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Discussion We often talk about how normies deny the blackpill, would you prefer if they began openly accepting it?

My Name Jeff

My Name Jeff

Jul 18, 2022
We talk, rightfully so, about how normies on mass deny the blackpill and points incels make. I don't have to give examples of what, we already know.

But would you prefer if normies on mass began to accept that the blackpill is real? If you complained about being an incel, would you prefer the "looks arent everything, personality matters bro" approach normies have, or would you prefer a "yes, you are ugly, short, and subhuman. that is why you are an incel. try to be in the top 1% of earners to make up for your looks" response?

Imagine if the blackpill was openly accepted and jobs openly discriminated in hiring ugly people due to the failo affect of short and/or ugly men being perceived as less intelligent, less successful, etc. and a company would rather have a tall handsome guy as they are perceived as intelligent and successful?

What if businesses began to turn away extremely ugly men? Many many more scenarios I could list but I will leave it at this.

As much as I hate the fact normies gaslight us when they deny the blackpill, it does feel like a general protection we have as I think the idea of them embracing blackpill theory on mass could be dangerous for us. And having normies confirm the blackpill on mass wouldn't really benefit us, asides from us maybe having a more accepted presence in the mainstream.
Yes, blackpilling normies is the best way.

But, the decision every normie is going to face is: should I risk getting cucked but accept possibly a fantasy of love-marriage-having offspring while the foid I am is just exploiting me and from time to time cucking me with the neighborhood Chad?

The issue with the blackpill and normiedom is that normies do not reject the blackpill per se. They simply know they will have chances to have sex with some foids and even marry, so the blackpill is not of utility of them but for the fact of doubting the bluepilled thinking they have, had or will have regarding foids.

Imagine if the blackpill was openly accepted and jobs openly discriminated in hiring ugly people due to the failo affect of short and/or ugly men being perceived as less intelligent, less successful, etc. and a company would rather have a tall handsome guy as they are perceived as intelligent and successful?
The actually do.

What if businesses began to turn away extremely ugly men?
It is impossible. Wageslaves are always needed. Chads will always opt for good paying jobs and they will live in tutorial mode. There are not enough Chad or attractive people to cover all the jobs required. The same way, most hard jobs are done by men, and usually by immigrants or either by extremely ugly men, low IQ who want to survive.

And having normies confirm the blackpill on mass wouldn't really benefit us, asides from us maybe having a more accepted presence in the mainstream.
I agree with you on this. It is a sword with double blade; however, most normies would go full depression, more than trying to impose nazi eugenics.
The actually do.
They do, but not openly. And not to an extreme degree. If the blackpill became mainstream, you would be begging for the state of the job market we have now.
It is impossible. Wageslaves are always needed. Chads will always opt for good paying jobs and they will live in tutorial mode. There are not enough Chad or attractive people to cover all the jobs required. The same way, most hard jobs are done by men, and usually by immigrants or either by extremely ugly men, low IQ who want to survive.
Instead of the possibility of becoming engineers, office workers, IT, incels will be relegated to 16 hour shifts at an amazon factory for minimum wage.
Normies would corrupt it into another grifting fad. They're already doing it by interpreting and twisting the blackpill into looksmaxxing quasi redpill nonsense like what you see with PSL tiktokers trending.
Normalfags ruin everything they touch. No exceptions.
Instead of the possibility of becoming engineers, office workers, IT, incels will be relegated to 16 hour shifts at an amazon factory for minimum wage.
We also have to consider that business, although are biased on the halo effect, will always try to prioritize benefits and productivity. So if there is a high IQ brocel that studied Computer Science, he will be successfull in this regard, like every talent.

The thing is that most brocels are low IQ, or destroyed by reality that will never see their full potential while foids, being absolute retarded have the best opportunities to be whatever they'd like to be.
They do, but not openly. And not to an extreme degree. If the blackpill became mainstream, you would be begging for the state of the job market we have now.
In my case, no one wants to be mechanic in Morocco, even among zoomers. So, the problem is not so much about looks discriminations jobs but the surplus of foids requesting jobs and stealing them from men.
Normies would corrupt it into another grifting fad. They're already doing it by interpreting and twisting the blackpill into looksmaxxing quasi redpill nonsense like what you see with PSL tiktokers trending.
Normalfags ruin everything they touch. No exceptions.
I saw you're blackpill post on my insta feed... Please sign me up for you're blackpill newsletter and all you're reports bro! (I already paid)
first comes the blackpill and then the revolution
not as much anymore amongst Zoomers due to tiktok lol they shit on ugly people way more nowadays
If people are aware of the issues we can solve them, if people are ignorant of lookism, heightism, racism, colourism, bald-phobia, Etc. they will realise how biased they might be and we would be more serious in promoting eugenics so future generations of men will face less discrimination.

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