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Went to a concert last Saturday (suifuel)



5'9" 20 y/o raciallyambiguouscel
Sep 21, 2023
I had planned to go since November 2022, and I only went to see this one band bc they were only playing at this gay ass "punk" fest in Chicago. It went down exactly how I expected, felt like absolute shit most of the time and esp on my way back to the downtown area, walking back after the concert. Ofc I went alone and most people were in couples of friend groups. Felt like a fucking alien, like some diseased repulsive little creature disturbing everyone with my presence.
The crowds were insufferable, so many degen alt chicks, and the heightmogging was painful. Saw this 6'3-6'4 chadlite with a busty goth gf and just wanted to vomit. The only respite I got was when the band played, even then they had to cut their setlist early by 12 songs. It hit the hardest a little after dusk when I was walking the event grounds and some faggity romantic song was playing while hordes of normies walked with their bfs and gfs. I wanted to cry but I haven't been able to in weeks. I was hoping I'd get a chance to talk to someone at least to socialize but nah, not a single fucking person the whole day. Then ofc it was Mexican independence day that night and saw hordes of Mexcrements waving their flags and being obnoxious walljumper scum. None of the spic couples were looksmatched either, always gl foids with mostly sub6 men, all of the guys had those common spic phenos were they're either brown and have pronounced Indio features or look like ur typical tiktok Edgar. I know for a fuckin fact those salsawhores gave me the look, the look every foid gives a sub6 man
are you Aspergcel
Normies activities
are you Aspergcel
Idk, maybe, I never got diagnosed with anything as a kid although my bum father is a bipolarcel. I know there's def something wrong with me tho bc why else would I be here? Besides my looks, I know there's something mentally not right with me bc I've never been able to form connections with normies
no you are not :(
are you another zoomer that claims 5 9 is manlet :lul: :lul: :lul:
are you another zoomer that claims 5 9 is manlet :lul: :lul: :lul:
5'11 used to be the avg height until ethnics brought it down. Redditardniggers coping by saying "oh 5'9" is the global avg" stfu. Its only "average" in America now but I still get heightmogged by nearly everyone in public, got heightmogged by 2 stacies yesterday. Plus you NEED to have a solid frame + mogger face to compensate for height, and I have neither
Over for you, I cant goto concert anymore after being blackpilled, Too many couples
Never been to a concert
5'11 used to be the avg height until ethnics brought it down. Redditardniggers coping by saying "oh 5'9" is the global avg" stfu. Its only "average" in America now but I still get heightmogged by nearly everyone in public, got heightmogged by 2 stacies yesterday. Plus you NEED to have a solid frame + mogger face to compensate for height, and I have neither
Boo fucking hoo, fucking twat
I had planned to go since November 2022, and I only went to see this one band bc they were only playing at this gay ass "punk" fest in Chicago. It went down exactly how I expected, felt like absolute shit most of the time and esp on my way back to the downtown area, walking back after the concert. Ofc I went alone and most people were in couples of friend groups. Felt like a fucking alien, like some diseased repulsive little creature disturbing everyone with my presence.
The crowds were insufferable, so many degen alt chicks, and the heightmogging was painful. Saw this 6'3-6'4 chadlite with a busty goth gf and just wanted to vomit. The only respite I got was when the band played, even then they had to cut their setlist early by 12 songs. It hit the hardest a little after dusk when I was walking the event grounds and some faggity romantic song was playing while hordes of normies walked with their bfs and gfs. I wanted to cry but I haven't been able to in weeks. I was hoping I'd get a chance to talk to someone at least to socialize but nah, not a single fucking person the whole day. Then ofc it was Mexican independence day that night and saw hordes of Mexcrements waving their flags and being obnoxious walljumper scum. None of the spic couples were looksmatched either, always gl foids with mostly sub6 men, all of the guys had those common spic phenos were they're either brown and have pronounced Indio features or look like ur typical tiktok Edgar. I know for a fuckin fact those salsawhores gave me the look, the look every foid gives a sub6 man
how old?
Wasn't there a gl single mexican girl out there?
Spics are so weird. They're super proud about being part of a subhuman race. Their culture revolves around the fact that they speak another country's language. Imagine being that cucked.
Wasn't there a gl single mexican girl out there?
No, they all had bfs, even then they'd never ever in a million years entertain the idea of dating me. Even if I fully softmaxxed, I'll never be able to pull the closest thing to an ethnicity I can identify with (half slav half mestizo). Spic foids will see u as an absolute faggot, just a complete subhuman if you're spic and not extroverted/NT. I have zero dating options, I'm never gonna fucking pull in America (won't work in South America either bc that requires being NT). Spics are the most extroverted ethnicity of ppl so u truly cannot afford to not act like them. Plus my pheno is so fucking abysmal, i will never pull with my fucking pheno bc it has zero appeal, ANYWHERE. My tacowhore mother is pretty lightskin w/ more Euro admixture but I came out looking like neither your typical spic or a white. I don't really feel like I have white-passing privilege even tho I've been told I do and have been called white by (mostly ethnics) bc I've always felt like an "other" (not truly spic or mayo). I've had ppl assume my race my whole fuckin life and I hate it everytime, I usually don't get spic, I've gotten armenian, Turkish, Albanian, and "vaguely sandnigga".
Spics are so weird. They're super proud about being part of a subhuman race. Their culture revolves around the fact that they speak another country's language. Imagine being that cucked.
That night honestly made me unironically 15% more racist against them. Stupid fucking spaniard rape baby trash heaps act so fucking proud about their shithol cartel-infested country, yet live in the states. Proud of literally nothing, Mexico is a joke. I hate every race tbh, this is one of the biggest things I have against spics. The lot of them are just braindead trollish-looking double digit IQ mongoloids who don't even bother planning their life ahead, just live in the moment, work all day and cervezamax. Spic foids are the only race where game > looks actually works irl. And if ur not thugmaxxed, white, or exceptionally attractive, then they'll never fuck u. I wanna gather all their names and addresses and get their little abuelitas deported. I hate them
Spics are so weird. They're super proud about being part of a subhuman race. Their culture revolves around the fact that they speak another country's language. Imagine being that cucked.
Wonder what a peak Aztec or Maya empire might be able to do. But yeah, the Spanish shat on the natives so bad that no Mexican thinks the natives were anything but animals.
Wonder what a peak Aztec or Maya empire might be able to do. But yeah, the Spanish shat on the natives so bad that no Mexican thinks the natives were anything but animals.
They still would've gotten buttfucked

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