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Serious Watching sports is cucked Chad worship

Deleted member 677

Deleted member 677

Nov 8, 2017
When you watch a pro sports game like football, basketball, or baseball, all you're doing is sitting there idolizing Chads who are bigger, stronger, faster, and better-looking than you AND HELPING THEM MAKE MONEY FROM IT.

JFL at cucking yourself by contributing to your bullies' millions of dollars in income. Fuck pro sports.
I was never a sports guy. Although I'm unsure about Esports.
wasn't Bundy a pseudo-chad, sort of? but yeah I don't watch sports. sometimes I talk with normies about it just to entertain them but its futile in the bigger picture. Kojeve said sportsball and team loyalty would replace nationalism.
When you watch a pro sports game like football, basketball, or baseball, all you're doing is sitting there idolizing Chads who are bigger, stronger, faster, and better-looking than you AND HELPING THEM MAKE MONEY FROM IT.

JFL at cucking yourself by contributing to your bullies' millions of dollars in income. Fuck pro sports.

I've said this so many times and I still believe it 100%.

It makes zero sense.

I'm guessing most "sports fans" were at least physically average growing up so they have positive memories of sports.
Yes I never watch sports even though I used to be a big NBA fan.

Sports got too political for me so I stopped.

Last sports I watched was Japan in FIFA World Cup.

Those guys for the most part aren't even Changs, you would call them truecels.


Korea is a lot better (most blackpilled and LooksMaxxed Asian country) but still pretty bad.


and people wonder why I want to go to Asia so badly.

At least I can watch and enjoy sports if I moved there without having to be cucked by Chad and Tyrone at all times like in this awful west.
Baseball is one of my only copes. Yes, I realized its cucked watching it.
wasn't Bundy a pseudo-chad, sort of? but yeah I don't watch sports. sometimes I talk with normies about it just to entertain them but its futile in the bigger picture. Kojeve said sportsball and team loyalty would replace nationalism.
Bundy was a pure Chad. He was a slayer (no pun intended)
EXACTLY. I was saying this long ago! https://incels.is/threads/going-to-college-football-games-is-cuck-behavior.12886/

Think about it. You're just some regular guy trying to get with girls like the next schmuck and what do you do? You go down to the football game played by a bunch of high status Chads who are already completely adored by Stacies and Roasties alike, raising their social status even further while you sit there and watch a massively inferior level of sport compared to what you could see elsewhere. (though even watching elite sports is CUCKED).

The mascot is the KING of cucks though.
High IQ. Sports are extremely bluepilled and cucked. I was raised to watch them religiously unfortunately, and still cope with them on occasion.

The most frustrating part is that these superstar athletes that are the best in the world at these games still make such horrible plays on a regular basis; ones that don't require athletic skill but merely require the IQ of a chimp. And if you listen to them give interviews, they're all so painfully retarded.

Fuck these Chads. I'll still probably keep watching though. Fuck.

091117 gif bearded fan med
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I still watch UFC from time to time but I’ve sworn off all other sports
Yes I never watch sports even though I used to be a big NBA fan.

Sports got too political for me so I stopped.

Last sports I watched was Japan in FIFA World Cup.

Those guys for the most part aren't even Changs, you would call them truecels.


Korea is a lot better (most blackpilled and LooksMaxxed Asian country) but still pretty bad.


and people wonder why I want to go to Asia so badly.

At least I can watch and enjoy sports if I moved there without having to be cucked by Chad and Tyrone at all times like in this awful west.
nba is all fake anyway
Lol at guys that take their girls to NBA games. NBA stadiums are distillations of the top 0.000000001% in SMV. literally everyone’s SEVEN FEET, BBC, long limbed, millionaires with top tier status.

