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Serious We need more solidarity, less "masculinity"

Red Shambhala

Red Shambhala

Death to America
Nov 10, 2017
1. Masculinity isn't even that great. In all societies, in which "masculine" men have oppressed women, low-status men were oppressed FAR more.

2. Women don't deserve masculine men. Women don't deserve tall Chads who protect them, sacrifice themselves for them, give their resources to them. Fuck women and what they want.

3. One of the reasons why the feminist narrative about "toxic masculinity" could so easily become mainstream was that it's very similar to tradcuck "masculinity":


The conservative "shotgun dad" and the liberal "ally" against toxic masculinity are two sides of the same coin when it comes to defending M'Ladys. Right-wingers make fun of conservatives for their attempts to paint Democrats as "the REAL racists" ... but when it comes to rape, harassment and pedophilia, they promote the same idea: "Liberals are the REAL rapists ... because they bring in monster Muslims, and the Jews are all pedos and we have to protect the wimminz!"


4. Masculinity means hurting other men to increase one's status in front of women. It's about putting other men down so you appear bigger in front of women. Masculinity means stealing resources from other men and hording them - so you can give them to women. (And it means hurting yourself, it means destroying and hurting yourself because everything else is as faggy as unmasculine as doing your homework on time. Masculinity is anti-intellectual and hence part of the reason why 2/3 of all students are women while 2/3 of all late essays are from men.)

5. One of the reasons feminists are winning is that they promote women protecting each other. Women having each other's back, no matter the race or the sexual preference. (Women know, btw, that you can be a feminist no matter if you're sexually submissive, dominant or vanilla. Men are far from having realized the same about anti-feminism...) "Masculinity" is one of the reasons why men do not do the same, but put each other down instead. "Masculinity" is about small tribal groups fighting other small tribal groups ... and stealing their resources so they can give them to women.

=> We need more solidarity, less "masculinity." We need men helping each other, defending each other, fighting back together. Many men need help, not male bravado. As this help won't come from women, men have to help other men.
You can be masculine without weaponinzing your masculinity against your brothers. You can be masculine while still supporting your incel brethren while hating soy cucks. Reduced masculinity eventually leads to becoming subservient soy boy cucks who worship women and elevate them to goddess level making them unattainable.
The conservative "shotgun dad" and the liberal "ally" against toxic masculinity are two sides of the same coin when it comes to defending M'Ladys. Right-wingers make fun of conservatives for their attempts to paint Democrats as "the REAL racists" ... but when it comes to rape, harassment and pedophilia, they promote the same idea: "Liberals are the REAL rapists ... because they bring in monster Muslims, and the Jews are all pedos and we have to protect the wimminz!"

They are not real right wing. Actually they are all a bunch of leftist supporting females. They are all feminist.
Just drink soylent like a beta faggot bro
No. We need more masculinity. We need misogynist people.

Masculinity is not fighting other males to protect women. Masculinity is about bonding with other misogynists to enslave women.

Women should not be respected.
Funny the people responing "soy". Most of You niggas were bullied by the competition of this "masculinity"
in high school. No need to play tough
Just sayin
I don't get why many cultures think that manly men can drink a lot.
Well, I am an alcoholic so I should be one of the most manliest men who ever lived!!

P.S fuck alcohol
Just take it up the ass and be a bitch theory
Masculinity is the foundation of every man and is being drained away from this society. I appreciate you trying to make a point but we live in 2018 where men are metrosexuals and children are getting castrated
1. Masculinity isn't even that great. In all societies, in which "masculine" men have oppressed women, low-status men were oppressed FAR more.

2. Women don't deserve masculine men. Women don't deserve tall Chads who protect them, sacrifice themselves for them, give their resources to them. Fuck women and what they want.

