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Went inside a McDonalds today. High school girls were staring at me.



Nov 11, 2017
I literally had PTSD. I was about to lose it completely when I noticed them at the table just staring at me while I was getting my food. I was just thinking all those times popular girls at lunch in high school laughed at me. I wanted to leave right there and then. Also before any coper tries to say "They were digging you bro hurrrr" no...no...they weren't at all. You can tell by their body language and their eyes. Eyes tell you everything. It was like they all immediately knew how awkward and weird looking (subhuman) I was.

Horrible. Just horrible. I couldn't even eat my food inside with them in there, so I took the tray and ate it outside.
I have that feel, i always feell ike people are making fun of me or laughing at me but in reality they dont even know i exist
You shouldn't be eating that trash bro
bro how are you complaining about getting attention? most people are invisible!

j8gao said:
You shouldn't be eating that trash bro

Because I am trash.

flowerful said:
bro how are you complaining about getting attention? most people are invisible!


Wait so if you get attention from women it means you're fakecel? Nah bro. I get attention from women...negative attention. It's over for me. Seriously. I'm not joking. I'm one of the only truecels left on here. I've already described myself. There is no guy who is a 5/10 with my many flaws.
Is your face deformed? That is not normal behaviour from those girls, usually when guys are ugly, girls don’t look at them.

Your face must be really fucked up
anincelforlifelol said:
Because I am trash.

Wait so if you get attention from women it means you're fakecel? Nah bro. I get attention from women...negative attention. It's over for me. Seriously. I'm not joking. I'm one of the only truecels left on here. I've already described myself. There is no guy who is a 5/10 with my many flaws.

pm me a pic? id say the uglier you are the less attention you get. No one openly stares at legitimately deformed people.
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
Is your face deformed? That is not normal behaviour from those girls, usually when guys are ugly, girls don’t look at them.

Your face must be really fucked up

Read one of my other threads. I describe my face. With just describing my face and not even seeing a photo I'm already sub5. Now imagine seeing a photo of my disgusting face.

flowerful said:
pm me a pic? id say the uglier you are the less attention you get. No one openly stares at legitimately deformed people.

I will never post a pic on here because I will become a meme. Though you're right no one does openly stare at legitimately deformed people, but I'm not deformed. All my face is there, but I'm just ugly. Like literally butt ugly. The ugly type of guy that women love making fun of for whatever reason.
anincelforlifelol said:
Read one of my other threads. I describe my face. With just describing my face and not even seeing a photo I'm already sub5. Now imagine seeing a photo of my disgusting face.

I will never post a pic on here because I will become a meme. Though you're right no one does openly stare at legitimately deformed people, but I'm not deformed. All my face is there, but I'm just ugly. Like literally butt ugly. The ugly type of guy that women love making fun of for whatever reason.

i wouldn't post your pic. any look-alikes?  like steve buschemi ugly?
flowerful said:
i wouldn't post your pic. any look-alikes?  like steve buschemi ugly?

A mix of Buschemi and David Schwimmer
pm me a pic of you bro. 100% garentee youre a fakecel
dam man that really sucks, high school girls really know how to tear peoples souls.
Are you ugly or a fakecel?
You need to develop tunnel vision for times like these. I hate being around teenagers, but I try to give no fucks ever.
this remind me of myself (i am deformed)
They wanted the D.

D for dopamine shot.
I feel okay around old people but it's young that make me feel bad.
Highschool girls can spot an incel from a mile away and will target him

And eating at mcdonalds instead of ordering in drive-through and eating it home is insane, there's 0 reasons to do it
When I go to McDonald's on my lunch break I always go at 1 pm to avoid all the college kids that have their break at 12.
They want incels extinct
I know that fauxflirting all too well, OP. PUAs would say it was flirting and even some guys here think that but you and I know better.
Lol at eating MCdonalds food. I haven't eaten any since 2015
School is hell on earth
as an ogre tier incel i feel you bro. getting stared from time to time by prime women can get my primtive blood burning with rage.
flowerful said:
bro how are you complaining about getting attention? most people are invisible!