Same with football except instead of 7 feet they’re just 6’5’ manlets but with top 0.00001% fighting success and top 0.000001% test levels
Sports fanatics are some of the biggest virtue signalling cucks ever in existence. I mean those guys who get so involved and follow the players personal social medias and keep up to date with everything concerning their teams, call the players by their first names, etc.There are grown men in their 40s and 50s who get triggered by the slightest sign of any viewpoint that is not politically correct. You'll see old white men having heart attacks because a black player wasn't given enough rating after a game compared to a white one and crying tears of joy when a guy earning 200k a week signs on for 4 more years to earn 400k a week.

Actually, modern sports were set up by the elites for the castrated cucked numale, to give him the impression that he has some sort of meaning in his life by fanatically following his team while he is powerless and emasculated on every other area of life and a real purpose and direction passes him by. But every weekend these guys can feel like "warriors" and like they have some kind of purpose in their life by cheering on a team full of multimillionaires throwing or kicking a ball around a field while they are cucked into oblivion both by their wives and their bosses at work.
Boxing and MMA are cool.

I have a guilty pleasure for football (soccer). Sorry. :feelsbadman:
Honestly this is true but I just watch sports for entertainment and to kill time. Modric was going to win it all for incels but we all know how that ended. FeelsBadMan
Sports fanatics are some of the biggest virtue signalling cucks ever in existence. I mean those guys who get so involved and follow the players personal social medias and keep up to date with everything concerning their teams, call the players by their first names, etc.There are grown men in their 40s and 50s who get triggered by the slightest sign of any viewpoint that is not politically correct. You'll see old white men having heart attacks because a black player wasn't given enough rating after a game compared to a white one and crying tears of joy when a guy earning 200k a week signs on for 4 more years to earn 400k a week.

Actually, modern sports were set up by the elites for the castrated cucked numale, to give him the impression that he has some sort of meaning in his life by fanatically following his team while he is powerless and emasculated on every other area of life and a real purpose and direction passes him by. But every weekend these guys can feel like "warriors" and like they have some kind of purpose in their life by cheering on a team full of multimillionaires throwing or kicking a ball around a field while they are cucked into oblivion both by their wives and their bosses at work.

High IQ
61537342 luka modric

This ain't a Chad.
When you watch a pro sports game like football, basketball, or baseball, all you're doing is sitting there idolizing Chads who are bigger, stronger, faster, and better-looking than you AND HELPING THEM MAKE MONEY FROM IT.

JFL at cucking yourself by contributing to your bullies' millions of dollars in income. Fuck pro sports.
On point. I question the sexuality of a man who is really into watching team sports tbh. Are they trying to idolize chad more than foids? they can have a daughter and teach it to fuck chad but why not just cut out the middleman with some polygamy? Sports fanatics are a bit homo tbh.
Close enough
Football is probably my greatest cope so if whats keeping me alive makes me a cuck then shit im a cuck and proud of it
I have never watched sports, always seen it as some npc activity.
My dad loved football but I've never been into this sports tribal bullcrap.

Actually, modern sports were set up by the elites for the castrated cucked numale, to give him the impression that he has some sort of meaning in his life by fanatically following his team while he is powerless and emasculated on every other area of life and a real purpose and direction passes him by. But every weekend these guys can feel like "warriors" and like they have some kind of purpose in their life by cheering on a team full of multimillionaires throwing or kicking a ball around a field while they are cucked into oblivion both by their wives and their bosses at work.

Fucking smart motherfucker.
Back in the day men were warriors, builders and leaders but in the modern era the average male is so cucked, powerless and directionless that they cope with sports as a means of channeling their male energy in an outlet that won't get them locked up but feminists are trying to destroy sports now too.
Never got indoctrinated into the Sports worship by my Father.

Always thought I was a cuck, social outcast for NOT getting involved.

Closest I had was FIFA International Soccer on the SEGA MEGA DRIVE in 1994.
Never got indoctrinated into the Sports worship by my Father.

Always thought I was a cuck, social outcast for NOT getting involved.

Closest I had was FIFA International Soccer on the SEGA MEGA DRIVE in 1994.

