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JFL We are being "researched" by 2 soycucks as we speak



Jul 26, 2019
Screenshot 20200211 180010 1

bachelors degree in inceldom

Adln6eXy o

dissertation of incel discourse

Black guy gif star trek

they are gonna graduate and get a job :feelsclown:
Posted 'now' :waitwhat:

You browse IT a lot or ???
lifefuel if not LARP. low iq tradcucks wasting time and getting nothing from it
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My dick 11cm. Put that into research, cucks
Sure it will grant them awesome careers in the cucks industry and a relevant position as a feminist bootlicker in the field
Probably a larp
most likely. I doubt a legit researcher would go to reddit and post about it. They would just analyze content directly from the site. Theres an actual academic study on .co and they just took everything from the site directly. No way would a serious researcher go about this by asking a random "cringe" subreddit that mocks incels.
most likely. I doubt a legit researcher would go to reddit and post about it. They would just analyze content directly from the site. Theres an actual academic study on .co and they just took everything from the site directly. No way would a serious researcher go about this by asking a random "cringe" subreddit that mocks incels.
Even if it was legit it would still be cringe
Ah, an arts degree. Definitely worth it and will result in a job.
Even if it was legit it would still be cringe
true but less cringe than when a non academic soy tries to LARP as a researcher. At least with the academic paper I saw they used a computer to sort through posts so even if the conclusions they make are retarded and the comments on us low IQ you can get something from it. With the LARP researcher its just going to be an opinion piece.
If they spend too long here they will eventually become blackpilled through osmosis
can't find the thread. looks like expired news.
What's wrong with these people?
lOok iM sUcH A gOoD bOy m'LaDyH, cAn i gEt mY lAndWHaLe pUsSy nAw?:soy::feels::feels:
Wow, just wow, you can't make this stupidity up.
Yukiko laugh
Sounds like a LARP tbh.
im too low iq to understand anything this post is about
LOL, we've become an industry by which cucks can make oodles of woke SJW money.
Hey, "incel researcher", take a look at this:
Daily reminder
that there was a compilation of doxxed IT users photos and all of them were either soys, gremlins that half of this forum would mog and 200% unpassable trannies (no women btw, really makes you think when plenty of people there claim to be female)
+ plenty of them got exposed for being virgins themselves (there wouldn't be anything wrong with it, BUT IF YOU SPEND YEARS CLAIMING THAT ANY MAN WHO IS A VIRGIN MUST BE MONSTER AND A RAPIST THEN YOU DESERVE TO BE SHAMED)

Daily reminder that even meek groups for lonely people such as r/foreveralone was mocked and attacked by them despite their claim that they hate incels only because we are radical and misogynistic, and there were few case of them laughting at incel posts about sadness or suicide that had nothing to do with hating woman or anyone else (could it be that their hate comes from different reasons that they don't want to admit, because that would destroy their image of "le woman protectors"? Really makes you think)

Daily reminder that there were heavily upvoted instances of IT users laughting at incels for things such as "they can't do a mass shooting because they're too stupid" "they aren't like TV psychopaths but just cringe losers" and "they aren't staring womans eyes at the street because they're too afraid". Yes, you heard that right, they were MOCKING incels for NOT BEING MASS MURDERERS, NOT BEING SERIAL KILLERS and NOT GIVING WOMAN CREEPY STARES. The same people that claim -among other things- that they are a "watchdog" group that watches if incels aren't threating anyone. Coupled with daily reminder above, it really makes you think what king of "watchdog" group is this and what kind of "watchdogs" does it attract and contain.

Daily reminder that when someone on IT got exposed as pedophile (drpizza) who raped little girls they all got silent about it (no attempt to even separate from him or condemn his actions, just utter radio silence about this topic, it really makes you think when a woke group acts not much different than a christian church when one of them gets exposed for paedophilia) and heavily downvoted anyone who even mentioned it like a hivemind (really makes you think when plenty of people there claim that they hate us because they want to protect woman)

Daily reminder that for some time they made shitloads of false flags on incel subreddits even going as far as POSTING SOFTCORE PICS OF UNDERAGE GIRLS. Coupled with the point above, REALLY MAKES YOU THINK

Daily reminder
that while they claim that we are weird creepy cult they themselves both have and had users posting couple dozen posts a day about us, and have shitloads of trannies and radical feminists in their ranks who both were exposed as a groups for running several propaganda campaigns with intention of making who they see as "incel" men more depressed and coherce them into transitioning (look up compilations of that 4chan and radfem drama and see how deep the rabid hole goes)- trannies did that because it was their fetish, and radfems because damaging vulnerable men is one of their goals. Now that I mention it, could it be that weird obsession and hostility towards groups of lonely males stems from something else that they claim it does? REALLY MAKES YOU THINK

Daily reminder
that simply going thorought their post history reveals that they have myriad of mental problems and personality defects. One guy even confessed on different subreddit that he raped girl once. Le personality meme is projection on their part, they themselves can't find partner because most of them are batshit insane. Oh, but we are the ones that need to be watched by inteligence agencies.

It really speaks volumes about your "research", and perhabs even about you that these are the people that you turn to for info to collect for your project
I'm literally shaking
Hey soyboys mention me in your essay

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