Just a little bit, yes.
I was never really a conscious feminist, but I just thought if you're on the left, you have to be feminist as well, etc. It was more of a "feeling", if you will, like one of many accessories I thought were necessary to create the style I wanted.
But the more I found out about feminist theories and actual women, the more misogynistic I got.
I never jumped on the bandwagon of traditional antifeminism, though, as what constitutes as "antifeminism" on the internet is also deeply flawed. Anti-SJW Youtube is shit and Christcucks and the alt-reich are just as shitty. And they are just as hostile to low-status men. Given the choice, they would rather hurt a woman than to help a man. And if they had as much as power as they want, they would also hurt poor men, working class, low-status men, non-white men, men of other or non religions, etc.
And they share the same rape and pedo hysteria. The poor wimminz are always under threat of being raped (they just can't decide whether the biggest threat is all men, white men, black men, muslim men, hollywood men: "Democrats are the real rapists!") and under attack from pedos (the right is OBSESSED with pedo conspiracies, pizza gate, Q-anon, the idea that pedophilia will soon be legalized although we witness the opposite tendency, etc.) "Degenerate" and "sexist" often mean the same thing.