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Venting Went for a run today and some foid shouted something at me from a car while laughing

Darth Cialis

Darth Cialis

NoFap since 05/01/20
Dec 13, 2018
So basically I was running on the sidewalk and this young foid was leaning out of the window of a passing car and then she shouted some gibberish at me while laughing, maybe a foreign language of which I couldn't pick up a single word. What the hell is up with this shit? I also have been in other instances where I was walking or standing at the side of the road and young people from passing cars were shouting insults at me while laughing, does it ever happen to you? I wonder if it happens to normans too.
Funny thing is that it was my first time running and I was afraid of exactly this and there you go, it happened punctual like a Swiss clock, we never fucking catch a bloody break. Fuck that shit anyway gonna run tomorrow too I will not let them have it their way.
Don't assume it was negative, unless you have proof. You were the only one there, so you would know better than me.
Don't assume it was negative, unless you have proof. You were the only one there, so you would know better than me.
Well all other times when it was in my language and I could understand, it was insults. Besides I am not attractive so why'd it be positive?
Don't let it put you off. I go running 2 or 3 times a week. I don't dress up in expensive workout gear, I simply go out wearing the clothes I've been wearing to bed, not showered, hair a mess, plus I'm tall and gangly so I probably look ridiculous when I'm running. I don't give a shit.

The only time I got a comment was many years ago when I was out running with my friend - just some daft kid trying to make fun of us to impress his mates. We completely blanked him.
So basically I was running on the sidewalk and this young foid was leaning out of the window of a passing car and then she shouted some gibberish at me while laughing, maybe a foreign language of which I couldn't pick up a single word. What the hell is up with this shit? I also have been in other instances where I was walking or standing at the side of the road and young people from passing cars were shouting insults at me while laughing, does it ever happen to you? I wonder if it happens to normans too.
Funny thing is that it was my first time running and I was afraid of exactly this and there you go, it happened punctual like a Swiss clock, we never fucking catch a bloody break. Fuck that shit anyway gonna run tomorrow too I will not let them have it their way.
I wish that happened to me tbh
Well all other times when it was in my language and I could understand, it was insults. Besides I am not attractive so why'd it be positive?
How do you know you're "not attractive"?
I remember walking and some cunt said something I didnt understand and spit out the car
Throw shit at her car next time ngl
Well all other times when it was in my language and I could understand, it was insults. Besides I am not attractive so why'd it be positive?
I agree. That would be a good assumption.
I always think foids are laughing at me whenever im in close proximity to them
Thanks for the responses and the advice to keep going on without caring about it guys.
I wish that happened to me tbh

How do you know you're "not attractive"?
Well, I am 27 and KV so it's likely that I am not much of a Chad. I have no experience running and was tired so I probably didn't have a top notch running style I guess, I wonder if that's what triggered the whole situation. But it has happened before while I was walking or standing and guys'd insult me so perhaps I just have an easily distinghishable halo of awkwardness. :feelsbadman:
how tall are you? maybe they did it cause she thought you are manlet?
They can say whatever they want I don't care I'm not a snowflake. They're entitled to their opinion.

Only when the threat is physical is where I draw the line...
It occurred to me a few times before, one of which was a car of chad’s and a 5/10. They almost drove into me as they were backing up.
how tall are you? maybe they did it cause she thought you are manlet?
I don't think so but why would anyone yell at a manlet from a passing car? Manlets are quite common, I don't think that's so freaky that you'd yell at them from a car.
Thats really rude, i never had an experience lile this and im also a subhuman.
I don't think so but why would anyone yell at a manlet from a passing car? Manlets are quite common, I don't think that's so freaky that you'd yell at them from a car.
they would do that to manlets because they are small and not threatening in normies eyes so cant fight back

you might want to try do running at night when its dark it helps me with this stuff tbh
you have a nice ass maybe? yes its happend to me people throwing things from moving cars. people under 26 are crazed animals at times.
Such is the life of an incel.
they would do that to manlets because they are small and not threatening in normies eyes so cant fight back

you might want to try do running at night when its dark it helps me with this stuff tbh
Actually I went to a main road on purpose because it bothered me and I need to lowinhibmaxx.
you have a nice ass maybe? yes its happend to me people throwing things from moving cars. people under 26 are crazed animals at times.
Holy shit throwing things at you, seriously? I only ever had insults, seems like you beat me at this bro.
Of course, but some do age well. Basically you will know if you are undesired early on. Social circles don't grow after a certain point.
How early will one know if he is undesired? And after which point, exactly, do people's circle of networkable people not grow?
How early will one know if he is undesired? And after which point, exactly, do people's circle of networkable people not grow?
I would say its difficult after 25-30 since most social bonds are built by then, this age also coincidences with the point at which the brain is said to have fully developed. As well after this age range, the way most people perceive circumstances and other people is cemented, they are less likely to be open to new idea's and different people. After this point most close bonds have already been built, and most are already in the workforce, which at that point is very hard to socialize or develop a meaningful relationship.
Actually I went to a main road on purpose because it bothered me and I need to lowinhibmaxx.

Holy shit throwing things at you, seriously? I only ever had insults, seems like you beat me at this bro.
it was at night and was walking near a street... guy is probably just a asshole and was drinking world is filled with those types of cunts. i really wanted to throw a rock at him but had none and he sped off.
I have never experienced this, maybe they don't dare do it to big ogres?

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