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JFL What Andy McNamara (cuck editor of Game Informer) has to say about diversity (females) in gaming "Diversity isn't a debate"



27 y/o khhv neet outcast
Nov 19, 2017
Diversity isn't a debate. I still get the emails that explain to me how Game Informer should stick to games and avoid being political. While I appreciate all feedback (and I read it), I don't think the world of video games is so simple anymore. We can't just play Sonic and shut up.
Well, whether or not you think diversity in gaming is debatable or not, I'm going to have some words to say on some of your points.

Games have grown up and are a cultural phenomenon. We would be foolish to not address or represent a gamer's view as it stands in the world today. It is important we do our best to support and also shame the game space when games aren't doing right for the world or for the people who play them.

Games are powerful. We see games blamed for mass murders, and we hear stories of games changing people's lives for the better. While I feel the argument that connects games to violence is flimsy, Game Informer can't ignore the discussion. It brings games into a direct discussion with the Constitution, so yes, at times, we will cross into the political space.

Addressing the hardships gaming faces is never easy, but we like to contrast it with all the powerful things the medium achieves to make our world a better place. Kim Wallace wrote a fantastic piece in this issue: "Women Creating a Brighter Future for Games." This stuff is important. Games are for everyone, and should be made by everyone, yet there are people who want to put this right up for debate.
Allow me to intrude on this paragraph. Yes there are people who want to put this up for debate. Not everyone is a conformist shill pandering to the lowest common denominator like yourself, Andy. Females being included in the gaming world is not a positive for people who want to have a genuine experience. Once a female is introduced into a gaming space, the thirsty cucks run to help the female in anyway they can. This has a negative impact on the experience of people who just want to escape from this shit life by playing some games. This will especially bother the males who don't wish to interact with females in a friendly manner, and let me say this doesn't have to do with misogyny. A lot of males who use games as an escape have trouble relating to other males, never mind a female who comes online to gain attention from thirsty cucks.

You can question our methods, dislike our magazine, and think I am a moron if you like, but do not think for a moment that there is any political slant, bias, or agenda when it comes to diversity in games and the world. I hate to break it to you, but the world is a diverse place, and if games want to continue to grow and engage people around the world (and at the same time bring us new and exciting experiences), we need to welcome these changes with open arms, and not stomp our feet because we got one less predictable protagonist.
Well Andy, I hate to break it to YOU, but the growing popularity of games is not necessarily a good thing like you make it out to be, but of course that is your stance because gaming's popularity will benefit you as an editor for a gaming magazine. For the real fans of video games, the increasing popularity of the industry is only a detriment. Again, this goes back to appealing to the lowest common denominator. Creativity and innovation is sacrificed when the elites need to make a quick buck off of the zombies who make up the general population.

Things aren't perfect yet by any means, and we have our own diversity problems here at Game Informer, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't work toward it being better, because it should be better.
Yeah, I'm sure you do have your own diversity problems. "Too many cis white males yucky! Get that disgusting meritocracy away from me!"

I love seeing (and playing!) games from new perspectives, and this magazine will continue to support them.
I love how you had to add in "and playing" since we all know the higher ups of the gaming world don't know jack shit about games and the people who play them.

Enjoy the issue.
I won't.

Here's a picture of this guy btw
feminism and political correctness is sucking the joy out of gaming for me.

So many "strong" female leads in games now.

When playing Battlefield1 almost every guy is black. It´s like no white people fought in WW1 lol.

COD WW2 even lets you play as female soldiers. Absolutely retarded.

The Last of us 2 will also be a feminists dream since the lead writer is a hardcore male feminist.
feminism and political correctness is sucking the joy out of gaming for me.

So many "strong" female leads in games now.

When playing Battlefield1 almost every guy is black. It´s like no white people fought in WW1 lol.

COD WW2 even lets you play as female soldiers. Absolutely retarded.

The Last of us 2 will also be a feminists dream since the lead writer is a hardcore male feminist.
It's honestly sickening seeing such a good nerd/incel cope be taken over by feminism and political correctness.
Gamercels GTFIH
"Not everyone is a conformist " / Most people are sheep..

Creativity and innovation is sacrificed when the elites need to make a quick buck off of the zombies who make up the general population. :feelsokman:
"Not everyone is a conformist " / Most people are sheep..

