Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

SuicideFuel we are programmed to be miserable without a foid.



Its not over - its just never began
Aug 13, 2018
thats just how it is. there is no escape.

it doesnt matter how hard inside the blackpill you are. you cant deny those feelings.

we are slaves to our needs. society knows it. foids arent scared that one day cucks will stop orbit around them - they know it wont ever happen.
the game is rigged.

it doesnt matter what i will do. in the end of the day i go to sleep alone and all i can do is imagine i have a foid with me and get depressed.

there is no real getting over it with inceldom. you can lie and cope for yourself for a while but in the end it all comes back to one thing - without a foid we will never feel ok.
We’re not programmed, it’s in our nature bro. It’s in our genes. Our hormones. But yeah, there’s no escaping this
We’re not programmed, it’s in our nature bro. It’s in our genes. Our hormones. But yeah, there’s no escaping this

it’s in our nature. It’s in our genes. Our hormones. = we're programmed
it’s in our nature. It’s in our genes. Our hormones. = we're programmed
When I think of programmed I think of like the media like being brainwashed from a young age etc
just think that if we were born 50 years earlier we would have a much better chance.

no online dating so you dont have to compete with chads in your country.
No social media so the woman dont have inflated egos.

Literally living in an era of genocide against ugly men. :feelshaha:
man can live without women,but for that you need something that cannot be described.Higher spiritual affinity doesn't make it justice.blessed are those who can dedicate their entire mind to god and love.


go read saint augustine for he was a high tier chad who went celibate for our lord who art in heaven.There are millions of examples of chads and richcels dropping their earthly life at gods calling.Life is more then earth and ashes.it's more then food and wine.It's more then riches and jewels.
We are evolved to pursue women and not kill ourselves. I have hypothesised that high morals, mutational load and high intelligence may allow people to break the cycle of continuing existence through our descendants. The genes must be sadistic to live on as they do, were they literally conscious. Being an incel gives you what the man with unblocked paths of conscience may struggle to grant himself: escape.
Yet retards on here say to not care about having a gf or sex, and to just cope
man can live without women,but for that you need something that cannot be described.Higher spiritual affinity doesn't make it justice.blessed are those who can dedicate their entire mind to god and love.


go read saint augustine for he was a high tier chad who went celibate for our lord who art in heaven.There are millions of examples of chads and richcels dropping their earthly life at gods calling.Life is more then earth and ashes.it's more then food and wine.It's more then riches and jewels.
Fuck off with this cucktianity bs. Cucktianity brought this bullshit on us because its a weak religion for weak people. First of all it starts with a litteral cuckold story. Then it tells you to not punish the wicked. Like the whore who was going to be stoned. Well its clear as day thst not punishing the wrong deeds only multiplies them. Cucktianity is literally what sjws are when they cry about slutshaming, etc.

Also when you realize who and when created and pushed it, you finally get it why it was done.
Fuck off with this cucktianity bs. Cucktianity brought this bullshit on us because its a weak religion for weak people. First of all it starts with a litteral cuckold story. Then it tells you to not punish the wicked. Like the whore who was going to be stoned. Well its clear as day thst not punishing the wrong deeds only multiplies them. Cucktianity is literally what sjws are when they cry about slutshaming, etc.

Also when you realize who and when created and pushed it, you finally get it why it was done.
god is just and he punishes those who have not repented.It's laughable that you call it a weak religion for weak people when you wouldn't be able to keep your dick in your pants for more then 5 seconds without committing adultery, and all types of degeneracy if you were chad.

Proverbs 11:21
Assuredly, the evil man will not go unpunished, But the descendants of the righteous will be delivered.

2 Thessalonians 1:9

These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power.

Proverbs 17:15

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.

