O.K., I wrote a good amount because I'm a fast reader, you seem interested so hopefully you are, too. The event itself is only the fourth paragraph. I could have just written that but it would be boring. To make it interesting, I wrote everything I could think of about her background and what became of her. When I make a post about this it will be something like
"A former friend of mine went into porn and now does real estate" and will be a lot more concise than this. I have to trim it down to certain details.
Toward the end of my time in high school, I became friends with a white girl two grades below me in the town I lived in. (a suburb of New York) Because I was friends with another guy who had been childhood friends with her, it wasn't weird.
From the outside, she seemed normal at first, but the more I got to know her, the more clear it was that she was emotionally unstable and disturbed. While blatantly always straight, she had a protracted "lesbian" phase, which was clearly just part of a broader emotional/identity/teenage crisis. To this day she is mostly interested in relationships with men but is willing to dabble in bisexuality. Despite being conventionally attractive, she would go from the worst, most depressing kinds of spoiled middle-class white suburban teenage butch lesbian punky brats to the next. Plenty of them were abusive. She put herself in harm's way because some of them were inclined to drive recklessly under the influence in the cars their parents had bought them.
One evening, we were all over at the house of my aforementioned friend in her grade. She said she was upset about one of her girlfriends. My friend broke out Four Locos, and, (especially because she was so small) she drank too much of them and got really drunk, messed up, and then sick to the point she was vomiting for a while in the bathroom. During this, with my friend's knowledge (who was busy calling her mother to pick her up) I was there with her in the bathroom, doing my best. She kept vomiting in the toilet and it was gross. At one point she shoved me away and said "fuck you." So many moments later, it was done. That was it.
Later, she texted me and said she didn't remember a thing but thanked me for being there for her. (my friend hadn't drank that much and told her what happened.)
At one point down the line, we both briefly were staying in his place. She made weird moves on me (of course I wasn't interested, even at the time seeing how unstable and unclear about her sexuality she was) like saying she wanted to sleep in the same bed as me. (only for one obvious reason.) Needless to say, nothing happened. Soon after she said to my friend "I'd fuck ____ if he wasn't such a virgin about it." When he told me this and I expressed dislike about it, on the surface he was understanding but in the end dismissive. (I don't mean it was an issue that he didn't make some point of criticizing her over it, because her and the circumstance obviously don't matter; but he should have been and was not willing to criticize the phenomena of virgin men being seen in a negative light by society, including the people who proudly claim to be the most "progressive"/"tolerant," but wasn't.) She ended up never finishing college, I will tell you about her future in a moment.
This was a very valuable lesson about Leftists/Liberal-Progressives/Wokes/Feminists that I wish I had internalized more at the time. For all their talk of tolerance and equal rights, their attitudes to men, women, and sexuality are not to be distinguished from frat bro bullies! Of course the blackpill has been saying this for years at this point. No one is more elitist and prejudiced than foids.
A little more background on her before I get to the doozy: her mother was from the Midwest or the South, Ohio, I think, and had been sexually abused by a family member or neighbor as a child. Her father was a Jewish man with a computer job who actually was formerly a part of the Sullivanians cult in NYC (look them up—it was founded by a Jewish man named Saul B. Newton who was formerly a Communist and designed a polygamous cult in NYC informed by his interpretation of psychoanalytic and social theory and was an adoptive father of a black man as a result of this. They met from a newspaper clipping (he evidently decided traditional monogamous marriage was for him, after all) and decided to get married weeks after meeting each other, so it was a completely loveless relationship. They both just decided they wanted a conventional life and so got a house and had two daughters. (both biological, to be clear: she had an older sister I never got to know.) From the outside they were relatively stable, but she told me he sometimes had drinking problems and that her mother confided to her that she was unhappy. (small wonder) She always was one of those really fake-cheerful/smiling women when I saw her. They also had a dog they neglected, leaving it in a cage in the basement or garage despite having a big house and a big outdoor yard area. (they insisted he would break through the gates or something, so just couldn't be bothered to reinforce them.) It was so dystopian Americana from all angles, right out of David Lynch. I couldn't make up any of this if I tried.
She went on to do porn. There are videos with her in them that have millions of views on Pornhub. She also had an OnlyFans, but did plenty of studio produced porn, both with men and women. She didn't do it for that long, but it was multiple years and she shot plenty of scenes. By the time she was doing this, I had stopped talking to her. If you were wondering, I only watched enough to confirm that it was real and didn't care especially since I wasn't talking to her by then. No, I was not aroused by them and never jerked off to them. I would link her IAFD profile now, but I will never link to something porn-related on a forum post or reply on this website. I could directly message it to you if you're curious to see it.
Now she does real estate, cleaning her social media from this as if it never happened. She's certainly not the only girl to formerly do porn and go into real estate. Also, her closest friend from the time I knew her died a few years ago of a drug overdose. This friend was extremely unpleasant, the most forgone kind of punky Radical Feminist, but I remembered how I got along with her, (I was the only one who did) and was mildly affected on hearing of her death. (she of course went by "they/them" pronouns or whatever.)
When foids go into porn or even just make an OnlyFans, look no further than their parents/caretakers and upbringing (or should I say, lack thereof) to understand why. Even these days when more are doing it than ever, the vast majority still don't. So the minority that do consistently have some lack or instability in their upbringing.
The lesson of this story: more foids are like this than was the case in the past because social conditions simultaneously entail more mental illness than before and opportunities for social maneuverability and making money off of the internet than was the case before.
I don't usually think about any of this. My accumulative shitty experiences, this being one of them, culminating in the worst of my life, have made me resolved to not bother with foids for the foreseeable future. Come to think about it, I also have other stories from my life about suburban mental illness.