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Blackpill We may only have a few good coping months left, enjoy them

  • Thread starter Deleted member 17245
  • Start date
Deleted member 17245

Deleted member 17245

Feb 24, 2019
We're literally months away from total communist takeover in the West. Maybe the normie population will rise up and defeat it, but I have my doubts and so have consigned myself to our unfortunate fate. The elites intend to liquidate the West with their Great Reset that they have already advertised. Who am to stop them. I'm just discarded genetic trash.

Those who survive the initial insurrection will live in a hellish nightmare beyond all preconception. The fate of the incel is the incinerator or mass-grave. If you can't escape to some third-world shithole in the middle of nowhere right now, you better enjoy these next few months. They may be your last. There is no save game you can restore to go back to a better time. The Internet as we know it will probably be dismantled by next year. If you intend to struggle and fight on, better start downloading and backing up content. It's over.

If you think things are going to go back to normal, then you are blind to history.

Me? I'm just going to play games, jack off to hentai and rot until they take me away to be shoved into a mass grave.
Huh? What are you talking about?

I've seen the great Reset stuff but dunno what any of it actually is it doesn't say anywhere.
Yeah we gonna need some sources for that brother
This is indeed brutal to hear. I will enjoy these months then.
You mean those communists, who want to limit the power of the financial corporate elite and democratize their assets in a fashion similar to conventional shareholdership? Those communists funded by the very same financial corporate elite?; oh wait no those were the "tradcon"-larpers fishing for low hanging fruits of uneducated poor people, diverting their resentments away towards some poor niggers and faggots? You man those? :feelsPop:

Get your heads out of their asses and start thinking about who actually controls everything (right and libs alike) and who advocates against that...

These good cop bad cop shit needs to end...
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Me? I'm just going to play games, jack off to hentai and rot until they take me away to be shoved into a mass grave.
Yeah we gonna need some sources for that brother

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxuomqy-cSs

Seven strong years after 2014 brings us to 2021. The year they always planned to do the Great Reset.

You mean those communists, who want to limit the power of the financial corporate elite and democratize their assets in a fashion similar to conventional shareholdership?

They are useful idiots, pawns used to destabilize and destroy.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVrXdwDpFjA

The original Russian Revolution back in 1917 was also funded by (((American bankers))), who cynically wanted to destroy and enslave Russia. Lenin and Trotsky funnelled gold assets seized from the Russian populace back to European and American banks.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaFklTLNy8c
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"communists" haven't been an actual political force in the west since 1991
Communists would probably give us foids
Communists would probably give us foids
Giphy downsized large
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My nigga do you really think that LARPing redditors will actually manage a total takeover of western society?
Normies are purposely ruining their own lives
Don't they believe in organising society down to every detail

Precisely. Your sexual inactivity does not matter for society so they won't give a single crap.
Precisely. Your sexual inactivity does not matter for society so they won't give a single crap.
You don't know what you're talking about tbh
You don't know what you're talking about tbh
You know what, maybe you're right. I actually don't know much about the way communist countries have dealt with matrimonial issues in the past. So please tell me, what examples of implementations of the Marxist doctrine do you know that enforced marriages ?

Notice that even if you're right, I would still absolutely hate to be assigned a female I would not have absolutely no say in choosing whatsoever.

I think if they wanted single men to find females, they would threaten them. Kind of like in the movie "the lobster".

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU29VfayDMw
You know what, maybe you're right. I actually don't know much about the way communist countries have dealt with matrimonial issues in the past. So please tell me, what examples of implementations of the Marxist doctrine do you know that enforced marriages ?

Notice that even if you're right, I would still absolutely hate to be assigned a female I would not have absolutely no say in choosing whatsoever.

I think if they wanted single men to find females, they would threaten them. Kind of like in the movie "the lobster".

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU29VfayDMw

I didn't watch that movie. Seems lame.
We're literally months away from total communist takeover in the West.
I'm still hoping Trump will make it. On the other hand if he does there is no chance in hell the lefties take it gracefully. We'd then have a full blown civil war.