Creativity and innovation is sacrificed when the elites need to make a quick buck off of the zombies who make up the general population. :feelsokman:
It's what plagues or helps out a form a media, depending on the perspective. The intended audience for a lot of anime is virgin males, while the intended audience for a majority of popular games is whoever makes up the largest amount of people.
i imagine him saying,"diversity isn't for debate" in a gay guy lisp. he looks like his wife has a bf.
i imagine him saying,"diversity isn't for debate" in a gay guy lisp. he looks like his wife has a bf.
Yup, he looks like a typical cuck.


I expect to read about the newest games when I subscribe to a gaming magazine, not receive potent ragefuel when I open up to the first page.
mmorpg's are so cucked and WK'd it's fucking over. There will never be another half decent mmorpg ever.
I'm glad I stopped subscribing to their magazine service like 6 years ago.
These people need to be ashamed of themselves. They do know the largest demographic of people who play video games are straight men, right? They’re just alienating potential readers.
they ruin all of our copes and then wonder why the van rental industry is thriving.
These people need to be ashamed of themselves. They do know the largest demographic of people who play video games are straight men, right? They’re just alienating potential readers.
Yeah but a lot of those straight men are feminist cuckboys. I don't think they outnumber the average neutral male though. Contrary to what he says, he's just trying to shill an agenda.
Any extra dollar although in Andy’s case it’s just trying to keep his job.
These people can keep pushing their agendas but no one besides a vocal minority gives a fuck. Gamers are primarily outcast/incel types and that's not changing any time soon. Even companies like Blizzard and Riot know they can't go full SJW because that's not what sells, ass and titties are what sell.
I started to ignore gaming culture a while ago. SJWs absolutely ruined it. I miss the titties, gore, and over the top masculinity.
Any extra dollar although in Andy’s case it’s just trying to keep his job.
I'm fairly confident in saying he probably personally believes most of what he says. Maybe not idk.
They will probably have to dumb-down games...especially the puzzle aspect. On the other hand, companies are always trying to increase market share in any manner...probably just shilling for his advertisers.


email him your response...its pretty funny.
He might believe it but even if he didn’t, it’s not good business to stay otherwise.

Fuck their shit magazine anyways. Also how can he say he thinks video games don't shape violence but still shape minds? Kek either you believe they do influence thought or they don't. If you think video games that don't have female leads promote misogyny and "patriarchy" than you are no better than the dumbasses who believe video games produce violent people. Fuck the hypocrisy and his cuckness is infuriating.
I don't do nothing but play old games now. New Generation games are all garbage with virtual signaling social justice Warrior crap and ideality nonsense and that's not even counting download content being taken out so they can release it a week later and make a buck off of you.
Numale-Soy cucks and foids ruined the gaming industry.
I thought he was a decent guy too. Oh well. All these game developers have fallen for the diversity meme.

You are beyond help if you can't tell a difference between a Jewish agent of chaos and a common cuckold.
I'm sick of all these cunts with heavy armor and giant two handed swords in my rpgs.
Looks like the kind of guy whose wife does him with a strap on while he sucks her Tyrone lover's cock. And thinks this makes him a numale.
You are beyond help if you can't tell a difference between a Jewish agent of chaos and a common cuckold.
So...which one is Druckmann?
I'm sick of all these cunts with heavy armor and giant two handed swords in my rpgs.
Yuck! So predictable! There needs to be a 300+ pound diabetic trans woman as the protagonist instead!
So...which one is Druckmann?

Yuck! So predictable! There needs to be a 300+ pound diabetic trans woman as the protagonist instead!

He is a Jew. Can't you tell by his nose? And Jews love "diversity" when it is not in Israel
He is a Jew. Can't you tell by his nose? And Jews love "diversity" when it is not in Israel
If we categorized people as jews based on the size of their nose then I would be living in a castle of shekels.
If we categorized people as jews based on the size of their nose then I would be living in a castle of shekels.

Go you really know nothing do you? It's not just the size of the nose, it's the way it is crooked.
Goy you really know nothing do you? It's not just the size of the nose, it's the way it is crooked.
Also I forgot to mention shape alongside size
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