Matthew 25:46

"These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

Loving our neighbour is not loving our neighbour for his actions,but loving our neighbour for he is man,an image of god.God loves his creations and naturally the lover will want the loved one to experience what is best for him.Since what is best for man is to be with god,god naturally wants his loved ones to be with him.
god is just and he punishes those who have not repented.It's laughable that you call it a weak religion for weak people when you wouldn't be able to keep your dick in your pants for more then 5 seconds without committing adultery, and all types of degeneracy if you were chad.

Proverbs 11:21
Assuredly, the evil man will not go unpunished, But the descendants of the righteous will be delivered.

2 Thessalonians 1:9

These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power.

Proverbs 17:15

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.

Matthew 25:46

"These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

Loving our neighbour is not loving our neighbour for his actions,but loving our neighbour for he is man,an image of god.God loves his creations and naturally the lover will want the loved one to experience what is best for him.Since what is best for man is to be with god,god naturally wants his loved ones to be with him.
Oh yeah quoting from your jewish fairytale for the dumb goyim will surely prove me wrong! Using bibull to defend the bibull, cucktians are such brainlets.
Oh yeah quoting from your jewish fairytale for the dumb goyim will surely prove me wrong! Using bibull to defend the bibull, cucktians are such brainlets.

*Then it tells you to not punish the wicked. Like the whore who was going to be stoned. Well its clear as day thst not punishing the wrong deeds only multiplies them.*

you said that not punishing the unjust is stupid and i agreed.No christian says that god is not just.If you are thinking about something that goes beyond this then be free to say.Also,no scholar denies jesus existence or that he was crucified by pontius pilate.if you are wondering about miracles there are various apologetic works on that question.You must search for answers for these questions for life on earth is miserable.

Ecclesiastes 1

1 The words of the Preacher,[a] the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

2 Vanity[b] of vanities, says the Preacher,
vanity of vanities! All is vanity.
3 What does man gain by all the toil
at which he toils under the sun?
4 A generation goes, and a generation comes,
but the earth remains forever.
5 The sun rises, and the sun goes down,
and hastens[c] to the place where it rises.
6 The wind blows to the south
and goes around to the north;
around and around goes the wind,
and on its circuits the wind returns.
7 All streams run to the sea,
but the sea is not full;
to the place where the streams flow,
there they flow again.
8 All things are full of weariness;
a man cannot utter it;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear filled with hearing.
9 What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done,
and there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there a thing of which it is said,
“See, this is new”?
It has been already
in the ages before us.
11 There is no remembrance of former things,[d]
nor will there be any remembrance
of later things[e] yet to be
among those who come after.
*Then it tells you to not punish the wicked. Like the whore who was going to be stoned. Well its clear as day thst not punishing the wrong deeds only multiplies them.*

you said that not punishing the unjust is stupid and i agreed.No christian says that god is not just.If you are thinking about something that goes beyond this then be free to say.Also,no scholar denies jesus existence or that he was crucified by pontius pilate.if you are wondering about miracles there are various apologetic works on that question.You must search for answers for these questions for life on earth is miserable.

Ecclesiastes 1

1 The words of the Preacher,[a] the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

2 Vanity[b] of vanities, says the Preacher,
vanity of vanities! All is vanity.
3 What does man gain by all the toil
at which he toils under the sun?
4 A generation goes, and a generation comes,
but the earth remains forever.
5 The sun rises, and the sun goes down,
and hastens[c] to the place where it rises.
6 The wind blows to the south
and goes around to the north;
around and around goes the wind,
and on its circuits the wind returns.
7 All streams run to the sea,
but the sea is not full;
to the place where the streams flow,
there they flow again.
8 All things are full of weariness;
a man cannot utter it;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear filled with hearing.
9 What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done,
and there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there a thing of which it is said,
“See, this is new”?
It has been already
in the ages before us.
11 There is no remembrance of former things,[d]
nor will there be any remembrance
of later things[e] yet to be
among those who come after.
Your book for mental babies literally says that we are not to judge. Okay, fine... WHat does your non existing god do about the evil in this world? Absolutely fucking nothing. SO no, sorry, but we should judge and based on this judgement, we should punish the guilty.
Well what would happen if Elliot Rodger's solution was put in place and men didn't know about females?
just think that if we were born 50 years earlier we would have a much better chance.

no online dating so you dont have to compete with chads in your country.
No social media so the woman dont have inflated egos.

