considered wrong to say what is not true?
@PersonalityChad explain yourself
@PersonalityChad explain yourself
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck".
But why is it considered immoral? Not showering goes against the social contract but its not immoral. I can explain in clear terms why stealing is immoral - you are depriving someone of the fruits of their labor. You don't even need to believe in the concept of property to understand that theft is wrong. What is the baseline moral reasoning for considering lies to be immoral? Why is it considered wrong to say what is not true?
How is not showering against the social contract? :lul:

Society is built on trust between people, if you cannot trust your neighbor to a certain extent society can't function and will collapse. It's immoral in the sense that it's harmful to society.
Society is built on trust between people, if you cannot trust your neighbor to a certain extent society can't function and will collapse. It's immoral in the sense that it's harmful to society.
Tbh it's not

The people directly responsible for maintaining the apparatus of society like politicians and CEOs are notorious for lying and often this is just an intrinsic part of the job and keeping things running effectively

I think anyone who would say as a blanket statement that the act of lying itself is unequivocally immoral is just naive and/or hasn't thought about it much because it's one of the most fundamental human social behaviors
The people directly responsible for maintaining the apparatus of society like politicians and CEOs are notorious for lying and often this is just an intrinsic part of the job and keeping things running effectively
The rules never apply to the elite, that's their privilege. But imagine everyone lied and evaded taxes like politicians do, how could society function? They are dependent on the majority playing by the rules so they can live their lavish life.
This isn't even an edgy incel ideological thing it's just something everybody already does

There are university studies and shit showing that a typical person lies multiple times a day on average and frauding every aspect about yourself to make you seem more impressive and high status is also naturally expected from any man who's trying to date women
Plato’s cave IQ
Plato’s cave IQ
I know u say this as complimentlos but it's still implicitly derogatory cus of what the whole allegory of Plato's cave entails jfl
Everyone is a liar, even if they’re against it
I know u say this as complimentlos but it's still implicitly derogatory cus of what the whole allegory of Plato's cave entails jfl
Ngl I just started saying it after that one thread you made about it like 3 years ago and never really stopped because forced inside joke = xddddd funny
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I enjoy lying :feelsdevil: I sometimes lie about my life to make it sound more interesting tbh :feelsrope:
Why is lying considered inherently immoral? I understand that people generally lie in the course of doing or covering up bad deeds. However, I don't see a MORAL argument against lies themselves, with all other factors removed The fact that lies inconvenience you or make you feel disrespected or annoyed doesn't make lying immoral.

Liemaxxing to women should be a way of life. Lie to women you despise out of spite. Lie to women you fancy to impress them. There is no moral reason not to.
lying is not immoral but moral. Moral -> benefits you. Immoral -> hurts you
How is not showering against the social contract? :lul:

Society is built on trust between people, if you cannot trust your neighbor to a certain extent society can't function and will collapse. It's immoral in the sense that it's harmful to society.
We generally expect people to have a baseline level of hygeine when they go into public. It's not law that you have to shower, but people will socially punish you for not doing it. That doesn't make it immoral to not shower.
Lieing is based. Anyone who says they don't lie is lieing to you and Anyone who admits they lie is a bad lier.
Well obviously deceiving other people is intrinsically immoral, however if it helps maintain peace and tranquility, it can be properly justified
"Lying is immoral because... it just is!" Cope, nothing inherently immoral about liemaxxing.
Lying is immoral because tricking other people for your own gain is, it's stupid to lie too as you dig a deeper an deeper hole for yourself until you get caught
Lying is immoral because tricking other people for your own gain is, it's stupid to lie too as you dig a deeper an deeper hole for yourself until you get caught
Aight, so if I lie and its not for my own gain then its not immoral?
If you don’t lie and everyone else does you’re losing for no reason.

It’s like being the only guy in flat bottoms at a platform shoe party.
Women putting on makeup is a form of lying so it's 100% ethical

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