Oh yeah you remind me of NFL blitz which was the only time I liked a sports game because you could injure players and hurt people.
this is so fucking true, worship chads is fucking pathetic
thank god i hate all sports, FUCK THAT SHIT
Sports fanatics are some of the biggest virtue signalling cucks ever in existence. I mean those guys who get so involved and follow the players personal social medias and keep up to date with everything concerning their teams, call the players by their first names, etc.There are grown men in their 40s and 50s who get triggered by the slightest sign of any viewpoint that is not politically correct. You'll see old white men having heart attacks because a black player wasn't given enough rating after a game compared to a white one and crying tears of joy when a guy earning 200k a week signs on for 4 more years to earn 400k a week.

Actually, modern sports were set up by the elites for the castrated cucked numale, to give him the impression that he has some sort of meaning in his life by fanatically following his team while he is powerless and emasculated on every other area of life and a real purpose and direction passes him by. But every weekend these guys can feel like "warriors" and like they have some kind of purpose in their life by cheering on a team full of multimillionaires throwing or kicking a ball around a field while they are cucked into oblivion both by their wives and their bosses at work.
this some good material buried down in this thread
I bet those NBA players bullied a lot of incels
Try jockery. Probably the most incel sport ever as majority of the riders are 5'2 supermanlets

Not joking.
My dad loved football but I've never been into this sports tribal bullcrap.

Fucking smart motherfucker.
Back in the day men were warriors, builders and leaders but in the modern era the average male is so cucked, powerless and directionless that they cope with sports as a means of channeling their male energy in an outlet that won't get them locked up but feminists are trying to destroy sports now too.

Yup exactly. In England they used to fight and kill each other in the streets over football (soccer) back in the 60s and 70s. And it still happens quite regularly in some South American countries too.

They did the same with women too which is actually what helped the feminism we have now come into being. The men were given the huge spectacle of modern sports with all these massive arenas and venues and superstar players, and so forth, then right around the same time they brought out soaps and soap operas via radio at first and then TV to women.The primary goal was to get all the women hooked onto these soap operas and romance novels as a way that they could identify with these characters who told them they could divorce as much as they like, never settle, and they could have all the same things these "strong female" characters in the novels and the soaps had. Go be independent, no rush to have children, go to work and produce and consume. Nothing was more important to these elitists back then than getting the woman out of the home to work and breaking down the old structure of solid bonds and a solid family unit, and out of the window with that went any chance for an incel or a physically undesirable man to be able to have a woman of his own that settled for him and built a family with him from the ground up. As recent as the late 1950s ugly guys and incels might still have been able to find a woman in their own little community or small town that would take them or at least give them a family and a settled home life, being that their potential mates exposure to chads and swarms of better looking options were still relatively hidden from them. The elites recognized that and set everything into overdrive to break down the old culture of boy-meets-girl-gets married and bonds with one person for life.

Then we had the "free love" of the 1960s and modern feminist surge (funded and bankrolled by these big foundations and families like the Rockerfellers etc) who went all out for abortion, a rampant divorce rate, women being able to have sex with as many chads as they want with no consequence, the contraception pill, etc. There's a science behind all of that. The social media culture we have today is just a more ruthless extension of it. Few people have suffered more openly for this agenda pushed by those from the top than incels have.
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Popsicle IQ thread. Some of those sports guys are practically ogrecels, but are paid millions so have no trouble.

Not to mention I watch sports for the athelticism. I couldn't give a flying feces of a fuck want the dude looks like. Just want to see entertaining catches and plays.

They're practically wrecking their bodies for your entertainment (a d of course millions of dollars compensation).
Yes I never watch sports even though I used to be a big NBA fan.

Sports got too political for me so I stopped.

Last sports I watched was Japan in FIFA World Cup.

Those guys for the most part aren't even Changs, you would call them truecels.


Korea is a lot better (most blackpilled and LooksMaxxed Asian country) but still pretty bad.


and people wonder why I want to go to Asia so badly.

At least I can watch and enjoy sports if I moved there without having to be cucked by Chad and Tyrone at all times like in this awful west.