3. One of the reasons why the feminist narrative about "toxic masculinity" could so easily become mainstream was that it's very similar to tradcuck "masculinity":


The conservative "shotgun dad" and the liberal "ally" against toxic masculinity are two sides of the same coin when it comes to defending M'Ladys. Right-wingers make fun of conservatives for their attempts to paint Democrats as "the REAL racists" ... but when it comes to rape, harassment and pedophilia, they promote the same idea: "Liberals are the REAL rapists ... because they bring in monster Muslims, and the Jews are all pedos and we have to protect the wimminz!"


4. Masculinity means hurting other men to increase one's status in front of women. It's about putting other men down so you appear bigger in front of women. Masculinity means stealing resources from other men and hording them - so you can give them to women. (And it means hurting yourself, it means destroying and hurting yourself because everything else is as faggy as unmasculine as doing your homework on time. Masculinity is anti-intellectual and hence part of the reason why 2/3 of all students are women while 2/3 of all late essays are from men.)

5. One of the reasons feminists are winning is that they promote women protecting each other. Women having each other's back, no matter the race or the sexual preference. (Women know, btw, that you can be a feminist no matter if you're sexually submissive, dominant or vanilla. Men are far from having realized the same about anti-feminism...) "Masculinity" is one of the reasons why men do not do the same, but put each other down instead. "Masculinity" is about small tribal groups fighting other small tribal groups ... and stealing their resources so they can give them to women.

=> We need more solidarity, less "masculinity." We need men helping each other, defending each other, fighting back together. Many men need help, not male bravado. As this help won't come from women, men have to help other men.
Agree with him or not, he did more thinking than any soyboy, NPC, normalfags and femoids put together.. His post was very well thought out and constructed..
1. Masculinity isn't even that great. In all societies, in which "masculine" men have oppressed women, low-status men were oppressed FAR more.

2. Women don't deserve masculine men. Women don't deserve tall Chads who protect them, sacrifice themselves for them, give their resources to them. Fuck women and what they want.

3. One of the reasons why the feminist narrative about "toxic masculinity" could so easily become mainstream was that it's very similar to tradcuck "masculinity":


The conservative "shotgun dad" and the liberal "ally" against toxic masculinity are two sides of the same coin when it comes to defending M'Ladys. Right-wingers make fun of conservatives for their attempts to paint Democrats as "the REAL racists" ... but when it comes to rape, harassment and pedophilia, they promote the same idea: "Liberals are the REAL rapists ... because they bring in monster Muslims, and the Jews are all pedos and we have to protect the wimminz!"


4. Masculinity means hurting other men to increase one's status in front of women. It's about putting other men down so you appear bigger in front of women. Masculinity means stealing resources from other men and hording them - so you can give them to women. (And it means hurting yourself, it means destroying and hurting yourself because everything else is as faggy as unmasculine as doing your homework on time. Masculinity is anti-intellectual and hence part of the reason why 2/3 of all students are women while 2/3 of all late essays are from men.)

5. One of the reasons feminists are winning is that they promote women protecting each other. Women having each other's back, no matter the race or the sexual preference. (Women know, btw, that you can be a feminist no matter if you're sexually submissive, dominant or vanilla. Men are far from having realized the same about anti-feminism...) "Masculinity" is one of the reasons why men do not do the same, but put each other down instead. "Masculinity" is about small tribal groups fighting other small tribal groups ... and stealing their resources so they can give them to women.

