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Venting We are human scum.



May 26, 2024
We are the scum of earth and the result of modernized world that evolved too quickly for the human mind and nature to adapt. Each and single one of us is a self-contained genetical catastrophe.

There is no salvation and no solace in knowing the truth of your existence. Humans are biological machines meant to pass on their genes to a mate, and it is precisely this task that we will never be able to carry out, due to our genetical inferiority compared to other males. Our lives are spent on mindless consumption or pointless and meaningless work that does not improve our lives or those around us. We feed into a machine that consumes human blood and tears and sweat, and it is all-growing, all-consuming. It is the human civilization and it is ever present in every single part of the globe, there is no escaping it, and you are born into this machine whether you like it or not. You cannot change this fact, just as you cannot change the fact that you are not allowed to reproduce.

Our lives will be spent in nothing short of misery, deprived of basic human necessities like love, belonging, social stimulation and sex. Once you are born as a loser in the game of life, you will stay as a loser until the day you leave this earth.

Inceldom cannot be changed, influenced or ran away from. It cannot be buried under lies, because truth cannot be erased. It is a part of the very core of how animals function. It is baked into the system that drives biological life, and that is evolution and competition, which are ever present in every single animal species. Close to 40% of male animals will never pass on their genes, due to natural selection, inability to meet female standards, or things outside our control.

Our existence is about passing on our genetic material. To fail at this task, is to be deemed as a failed specimen. The only way to escape this nightmare is to stop existing, and that is impossible, because everything revolves around keeping you alive and working. The great machine that protects humanity requires humanity as a sacrifice.

Our disability is a scar, a blemish that is required to be there, in order for the humanity as a whole to continue prolonging its existence. If animals never evolved, never competed with each other, then all life on earth would have simply never came to be.

We have acquired intellect far greater than any other species in the animal kingdom, but we are still animals, driven by the same instincts that made our ancestors survive hundreds of thousands of years ago. And inceldom will never cease to exist, as it is born from the competition that every single living being must endure. There is no way to change your genetics or pass on your genes. If you are undesirable, then you will remain undesirable.

Escaping the shackles of biological law is impossible because this very law creates life itself. Me, you, and many others, were simply never born with the right traits, regardless of our attempts at changing that.

Inceldom is eternal.

Inceldom always was.

And always will be.

Regardless of anyone’s wishes or whims, pain, tears, grief or action.

Some people are born with the right to reproduce, while others do not. It is impossible to change this right. You either possess it or you don’t. It can be lost, but never gained back. Those who never had it can only persist in a doomed body destined for failure. Biological existence runs on rules that require inceldom to exist, because inceldom is a direct result of competition that every single living being must partake in.

To fail at this task is beyond your control. You were never equipped with the right tools to compete. We are human scum that does not have the ability to compete. To call it injustice, however, is foolish. It cannot be changed in any way.
i deserve a harem of chinese sex slaves and chad can go slave away in the coal mines
Simply put, we were born in the lower end of the genepool
i deserve a harem of chinese sex slaves and chad can go slave away in the coal mines
I deserve even just one mid tier white woman. That ain’t asking for much at all
To erase the injustice that is baked into life itself is to remove life itself and that is impossible. Life cannot exist without biological rules that shape it to be the way it is: it wouldn’t be life anymore, but something else entirely. It would be like erasing the concept of ecluidean geometry from reality. Doing so is impossible. It is a biological shackle that you cannot remove and must bear until the day you die.
It is the ultimate form of slavery, on par with slavery to your instinct, which is the actual, practical part, that executes the biological law in this exact way.
You cannot change your fate no matter how much you try. Your potential is limited by your genetics, which shape the way you are seen by others. Genetics dictate when you your body will perish, even if you do everything in your power to survive and live healthily. Genetics dictate when your existential hourglass passes its last grain of sand. It is inescapable and cannot be argued against.
I wish an aeroplane would just crash into my head and end it all already
Eloquently put and I agree for the most part. Hopefully death ends my own suffering.

I don't really care about others who have to endure what I did or worse. Even if sentient life ends everywhere there is no way of knowing it won't start again. Just like it did on Earth. But I don't care... it's all so pointless.
Pain, hatred and struggle, too, is ultimately a pointless endeavor. Your only choice is to either accept this fate and all its consequences or die. Rebellion against nature is impossible and childish. Suffering and misery are nigh-inescapable in every single being life, from the humble ant to the almighty human. Both are born into the same system, shackled in very much the same chains, but “inceldom” is especially present in animals that have developed some form of social or behavioral intellect. This means that bacteria that simply duplicate asexually or certain species of ants or bees do not follow this chain to its exact definitions, but debating inceldom in ants is a very hollow action.

The ultimate truth is, that the game was rigged against us from the start. But rebellion is impossible. You cannot rebel against your own existence in the world, and any intellectual, forceful or persuasive arguments are simply futile and inconsequential. Seeking to inform the general populace does not bring any desired effect, because what is there to do? Modify humans until they resemble the endlessly-duplicating bacteria?
Raise your hand if you wish to become a human bacteria.

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