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SuicideFuel (Water) Real reason why the gender war will never happen.



Male Disposability Pill
Dec 1, 2023
The idea of a 'gender war' is the biggest cope ever. While some men are becoming more conservative, it's not accurate to say that conservative men inherently hate women. In fact, most conservative men don't hate women; on the contrary, they value and respect them. Gender Divide = DOES NOT EQUAL = Gender war

The Role of Women in Movements
Historically, women have played a significant role in various revolutions. They have been the driving force behind movements such as the French and Russian revolutions, as well as feminism and the sexual revolution. Women often act as the catalyst for change, influencing and inspiring the majority of men.

The Origins of Ideologies

It is often the case that a small group of men first introduces an ideology, which is then adopted by women, and subsequently embraced by most men.

Founders of ideology
Most men

Rivalry Among Men (We squabble amongst each other, they are united)
Both men and women are more inclined to support and assist women. (Water) Studies have shown that women have a 4.5x higher in-group bias, which means they are more likely to favor and support other women. In contrast, male competitiveness and animosity toward each other is a common behavior, observed not only in humans but also in various species across the animal kingdom. ITcels hate us because we are 1. losers and 2. hated by women.

Even incels hate each other
Race wars are a common occurrence on .is. The funny thing is - people here claim to be blackpilled yet still attack their fellow brocels (because of their race, their tastes in games and art, and sometimes for no reason at all!) They are unknowingly displaying typical competitive male behavior. I admit, I'm not special and I crack sometimes.

IF a hypothetical gender war were ever to occur, it would be something like 20K chuds vs the entire world. :feelshaha: (Women support women, and most men support women) no amount of ideological zeal is going to win us that war.

@MoggedByALoli @DarkStar @Multicell @LeFrenchCel @VictimofBpillReaper @Ron.Belgrade @anandkonda
I will create an army of android gfs that brutally massacre the foids and normies (in roblox2)
I agree a gender war is improbable and another cope, but a man can dream.
Golden times for sub5s probably was then foids had no rights and you could purchase a slave or buy a wife from her father, and i dont see ourselves going back to those times within our lifespans at least its beyond over.
gender war?

yeah never gonna happen
The real way to win the gender war is to genetically engineer men not to be a bunch of cucks for le holy vagina.
This is a very interesting combination of many idea's, topics, fixed relations and possible variable relations between them,
have to think about it in detail


The idea of a 'gender war' is the biggest cope ever.
Nice idea indeed

Some men are becoming more conservative
Sure. some men more, some men less, some men stay the same.

It's not accurate to say that conservative men inherently hate women

most conservative men don't hate women
most of conservative don't.
besides conservative men also moderate, iberal, libertarian men, progressive men, centrist, socialist, anarchist men do not hate women all the time. During their life they experience moments of emotions such as <COPIED from a website: Hatred, loathing, detestation, abhorrence, revulsion, Resentment, bitterness, indignation, irritation, dissatisfaction. Contempt, disdain, scorn, derision, disrespect, Jealousy, envy, covetousness, rivalry, suspicion, Dislike, aversion, antipathy, repugnance, distaste, Indifference, apathy, disinterest, unconcern, detachment. Neutrality, impartiality, indifference, detachment, objectivity. Admiration, respect, appreciation, regard, esteem. Attraction: appeal, allure, fascination, interest. Affection, fondness, warmth, tenderness, care. Love, adoration, devotion, passion, infatuation. Passion, fervor, ardor, zeal, enthusiasm. Infatuation, obsession, craze, fascination, crush. Worship, reverence, idolization, veneration, exaltation.>
Normies are different in this then us here.

most conservative men value and respect them
sure, sometimes. emotions are not lifelong stable. depend on situation.

Gender Divide < DOES NOT EQUAL > Gender war | sure
Women played a significant role in various revolutions. | some women did yes

Women were THE driving force behind movements such as the French and Russian revolutions

<COPIED from a website:
women were vital participants in the revolutions in History. They were instrumental in initiating and sustaining key events, advocating for social and political change, and challenging norms. However, the revolutions were movements with also many other driving forces, including economic, political, and social factors. Thus, while women's contributions were critical, they were part of a broader system.>
Maybe THE driving force is valid to say, as long as the many other factors are not forgotten.

Women were THE driving force behind feminism Don't know. I believe you.
Women were THE driving force behind the sexual revolution. Don't know. I believe you.
Women often act as the catalyst for change, influencing and inspiring the majority of men. Don't know. Never experienced it.
A small group of men first introduce an ideology, which are then adopted by women, and subsequently embraced by most men.
Founders of ideology --> Women --> Most men
Don't know. Never experienced it.

Rivalry Among Men (We squabble amongst each other, they are united)
Both men and women are more inclined to support and assist women. (Water) Studies have shown that women have a 4.5x higher in-group bias, which means they are more likely to favor and support other women. Don't know. I believe you.
In contrast, male competitiveness and animosity toward each other is a common behavior, observed not only in humans but also in various species across the animal kingdom. Don't know. I believe you.
ITcels hate us because we are 1. losers and 2. hated by women. Don't know. I believe you.

Even incels hate each other


we are mostly the same for different reasons.

Race wars are a common occurrence on .is.
Don't know. I believe you. Never know for sure what is serious and what not.

The funny thing is - people here claim to be blackpilled yet still attack their fellow brocels (because of their race, their tastes in games and art, and sometimes for no reason at all!) They are unknowingly displaying typical competitive male behavior. I admit, I'm not special and I crack sometimes.

I think you are right.

IF a hypothetical gender war were ever to occur, it would be something like 20K chuds vs the entire world. :feelshaha: (Women support women, and most men support women) no amount of ideological zeal is going to win us that war.

AGAIN true.
People who ROT do not fight wars, especially against the whole world, we are to lazy and smart. And peaceful.
And why fight when it's over anyway. There are more fun things to do then fight.


NOW SAY: "not a letter"
and war starts!

End It Organized Crime GIF by Law & Order
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GIGAbased thread.

The whole gender war thing is such cope.

As you said, us incels can't even get along or agree with eachother so it's ridiculous to think "Muh gender war" is gonna EVER happen jfl.
99% of normies are cucks by nature. They might try standing up, then their wife threatens to leave and the cuck apologizes and says he won't bring up her boyfriends again. And the cuck will put in extra hours at work to pay for more things for his wife.

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