=> We need more solidarity, less "masculinity." We need men helping each other, defending each other, fighting back together. Many men need help, not male bravado. As this help won't come from women, men have to help other men.
Totally agree with you, bro. We need less masculinity, because we are fighting against each others males on an unfair, needless and unjust competition. We must find more solidarity and unity. Today's definition of "masculinity" is really toxic, chad/chadlite have it all, but Incels having none. It's the law of the strongest. Though, not totally against mother nature, it's immoral for a now decadent Christian civilization. But, who really cares?
I don't think we need less masculinity, I just think it needs to be targeted better. Totally agree with the fact we need to stop using it against our brothers and trying to impress women with it.
Jfl at all the cucks who write soy here and then get bullied by high-t thugs.
Jfl at all the cucks who write soy here and then get bullied by high-t thugs.
Here's your solution for getting "bullied by high-t thugs", it's called retribution.
oy vey goim masculinity is bad for you here are your soyrazors and soy products women want a good nice man who respects them
its true though. Masculinity = forced meme by holes
this is a high iq thread
I doubt the people responding with :soy: didn’t even read it
Absolutely legit
Masculinity is COPE anyway
Its all about the face
this is a high iq thread
I doubt the people responding with :soy: didn’t even read it
tbh @Red Shambhala always made high IQ posts without acting pretentious. That's a big achievement in this community
(Mostly) agreed ngl
Expecially here:
2. Women don't deserve masculine men. Women don't deserve tall Chads who protect them, sacrifice themselves for them, give their resources to them. Fuck women and what they want.
Agreed, brother. This is why I identify with incels more than MGTOW. MGTOWS are the kind of guys that would kick you off the bus if you had a tiny penis, like some kind of Stacey, because they're too heavily stewed in 1980s-centric macho ass insecurities. Incels would claim their dick is smaller.
Everything translates to : need more chad not this
High IQ. The right wing is just as gynocentric as the left.
Masculinity means hurting other men to increase one's status in front of women.
Tradcuck's definition of masculinity is not correct. They misrepresented the alpha character. Tradcucks, as weak and fragile they may looks like IRL, will all end up telling you that you are not a real men if (insert trad-bullshit). But their masculinity concept is more centered around being slaves and pander to women. How such vile creatures can be considered "alpha"? Of course they are not, they are not even "masculine", they act like they are but they just misrepresented the character.

Men are too different frome one another to correctly define an absolute definition of "masculinity", only tradtards have the arrogance to impose their own definition, in this aspect they are not different from feminists since also feminists are trying to paint men as they are all the same. But we men are biologically different, more than how women are biologically different from one another.

Tradcuck masculinity only hurt tradcucks, and other vile men who follow such a bullshit concept. But true men such as myself and my fellow ethnic brothers are not hurt by tradcucks, we can smash them with no effort since we are true alpha misogynistic badasses.
We need a large-scale famine, thats what humans deserve the most.
masculinity has NOTHING to do with supporting women as a matter of fact masculinity is required for subjugating women, its nothing to do with looks or anything like that but strength the strength to lead, to survive rejecting masculinity will turn you into a submissive, tranny, pedophile weakling
You can still be high T and tolerate others, especially in same situation as you (incels)
Number 4 kinda makes it impossible. Aslong as sperm exists and females undergo gestation, there will always be sperm competition, and it will always be violent, and there will always be winners and losers. The best we can l is setup a system that encourages non violent sperm competition (even though if push ever comes to shove, things will get violent anyways)

1: segregate society by sex
2: make women property
3: produce them in foid farms at a rate of 2:1 female:male ratio
4: sell them in auctions

This would render anybody able to make a living non-incel. Height/face/frame/bideltoid/hair/dick/race wouldn’t matter..
A positive side effect of this would be that the richest men would get tons of high quality foids and have more kids than the broke folks. The rich are higher IQ than the poor so this is kind of a good way to go about eugenics selecting for IQ instead of modern day eugenics selection for height, fighting success, and facial harmony.
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Part of why females keep winning is their tendency to side with their own in any circumstance. I can't count the amount of male feminists who spout "men are trash" tier bullshit, and I can count the females I saw who identify as MRAs on my fingers. Males compete for power as individuals, females seem to compete for power as individuals and as a group. You always see them automatically side with their own, while males are ready to crush every other male for even a whiff of pussy.
If you are trying to be masculine then you've already fallen for societal indoctrination, the only thing a man needs to do to "be a man", is to simply be someone who is ruthless in his financial pursuits and various life goals, you'll be seen as "masculine" by default, and even if you aren't you can simply buy and/or take what you want, who gives a fuck about appearances, I only care about what I can actually get.
What if I told you...I don't know what solidarity means

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