Literally living in an era of genocide against ugly men. :feelshaha:
The vast majority of users on here would have had perfectly normal lives with gfs and wives if they were around in the 1950s-1980s. This is the worst time in history to be alive as a sub 8 male, IT'S OVER.
The vast majority of users on here would have had perfectly normal lives with gfs and wives if they were around in the 1950s-1980s. This is the worst time in history to be alive as a sub 8 male, IT'S OVER.
No, you are socialized into it.

Much like advertising makes you miserable without consooming more and more, the cultural hegemony also makes you miserable without cooming in increasing forms.

Pornography no longer satisfies you, now you need a real foid; but a real foid would soon not even satisfy you, if you actually got one, so you need to keep climbing the social ladder and persevering in order to keep chasing that elusive mirage in the desert, until you die.
man can live without women,but for that you need something that cannot be described.Higher spiritual affinity doesn't make it justice.blessed are those who can dedicate their entire mind to god and love.


go read saint augustine for he was a high tier chad who went celibate for our lord who art in heaven.There are millions of examples of chads and richcels dropping their earthly life at gods calling.Life is more then earth and ashes.it's more then food and wine.It's more then riches and jewels.

Apex of the pyramid level cope.

It is orders of magnitude easier for someone to have experienced things and then renounce it, than it is for somebody who has never experienced something to then be deprived of it. To experience something is to know it. The kind of knowledge and understanding you gain from experience is invaluable.

Though, I'm not blind to the counter-argument that never having experienced something means that you never have to suffer the pitfalls and experience a literal loss of something. But I think this is a weak counter point. There are numerous things that are worth experiencing in conscious, sentient life.
Well what would happen if Elliot Rodger's solution was put in place and men didn't know about females?
Men would likely be happier. Imagine a child born to a machine and raised by a father and his companion droid. Would the child still want human women?
Apex of the pyramid level cope.
It is orders of magnitude easier for someone to have experienced things and then renounce it, than it is for somebody who has never experienced something to then be deprived of it. To experience something is to know it. The kind of knowledge and understanding you gain from experience is invaluable.
sadly true...
In the past I thought asceticism was the answer, but experiencing physical pleasures is a prerequisite needed to follow that path.
i crave pussy every day. no one is different
sadly true...
In the past I thought asceticism was the answer, but experiencing physical pleasures is a prerequisite needed to follow that path.

It's like the people who are rich who say that money isn't everything or the person who eats five star meals prepared by a personal chef who says it's better to eat healthier alternatives than... whatever it is that rich cunts eat.
time to ropemaxx
Apex of the pyramid level cope.

It is orders of magnitude easier for someone to have experienced things and then renounce it, than it is for somebody who has never experienced something to then be deprived of it. To experience something is to know it. The kind of knowledge and understanding you gain from experience is invaluable.

Though, I'm not blind to the counter-argument that never having experienced something means that you never have to suffer the pitfalls and experience a literal loss of something. But I think this is a weak counter point. There are numerous things that are worth experiencing in conscious, sentient life.

it is not *orders of magnitude easier*.Man doesn't deprive himself of *good*(that which he thinks is good) and exchanges it for absolutely nothing.Imagine that your happiness comes solely from A.you are saying that man can abandons A and go for B,while knowing that b is worse to his happiness then a.You seem to say that A and B are the same while we both fully know they aren't(when you need pills you don't get a bottle of rat poison but a bottle of ibuprofen).Man can only abandon that which he thinks is good,for a better good.

on the question of experience,i don't need to shoot with an handgun to know that using a shotgun is better for blowing someones head up close.Man can see by example that something is more effective or less effective.Man might have a hard time obtaining that which the other person has but he does know that it is something better.