If he loses, Biden will be a muppet for the marxist and progressives. We'd have a Venezuela-style collapse. It will be ugly too.
My nigga do you really think that LARPing redditors will actually manage a total takeover of western society?

No, but they can destabilize it enough to allow a Marxist demagogue within the Democratic party to rise to power. For example, if Biden picks a BLM-backing black female vice president (which is what everyone expects him to do), and Biden then either steps down or dies in the first few months, you'll have a Marxist for a president.
This is wrong. They are influencing politics. Right now.

They are not just influencing politics, they are taking over the entire democratic party. Just recently Alexandra Ocasio Cortez was reelected with a landslide.

The culture war deep down is just about communism against capitalism, most of the other aspects are just diversions.
"communist takeover of the west" where do you people even get this shit? The us election is between two fucking right wingers joe biden and trump. UK has the most right wing prime minister it has had in years. You people probably think Obama is a communist jfl
I'm still hoping Trump will make it. On the other hand if he does there is no chance in hell the lefties take it gracefully. We'd then have a full blown civil war.

If he loses, Biden will be a muppet for the marxist and progressives. We'd have a Venezuela-style collapse. It will be ugly too.

Exactly. Another model for the collapse might be South Africa with the ANC, then full on civil war and liquidation. Timeline could be something like:

Early 2021 - Biden publically announces he has dementia and steps down
Late 2021 - Massive gun control gets pushed through after various false flags and right-wing backlash against leftist looting/killing
2022 - Reparations for Black people
2023 - Civil war breaks out with China, Cuba, Venezuela backing the Democrats in powerr
2025 - Millions of Americans executed in "reeducation" camps

Don't think the last part could happen? They planned to do it before. The Weather Underground and the M19 or May 19th Communist Organization were terrorist groups in the 1980s. They planned to kill at least 25 million Americans who refused to be reeducated to accept communism, in order to terrorize the rest into submission. Guess who runs the financing and organizing for Black Lives Matter? An organization known as Thousand Currents. Who heads up Thousand Currents? Susan Rosenberg, who is a convicted terrorist that was a part of M19 and was supposed to serve 75 years in prison for bombing buildings in Washington DC, but was pardoned by Bill Clinton on his last day.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyKg5gErL18


"communist takeover of the west" where do you people even get this shit? The us election is between two fucking right wingers joe biden and trump. UK has the most right wing prime minister it has had in years. You people probably think Obama is a communist jfl

This is how demoralized you are. Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and Trump would all be considered left of center socialists by the standards of 1950. The Overton window has shifted far left these past 70 years.
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The end is near. Since I can't have firearms in Brazil I can only hope Jesus takes me away.
I’ll try to enjoy them
Guess who runs the financing and organizing for Black Lives Matter? An organization known as Thousand Currents. Who heads up Thousand Currents? Susan Rosenberg, who is a convicted terrorist that was a part of M19 and was supposed to serve 75 years in prison for bombing buildings in Washington DC, but was pardoned by Bill Clinton on his last day.

I didn't know about any of this. Seems like a deep rabbit hole.

You people probably think Obama is a communist jfl

I'm not an american citizen so I don't know much about him but I know that the main thing he's known for is Obama-care, which is the socialization of healthcare. Healthcare is a Trojan horse for socialism, because most people agree it's bad to let sick people die if they can't afford to pay a doctor, the problem is once you let that mentality in they expand it to all the other aspects of so called "social justice".

Obama is not a literal communist, but he sure helped socialism thrive in the US.
You sound like those prophets who claim the world is gonna end anytime
I'm not an american citizen so I don't know much about him but I know that the main thing he's known for is Obama-care, which is the socialization of healthcare. Healthcare is a Trojan horse for socialism, because most people agree it's bad to let sick people die if they can't afford to pay a doctor, the problem is once you let that mentality in they expand it to all the other aspects of so called "social justice".