Sadness said:
How old are you?

Hes probably like 17 and claiming to be incel KEK.
ArtoriasWolf said:
I feel okay around old people but it's young that make me feel bad.

Same with me.

VST said:
When I go to McDonald's on my lunch break I always go at 1 pm to avoid all the college kids that have their break at 12.

I'd do the same, if I were not a hermitcel.

UncannyValley said:
School is hell on earth

FeminismsCancer said:
They wanted the D.

D for dopamine shot.

Good to hear you graduated from Chuck E Cheese.
BlackPill47 said:
Same with me.

They are the closets thing around me to being an incel.
ArtoriasWolf said:
They are the closets thing around me to being an incel.

Legit. As a NEETcel, I live no differently to a pensioner on a restricted income.

If Basic Income came into being, I would be retired and LDARing for good.
demonanus said:
Are you ugly or a fakecel?

Are you kidding me dude? I'm ugly. Trust me. I'm ugly. Women find me physically and sexually unattractive. I have nothing going for me besides my body.

Cynistic said:

Hes probably like 17 and claiming to be incel KEK.

I'm mid 20s, retard. I'm a legit truecel. One of the only ones left on this shithole site.
HeedAndSuceed? That you?
Cuck-Damage said:
HeedAndSuceed? That you?

I might as well be, but he's fat and I'm fit. But his voice is far more NT than mine. I have a very autistic voice like that guy Ubiquiphile, the incel turned into bluepilled faggot.

Also Heed's eye area mogs mine
I'm invisible to everyone.
I'm glad I didn't go to high school with foids, it's when I looked my worst.
This happens to me everytime I go outside. Nothing but constant bullying and ridicule.
After the terrible haircut I got I had to walk to the store to buy a hat and many people were staring, smirking at me, and being smug. I wanted to just drop dead on my walk. Normies don't even try to hide their disgust. Next time just stare back at them while walking out, a very serious evil stare. Maybe even call them out and ask them "wtf their staring at" or throw something at them. Truecels don't fucking deserve this shit!
Nautica1983 said:
After the terrible haircut I got I had to walk to the store to buy a hat and many people were staring, smirking at me, and being smug. I wanted to just drop dead on my walk. Normies don't even try to hide their disgust. Next time just stare back at them while walking out, a very serious evil stare. Maybe even call them out and ask them "wtf their staring at" or throw something at them. Truecels don't fucking deserve this shit!

Lol. How horrible was your haircut to get that reaction? I don't even need to show my hair to get laughed at and ridiculed. It's seriously over.
Used to think that femoids stared at my god-tier looks back then when I was bluepilled in HS.

The exact opposite, however, was actually happening.
Blackpill101 said:
Used to think that femoids stared at my god-tier looks back then when I was bluepilled in HS.

The exact opposite, however, was actually happening.

What I hate is when normies say "Women don't stare at ugly guys". YES. YES they fucking do. They stare and they do make nasty comments about them all the time. I've witnessed them and I've been one of those guys that they've done it too.
anincelforlifelol said:
Lol. How horrible was your haircut to get that reaction? I don't even need to show my hair to get laughed at and ridiculed. It's seriously over.

Extremely bad. Like before I would only occasionally get looks of disgust but after the haircut almost everyone I walked by was giving me shit
Nautica1983 said:
Extremely bad. Like before I would only occasionally get looks of disgust but after the haircut almost everyone I walked by was giving me shit

kek. What'd you get? A buzzcut?
anincelforlifelol said:
kek. What'd you get? A buzzcut?

Weren't u in my thread about it? I got a terrible fade haircut, the pics are in the thread. Also apologies for insulting you multiple times over the school shooting thing, I don't want to have any enemies on here.
Nautica1983 said:
Weren't u in my thread about it? I got a terrible fade haircut, the pics are in the thread. Also apologies for insulting you multiple times over the school shooting thing, I don't want to have any enemies on here.

I'll check in a min. Brutal. Normies are all scum.

All good brother. I just hate humanity with a passion especially women. I really do wish women were all executed. I really hate them so much.

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