on to your criticism of the counter-argument.I am confused.Bad can lead to good(humiliation can lead to humility and from humility to accepting gods rule).But,wishing that bad happens for the sake of bad seems nonsensical(go back to the pills argument).Blessed is the one who sins but repents and goes to lead a good life.But even more blessed is he who never sinned.

if i have misunderstood something please let me know
I’m miserable
man can live without women,but for that you need something that cannot be described.Higher spiritual affinity doesn't make it justice.blessed are those who can dedicate their entire mind to god and love.


go read saint augustine for he was a high tier chad who went celibate for our lord who art in heaven.There are millions of examples of chads and richcels dropping their earthly life at gods calling.Life is more then earth and ashes.it's more then food and wine.It's more then riches and jewels.
It's like the people who are rich who say that money isn't everything or the person who eats five star meals prepared by a personal chef who says it's better to eat healthier alternatives than... whatever it is that rich cunts eat.
in your sentence you proved that they know.Man follows that which is good and if the man truly thinks that X food is better then B then he will pick X instead of B.
Your book for mental babies literally says that we are not to judge. Okay, fine... WHat does your non existing god do about the evil in this world? Absolutely fucking nothing. SO no, sorry, but we should judge and based on this judgement, we should punish the guilty.

You must understand that from a christian point of view any sin that man commits further estranges himself from god.Sin of itself is a punishment.But,no christian says that is gods only punishment.You are questioning gods omnipotence.If that is your question there are several apologetic works(such as the last superstition,an Handbook of Christian Apologetics) that show gods existence and omnipotence and several other traits.If you don't fee like reading,we can discuss gods existence by ourselves.I was once like you,and now i shudder when looking at that time period.man shouldn't spit into the hands that feed him.Have faith brother,and search for god who does not abandon man.
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it is not *orders of magnitude easier*.Man doesn't deprive himself of *good*(that which he thinks is good) and exchanges it for absolutely nothing.Imagine that your happiness comes solely from A.you are saying that man can abandons A and go for B,while knowing that b is worse to his happiness then a.You seem to say that A and B are the same while we both fully know they aren't(when you need pills you don't get a bottle of rat poison but a bottle of ibuprofen).Man can only abandon that which he thinks is good,for a better good.

on the question of experience,i don't need to shoot with an handgun to know that using a shotgun is better for blowing someones head up close.Man can see by example that something is more effective or less effective.Man might have a hard time obtaining that which the other person has but he does know that it is something better.

on to your criticism of the counter-argument.I am confused.Bad can lead to good(humiliation can lead to humility and from humility to accepting gods rule).But,wishing that bad happens for the sake of bad seems nonsensical(go back to the pills argument).Blessed is the one who sins but repents and goes to lead a good life.But even more blessed is he who never sinned.

if i have misunderstood something please let me know

I haven't said anything about good or bad yet, though admittedly the implication is there that those things in question are good (they are in the strict sense, for psychological, emotional and even physical health). I'm speaking in the general sense.

Generally, it's far easier to speak of restraint, abstinence or refrainment from a position of experience, than it is to speak about that from a postion of inexperience, since the experienced person knows both the good and the bad. When the person who speaks out against something has no experience of the thing it's understandable if you don't put value or stock into what they're saying about rejecting it. In fact it would be the sensible thing to do.

There are obviously exceptions. For example, I don't have to try heroin and be addicted to preach about how being a drug addict is a horrible thing that should be avoided, or to be a gamber who ruined his life to preach about the pitfalls of gambling. But even in these kinds of examples the input of the person speaking from experience carries a lot more weight and value.

I don't know the details about St. Augustine, but from what you're saying, I'm assuming that he was a chad who had a healthy (active, enjoyable) sex life. If he was an ugly, frustrated virgin, chances are good that far less people would have listened to him on the merits of asceticism. Their very human reaction would be to think that he was being bitter because he wasn't getting any.