Obama is not a literal communist, but he sure helped socialism thrive in the US.
Lowest IQ thing I've ever read. Socalizied healthcare has been a thing in all of Europe and most rich countries. None of them have socalisim established. Obama was a captialist to the bones. He was a dirty rat who lives in a fancy mansion
Socalizied healthcare has been a thing in all of Europe and most rich countries.
These countries do not have a balanced budget. It's only a matter of time until they can't borrow money anymore to pay their debts.
These countries are bankrupted. It's only a matter of time until they can't borrow money anymore to pay their debts.
America is $24.22 trillion dollars in debt, more than all of Europe combined.

Why do people mention random things as facts when they obviously get their sources from memes
America is fucked too, that doesn't change my assessment about Europe.
It actually does since you stupidly try to claim that they're getting fucked because of free healthcare. Why are you still trying? You clearly don't know what you're tralking about
It actually does since you stupidly try to claim that they're getting fucked because of free healthcare. Why are you still trying? You clearly don't know what you're tralking about

Has it occurred to you that different countries can fail to balance their budget for different reasons ?

In any case, an European country such as France has a notoriously large healthcare budget deficit. I hasn't been balanced for decades, if ever. It's of common knowledge for French people like me.

I don't see how it makes sense to envy a system that fails to finance itself, which was my point. Granted though, I talked about their general budget, not just the healthcare one, which was an imprecision on my part.
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Has it occurred to you that different countries can fail to balance their budget for different reasons ?

In any case, an European country such as France has a notoriously large healthcare budget deficit. I hasn't been balanced for decades, if ever. It's of common knowledge for French people like me.

I don't see how it makes sense to envy a system that fails to finance itself, which was my point. Granted though, I talked about their general budget, not just the healthcare one, which was an imprecision on my part.

Why are you still pretending that you know what you're tralking about? A system that fails to finance itself? Do you need how many americans delcare bankruptcies due to medical bills? Literally any country with socialized healthcare has it better than America. You clearly are talking shit
No, but they can destabilize it enough to allow a Marxist demagogue within the Democratic party to rise to power. For example, if Biden picks a BLM-backing black female vice president (which is what everyone expects him to do), and Biden then either steps down or dies in the first few months, you'll have a Marxist for a president.
Biden isn’t winning. Most BLMfags can’t vote because they’re underage and Trump supporters always vote regardless of what anyone says
You sound like those prophets who claim the world is gonna end anytime

yes truth is NOTHING will happen as always
gen trash and people who see that their life are meaningless always hope for something to happen
but EVEN if it happened they would only suffer from it and anything else
there's no point talking about it at any rate we will 1 have the bad role 2 lose
No matter how many, it's better than the whole country declaring bankruptcy.
and which european country has delcared bankruptcy? How many times has America fill into recession?? Man, stop. this is embarrassing
Biden isn’t winning. Most BLMfags can’t vote because they’re underage and Trump supporters always vote regardless of what anyone says

I hope you're right. I hope the polls are just as fake and bullshit as they were in 2016. I hope the Dems fail at rigging the election. I hope the swing states still vote Trump. I hope a woman finally takes pitty on me and decides to let an ugly incel have sex with her.

Hope is a dangerous thing.
I hope you're right. I hope the polls are just as fake and bullshit as they were in 2016. I hope the Dems fail at rigging the election. I hope the swing states still vote Trump. I hope a woman finally takes pitty on me and decides to let an ugly incel have sex with her.

Hope is a dangerous thing.
it'll be fine. the libs plan is for biden to croak in office and then to replace him with a black foid
it'll be fine. the libs plan is for biden to croak in office and then to replace him with a black foid
Well, that's exactly what I'm worried about and pointed out in this thread.
Well, that's exactly what I'm worried about and pointed out in this thread.
It won’t happen though. These BLM “movements” have pushed everyone to the right save for retarded roasties and commies
Fuckin GrAYcels browse red pilled meme youtubers and visit pol three times and come here,making all these almost copy and pasted low IQ threads about communism and jews and shit

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