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We need sanctuary cities for anti-degenerates



Nov 8, 2017
Most people in this world choose to act like dogs rather than live a life of love and nobility. The unfortunate affect of this is that caring gentlemen such as myself are left with no women to choose from except for the aftermath of a whore who's been shredded by numerous men. A marriage with such a woman is worthless.

This is why we need sanctuary cities with Noble men and women who are forced to act Noble. In these cities, marriage will be a sacred bond between a man and a woman rather than the filthy harem it is in society today. In these cities, people will better themselves instead of getting stoned every day. Violaters would be banned from the city forever.
When this city is formed let me know I'll be there in a heartbeat lol
Instead of hiding away in sanctuary cities, why wouldn't you make sure the right people have power and enforce virtue and morality on everybody?
Women would be happier if they married and had kids young instead of spending there most fertile years trying to "find themselves" (whoring). Then finally setting down when they're 43 and having one retarded kid in vitro.
Incels is 36 thousand fit gymcels. If we really wanted to we could invade New Zealand and install a new government. We definitely have the manpower. There are plenty of veterans here. Plus everyone here knows where the magazine release is on an M16, from years of playing Call Of Duty and watching ER videos.

Realistically the Incels Reaction Force would be far more effective than half the world's militaries. The Afghan military is fucked up on opium. The Iraqi army cant even do jumping jacks. . Plus New Zealand has only 8 thousand military personnel the majority of whom are useless paper pushers.

I don't actually support the violent overthrow of New Zealand. I just think its kind of a fun idea conceptualy.
Yeah, but this is not the direction we're headed in.

Instead, you can look forward to Google "Domed Cities" where feminism (post-feminism?) continues to reign supreme & even in novel ways you never thought possible.

Can I own a large plot of farmland with a huge farmhouse?
The monster "antidegenerate" Christcucks have fed for so long has now become so strong that it will come to devour themselves. This is poetic justice. 

The ideological and economic demands of the world domination of the US empire (i.e. a small clique of billionaires with US citizenships who use US courts, US military, US nukes and US media to blackmail the whole world) have finally turned nationalism, racism and all sharp religious distinctions allegedly to be found in sacred scriptures into unwanted nuisance factors. Once tools of competing ruling classes in the past, they are now regarded as nothing more but disturbing, interfering elements, only some obscure groups of low-status men sometimes try to reactivate in order to defend a little benefit that had been granted to them when there was still competition around. 

"Divide and rule" you only need out of a position of weakness, like the Roman Republic back then who gave the name to that strategy of "divide et impera." But with the "impera" being sufficient now, the "divide" is no longer necessary and wanted. Instead, you'll get this one world religion with a one world god, a one world "government" and open borders: because capital either goes to misery ("outsourcing") and/or imports misery (immigration) in order to drive down wages, import low-wage workers and make strikes impossible. Not because they care about racism and refugees. They have no problems with destroying the Middle East - but once Muslim refugees come to the West, THEN they suddenly care about "Islamophobia" because they want low-wage workers to drive down wages. 

Anyways. I digress. What was the topic again, oh right, Christcucks. Well - you WILL get your precious dark ages back, I'm afraid. And just like Christianity was introduced by the sword to politically unite the ruling class's subjects, you'll get a new "It's all the same God"-religion introduced by the sword. And just like the Christian peasants were tied to their lands for centuries and not even allowed to move, future peasants might be tied to assembly lines, controlled by drones and implanted mikrochips. There will be just as little freedom of speech as in the dark ages, just as little freedom of science - and as for sexuality: "sexist" is the new "sinful." Livestock peasants were never supposed to enjoy their sexuality. "Sexist" and "sinful" both translate to "not ashamed of wanting to have sex for pleasure." Like in the Christian dark ages, this will only be for a small ruling class, while the rest of the people turn into livestock and are full of neuroses, guilt, and (sexual) misery. 

The only thing that has really changed is the technology and the fact that because there's just one ruling class (US mega-capital) around anymore, all other distinctions between the races, nations, religions and even the sexes are considered nuisance factors now. So you get the one-world-man, so to speak, a cultureless, nationless, raceless, genderless, working nomad. This is the monster capitalist "antidegenerate" Christcucks have fed for so long. 

In the beginning, capitalism was white and national, now that capitalism turns into monopolism, it is "global" and "diverse"; it has created the nation state and now it destroys the nation state. And for dividing lines between Christians non-Christians, men and women there is no space anymore. Livestock is not supposed to be divided. 

The saddest thing is that the majority of you Christcucks will get along with it like you've always got along. The Pope has already realized the writings on the wall and already preaches this "It's all the same god-"religion. Mainline Protestants do as well, most conservatives are close to it, either.

Oh well, anyways.
^Catholicism is blasphemous (They say the pope represent Christ) and half-way pagan so what they say is irrelevant.
Red Shambhala said:
The monster "antidegenerate" Christcucks...

That's why you swallow the evolapill and become a pagan traditionalist with a master morality, contra the slave morality of the christcuck :^)
Red Shambhala said:
The monster "antidegenerate" Christcucks have fed for so long has now become so strong that it will come to devour themselves. This is poetic justice. 

The ideological and economic demands of the world domination of the US empire (i.e. a small clique of billionaires with US citizenships who use US courts, US military, US nukes and US media to blackmail the whole world) have finally turned nationalism, racism and all sharp religious distinctions allegedly to be found in sacred scriptures into unwanted nuisance factors. Once tools of competing ruling classes in the past, they are now regarded as nothing more but disturbing, interfering elements, only some obscure groups of low-status men sometimes try to reactivate in order to defend a little benefit that had been granted to them when there was still competition around. 