This is simply the halo effect.
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I haven't said anything about good or bad yet, though admittedly the implication is there that those things in question are good (they are in the strict sense, for psychological, emotional and even physical health). I'm speaking in the general sense.

Generally, it's far easier to speak of restraint, abstinence or refrainment from a position of experience, than it is to speak about that from a postion of inexperience, since the experienced person knows both the good and the bad. When the person who speaks out against something has no experience of the thing it's understandable if you don't put value or stock into what they're saying about rejecting it. In fact it would be the sensible thing to do.

There are obviously exceptions. For example, I don't have to try heroin and be addicted to preach about how being a drug addict is a horrible thing that should be avoided, or to be a gamber who ruined his life to preach about the pitfalls of gambling. But even in these kinds of examples the input of the person speaking from experience carries a lot more weight and value.

I don't know the details about St. Augustine, but from what you're saying, I'm assuming that he was a chad who had a healthy (active, enjoyable) sex life. If he was an ugly, frustrated virgin, chances are good that far less people would have listened to him on the merits of ascetisim. Their very human reaction would be to think that he was being bitter because he wasn't getting any.

This is simply the halo effect.

I used st. Augustine case because it is an easy case to see that he voluntarily chose to give up on sex,and to give his life to god.There are man who are involuntary celibates but do not want to admit it(we of all people know that for certain),and give their lifes to god because they imagine that it is the best they can do in their present *condition*..It is Hard for men to fully know someone and to say that x person wouldn't do x thing(especially when it comes to matters as sex) but involuntary celibates even if given the opportunity do not from the fact of being involuntary celibates means that they will have sex(i am here referring to sinful sex,not to sex inside of marriage) if given the opportunity.their love for god is what stops them from committing sin,and if they have that,sinfulness will go away.

Also,the one who sinned but came to be repent and be forgiven,can give advice to those like him since he has found ways to fight against his sin.You said this and i agree.But this is due to man man stupidity and nothing more.This isn't due to experience but due to the stranger not knowing the causes and effects and the way to lead that specific man to god.you don't need to experience drug usage to bring that man to salvation but to know what is the problem and how to solve it,in the same manner that a doctor doesn't need to experience aids to cure aids.

This is very important for man loves to talk about god as if he is a weak creature who experiences change when he is nothing like that.God isn't good now but bad later.he is good forever.Both of the cases that i illustrated above are people whom love for god is so great that they abstain from x sin so they can honour god.

if i misunderstood something,please say.
End the goddamn matriarchy already
WHat does your non existing god do about the evil in this world? Absolutely fucking nothing.
Ah of course, because there's only God and absolutely no opposing evil force (The devil) trying to hamper his work.

I used st. Augustine case because it is an easy case to see that he voluntarily chose to give up on sex,and to give his life to god.There are man who are involuntary celibates but do not want to admit it(we of all people know that for certain),and give their lifes to god because they imagine that it is the best they can do in their present *condition*..It is Hard for men to fully know someone and to say that x person wouldn't do x thing(especially when it comes to matters as sex) but involuntary celibates even if given the opportunity do not from the fact of being involuntary celibates means that they will have sex(i am here referring to sinful sex,not to sex inside of marriage) if given the opportunity.their love for god is what stops them from committing sin,and if they have that,sinfulness will go away.

Also,the one who sinned but came to be repent and be forgiven,can give advice to those like him since he has found ways to fight against his sin.You said this and i agree.But this is due to man man stupidity and nothing more.This isn't due to experience but due to the stranger not knowing the causes and effects and the way to lead that specific man to god.you don't need to experience drug usage to bring that man to salvation but to know what is the problem and how to solve it,in the same manner that a doctor doesn't need to experience aids to cure aids.