Even that had to be ruined by Belgian Chads. The guy who scored the goal to knock Japan out had the name Chadli. JFL
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Popsicle IQ thread. Some of those sports guys are practically ogrecels, but are paid millions so have no trouble.

Not to mention I watch sports for the athelticism. I couldn't give a flying feces of a fuck want the dude looks like. Just want to see entertaining catches and plays.

They're practically wrecking their bodies for your entertainment (a d of course millions of dollars compensation).
This is why he will always be the #1 footballer in my heart.

Honestly this is true but I just watch sports for entertainment and to kill time. Modric was going to win it all for incels but we all know how that ended. FeelsBadMan

I still can’t cope with Croatia’s loss. I try thinking of the time Paris got Allahu Akbar’d in November 2015 but even that doesn’t work anymore.
the only sport I watch is chess
spend your life watching half-naked men on a screen is pretty gay tbh
David chadz

David Katz?? More like DAVID CHADZ
I still can’t cope with Croatia’s loss. I try thinking of the time Paris got Allahu Akbar’d in November 2015 but even that doesn’t work anymore.
This was our best ranking yet. Have patience, and you shall see the glorious Croatian people prevail.
This was our best ranking yet. Have patience, and you shall see the glorious Croatian people prevail.

I hope so. But lots of Croatia’s talents may not have many more chances to win it.
The most frustrating part is that these superstar athletes that are the best in the world at these games still make such horrible plays on a regular basis; ones that don't require athletic skill but merely require the IQ of a chimp. And if you listen to them give interviews, they're all so painfully retarded.
You know that reminds me of a black pill my dad said. We were talking about football players and he went on about how some of them would be bin collecting if it wasn't for football.. because of the way they sounded.. brutal Voice Pill.
Watching sports in the first place is cucked, it's so fucking boring, pretty sure low iq individuals enjoy it though..
Sports fanatics are some of the biggest virtue signalling cucks ever in existence. I mean those guys who get so involved and follow the players personal social medias and keep up to date with everything concerning their teams, call the players by their first names, etc.There are grown men in their 40s and 50s who get triggered by the slightest sign of any viewpoint that is not politically correct. You'll see old white men having heart attacks because a black player wasn't given enough rating after a game compared to a white one and crying tears of joy when a guy earning 200k a week signs on for 4 more years to earn 400k a week.

Actually, modern sports were set up by the elites for the castrated cucked numale, to give him the impression that he has some sort of meaning in his life by fanatically following his team while he is powerless and emasculated on every other area of life and a real purpose and direction passes him by. But every weekend these guys can feel like "warriors" and like they have some kind of purpose in their life by cheering on a team full of multimillionaires throwing or kicking a ball around a field while they are cucked into oblivion both by their wives and their bosses at work.

Good stuff in this thread, but I wanted to bring up the normies infatuation with “their team”. They pick a team (usually their states team or some arbitrary bullshit pick) and defend it to the death. Why? You aren’t on the team. The team doesn’t care who you are. The team will NEVER care who you are. If you insult their team it’s like you insult their mother and it’s some of the most brain dead shit I’ve ever seen. The players change every year too so why the fuck do they care.
Good stuff in this thread, but I wanted to bring up the normies infatuation with “their team”. They pick a team (usually their states team or some arbitrary bullshit pick) and defend it to the death. Why? You aren’t on the team. The team doesn’t care who you are. The team will NEVER care who you are. If you insult their team it’s like you insult their mother and it’s some of the most brain dead shit I’ve ever seen. The players change every year too so why the fuck do they care.

cause they are low IQ simpletons
I played soccer as a kid and enjoy watching it as an adult. I don't pay to watch either.
Honestly this is true but I just watch sports for entertainment and to kill time. Modric was going to win it all for incels but we all know how that ended. FeelsBadMan
Incel-looking men never truly win. All Modrić really wanted was the world cup trophy and he'll never have it.

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