"Divide and rule" you only need out of a position of weakness, like the Roman Republic back then who gave the name to that strategy of "divide et impera." But with the "impera" being sufficient now, the "divide" is no longer necessary and wanted. Instead, you'll get this one world religion with a one world god, a one world "government" and open borders: because capital either goes to misery ("outsourcing") and/or imports misery (immigration) in order to drive down wages, import low-wage workers and make strikes impossible. Not because they care about racism and refugees. They have no problems with destroying the Middle East - but once Muslim refugees come to the West, THEN they suddenly care about "Islamophobia" because they want low-wage workers to drive down wages. 

Anyways. I digress. What was the topic again, oh right, Christcucks. Well - you WILL get your precious dark ages back, I'm afraid. And just like Christianity was introduced by the sword to politically unite the ruling class's subjects, you'll get a new "It's all the same God"-religion introduced by the sword. And just like the Christian peasants were tied to their lands for centuries and not even allowed to move, future peasants might be tied to assembly lines, controlled by drones and implanted mikrochips. There will be just as little freedom of speech as in the dark ages, just as little freedom of science - and as for sexuality: "sexist" is the new "sinful." Livestock peasants were never supposed to enjoy their sexuality. "Sexist" and "sinful" both translate to "not ashamed of wanting to have sex for pleasure." Like in the Christian dark ages, this will only be for a small ruling class, while the rest of the people turn into livestock and are full of neuroses, guilt, and (sexual) misery. 

The only thing that has really changed is the technology and the fact that because there's just one ruling class (US mega-capital) around anymore, all other distinctions between the races, nations, religions and even the sexes are considered nuisance factors now. So you get the one-world-man, so to speak, a cultureless, nationless, raceless, genderless, working nomad. This is the monster capitalist "antidegenerate" Christcucks have fed for so long. 

In the beginning, capitalism was white and national, now that capitalism turns into monopolism, it is "global" and "diverse"; it has created the nation state and now it destroys the nation state. And for dividing lines between Christians non-Christians, men and women there is no space anymore. Livestock is not supposed to be divided. 

The saddest thing is that the majority of you Christcucks will get along with it like you've always got along. The Pope has already realized the writings on the wall and already preaches this "It's all the same god-"religion. Mainline Protestants do as well, most conservatives are close to it, either.

Oh well, anyways.

commiefags must be executed on sight in this forum IMHO.
I would join this city. I had enough of being around and seeing the degeneracy of femoids, Chads and normshits. It makes me physically ill.
Red Shambhala said:
The monster "antidegenerate" Christcucks have fed for so long has now become so strong that it will come to devour themselves. This is poetic justice. 

The ideological and economic demands of the world domination of the US empire (i.e. a small clique of billionaires with US citizenships who use US courts, US military, US nukes and US media to blackmail the whole world) have finally turned nationalism, racism and all sharp religious distinctions allegedly to be found in sacred scriptures into unwanted nuisance factors. Once tools of competing ruling classes in the past, they are now regarded as nothing more but disturbing, interfering elements, only some obscure groups of low-status men sometimes try to reactivate in order to defend a little benefit that had been granted to them when there was still competition around. 

"Divide and rule" you only need out of a position of weakness, like the Roman Republic back then who gave the name to that strategy of "divide et impera." But with the "impera" being sufficient now, the "divide" is no longer necessary and wanted. Instead, you'll get this one world religion with a one world god, a one world "government" and open borders: because capital either goes to misery ("outsourcing") and/or imports misery (immigration) in order to drive down wages, import low-wage workers and make strikes impossible. Not because they care about racism and refugees. They have no problems with destroying the Middle East - but once Muslim refugees come to the West, THEN they suddenly care about "Islamophobia" because they want low-wage workers to drive down wages. 

Anyways. I digress. What was the topic again, oh right, Christcucks. Well - you WILL get your precious dark ages back, I'm afraid. And just like Christianity was introduced by the sword to politically unite the ruling class's subjects, you'll get a new "It's all the same God"-religion introduced by the sword. And just like the Christian peasants were tied to their lands for centuries and not even allowed to move, future peasants might be tied to assembly lines, controlled by drones and implanted mikrochips. There will be just as little freedom of speech as in the dark ages, just as little freedom of science - and as for sexuality: "sexist" is the new "sinful." Livestock peasants were never supposed to enjoy their sexuality. "Sexist" and "sinful" both translate to "not ashamed of wanting to have sex for pleasure." Like in the Christian dark ages, this will only be for a small ruling class, while the rest of the people turn into livestock and are full of neuroses, guilt, and (sexual) misery. 

The only thing that has really changed is the technology and the fact that because there's just one ruling class (US mega-capital) around anymore, all other distinctions between the races, nations, religions and even the sexes are considered nuisance factors now. So you get the one-world-man, so to speak, a cultureless, nationless, raceless, genderless, working nomad. This is the monster capitalist "antidegenerate" Christcucks have fed for so long. 

In the beginning, capitalism was white and national, now that capitalism turns into monopolism, it is "global" and "diverse"; it has created the nation state and now it destroys the nation state. And for dividing lines between Christians non-Christians, men and women there is no space anymore. Livestock is not supposed to be divided. 

The saddest thing is that the majority of you Christcucks will get along with it like you've always got along. The Pope has already realized the writings on the wall and already preaches this "It's all the same god-"religion. Mainline Protestants do as well, most conservatives are close to it, either.

Oh well, anyways.
The best thing murican incels can do is killing elite money creator families. No mercy, they should be like Hitler against these elite families.
They already exist: Mormon/Mennonite/Islamic towns and villages. Bad luck though if you just don't believe in God...

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