This is very important for man loves to talk about god as if he is a weak creature who experiences change when he is nothing like that.God isn't good now but bad later.he is good forever.Both of the cases that i illustrated above are people whom love for god is so great that they abstain from x sin so they can honour god.

if i misunderstood something,please say.
Well written.
I used st. Augustine case because it is an easy case to see that he voluntarily chose to give up on sex,and to give his life to god.There are man who are involuntary celibates but do not want to admit it(we of all people know that for certain),and give their lifes to god because they imagine that it is the best they can do in their present *condition*..It is Hard for men to fully know someone and to say that x person wouldn't do x thing(especially when it comes to matters as sex) but involuntary celibates even if given the opportunity do not from the fact of being involuntary celibates means that they will have sex(i am here referring to sinful sex,not to sex inside of marriage) if given the opportunity.their love for god is what stops them from committing sin,and if they have that,sinfulness will go away.

Also,the one who sinned but came to be repent and be forgiven,can give advice to those like him since he has found ways to fight against his sin.You said this and i agree.But this is due to man man stupidity and nothing more.This isn't due to experience but due to the stranger not knowing the causes and effects and the way to lead that specific man to god.you don't need to experience drug usage to bring that man to salvation but to know what is the problem and how to solve it,in the same manner that a doctor doesn't need to experience aids to cure aids.

This is very important for man loves to talk about god as if he is a weak creature who experiences change when he is nothing like that.God isn't good now but bad later.he is good forever.Both of the cases that i illustrated above are people whom love for god is so great that they abstain from x sin so they can honour god.

if i misunderstood something,please say.

I'm losing the plot of your point. Why are you talking about sin?

I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in a religious discussion. If you want to talk theology and the philosophy of religion, I'm happy to oblige, but please let's keep subjects like sin and scriptures outside of any specific religious box, since it has no value to anyone who doesn't adhere to the belief system.
I'm losing the plot of your point. Why are you talking about sin?

I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in a religious discussion. If you want to talk theology and the philosophy of religion, I'm happy to oblige, but please let's keep subjects like sin and scriptures outside of any specific religious box, since it has no value to anyone who doesn't adhere to the belief system.
not sin=good

does that make it easier to understand?
not sin=good

does that make it easier to understand?

And I thought the irreligious were condescending.

Saying that sin is bad and not sinning is good isn't saying anything, it's just relabeling something with your choice of religious flavoring. What's sinful in one religious framework isn't sinful in another. What's the argument you're making? If you've made one, it's hard to decipher from the rambling.

This is the point that you're seemingly getting at:

"you don't need to experience drug usage to bring that man to salvation but to know what is the problem and how to solve it,in the same manner that a doctor doesn't need to experience aids to cure aids."

The argument I've made (and I'm just reiterating) is that when speaking out against something it's easier and better to have experienced the thing beforehand, since experiencing something is generally knowing both the good and the bad. This lends credibility to claims of any downsides or negatives. It's not authoritative, of course, it's just anecdotal, but the point is that the same warning coming from an individual who has no experience initially has less value, since they don't truly know the positives.

There is some minor degree of good in heroin use and gambling (state of euphoria and possible financial windfall, respectively). But there's nothing inherently good about experiencing something like AIDS. That's some possible potential consequence of sex. That low probability event because you didn't wear a condom doesn't necessarily make sex bad. Similarly, getting your guts strewn across the highway because you didn't wear a seatbelt in an accident doesn't necessarily make driving bad.

A relevant example would be the person who has a hyper active sex life with multiple partners starting from their teens up until they're 40 in all kinds of relationships from one nighters to multi year relationships. They may speak out against gluttonous sex and encourage others to pursue something more meaningful. This obviously has a lot of benefit in terms of stability, family, pair-bonding and overall personal and societal health. But suppose that the person saying the exact same things was a 40 year old virgin. The latter would be swimming upstream from the starting position. They have close to zero credibility and thus have an immensely more difficult time being an authority on saying something like, "free spirited promiscuity is bad." They could potentially put in the work and do the research (conducting interviews, pursuing medical and psychological research etc.), but you can easily see that it's just not the same.
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