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Discussion Was anyone else absolute dogshit in math classes in school ?



Feb 15, 2023
Despite me having autism and the clichee that aspies are gods at math, i was BY FAR the worst student in math classes. I was okay in regular math, but once algebra started it was completely over for me. I was so confused when everyone understood everything so easily, meanwhile i couldnt even solve most of the simple algebra exercises even if my life depended on it. I sucked at all kinds of formulas, equations and all other kind of stuff that went beyond "normal" math. My parents literally spent thousands of jewros on tutors so i could become better at maths, but it was all for nothing. My grades barely changed and i got almost only bad grades throughout all the years. It was so humiliating seeing all the idiots, midwits and even toilets mog the living shit out of me in math.
I took a precalculus class in grade 10 and failed it despite trying my hardest
I was shit in general
that was one of the things i was decent at, i found the creative classes alot harder like art
@DutchCel01 ken je ckv? jfl
I took a precalculus class in grade 10 and failed it despite trying my hardest
Thats one of the worst parts about being sub5. You could try your best for three lifetimes and you would still be a complete failure
I was the worst at math too despite being very good at geography, history and english. Actually there were 60 iq gypsies that couldnt even do basic math, so yeah. It definitely does not have to do with low IQ but illnesses such as aspegers or ADHD.
It definitely does not have to do with low IQ but illnesses such as aspegers or ADHD.
I dont get it. Im an Aspie and a very logic orientated person (Math being a logic orientated subject) and yet i was the worst one in math classes
I was average in maths
i could cope with being low iq if i was at least hyper nt and fucked foids but i wasn't even that. I have no positives.
i could cope with being low iq if i was at least hyper nt and fucked foids but i wasn't even that. I have no positives.
being low iq mogs being high iq in my opinion
Yes. low iq trait i guess
I was good at all academic subjects until I got really depressed, started skipping school on most days and struggling to pay attention during class.
being low iq mogs being high iq in my opinion
Low iq and not nt is hell if you're aware of your situation. Being low iq to the point of being blissfully ignorant is better than being aware and incel.
@DutchCel01 ken je ckv? jfl
Dat schoolvak? Ja ken ik haha was ik mega slecht in, heb dat alleen 1e 2 jaar gehad vgm?(of ik ben dom want ik zie online dat het alleen bovenbouw vak is? )Daarna zat ik op kader en was het niet verplicht meer
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Despite me having autism and the clichee that aspies are gods at math, i was BY FAR the worst student in math classes. I was okay in regular math, but once algebra started it was completely over for me. I was so confused when everyone understood everything so easily, meanwhile i couldnt even solve most of the simple algebra exercises even if my life depended on it. I sucked at all kinds of formulas, equations and all other kind of stuff that went beyond "normal" math. My parents literally spent thousands of jewros on tutors so i could become better at maths, but it was all for nothing. My grades barely changed and i got almost only bad grades throughout all the years. It was so humiliating seeing all the idiots, midwits and even toilets mog the living shit out of me in math.
Yes i was good at the basic shit just like you, when it went a bit further i was completely lost and the teacher had to explain it to me for hours lol and i would forget it everytime it was just too hard for me. On tests i would leave so many answers blank cause i legit had 0 clue how to come to an answer
Despite me having autism and the clichee that aspies are gods at math, i was BY FAR the worst student in math classes. I was okay in regular math, but once algebra started it was completely over for me. I was so confused when everyone understood everything so easily, meanwhile i couldnt even solve most of the simple algebra exercises even if my life depended on it. I sucked at all kinds of formulas, equations and all other kind of stuff that went beyond "normal" math. My parents literally spent thousands of jewros on tutors so i could become better at maths, but it was all for nothing. My grades barely changed and i got almost only bad grades throughout all the years. It was so humiliating seeing all the idiots, midwits and even toilets mog the living shit out of me in math.
same, i would literally get around 20/100 marks. i guess it's because i never paid attention or did homework, school was hell i had no attention span the boredom was literal torture i would rather be water boarded than go through that again
Yes. low iq trait i guess
Nooope. I have registered 101 iq and I still sucked at math.
my measured IQ is a littlve over 100
Same also math is just hard ig everyone in my class had a hard time with it u need ultra high iq for it to be easy without studying

I mean for me it got hard in highschool
I was pretty good at math until I took Calculus in high school. I probably could have passed the class if I had tried hard enough, but I just couldn't motivate myself to study and learn the math in my own time, so I ended up failing the class.
Early on yeah, mostly because idagf and was delayed, but when I took school seriously my math grades improved, they even took me out the slow class.
Can't relate. Scored maximum on math
Nope, I was pretty good at math especially during my elementary years scoring A's (90s-100s) all the time and even tutored some normies on how to do basic long division and Multiplying/Dividing Fractions. I’d even answer 5th-grade math questions correctly while other 5th-grade students struggled, and I was only in 3rd grade. I would often fall asleep in math class because of how easy it was. I was always first at finishing those 60 second speed drill math worksheets. Math always came easy to me until around middle school when I had a horrible math teacher that had secret animosity for me. He would often sabotaged my grades putting in D's when I knew I deserved a B. After this experience I stopped trying in school only realizing teachers give good grades to kids who they think deserve it versus kids who truly do. He would often engage in favoritism. He would help all of the other kids in class with their homework but god forbid I asked what is the PEMDAS rule again or why do we have certain proofs in algebra, Actually trying to learn the material. He would give me lunch detention because I apparently "asked too many questions in class". Teachers like him destroy the school learning experience for everyone. School isn't a place to learn; School is just a prison institution indoctrinating you into being a worker drone for the evil corporations.
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I was good at all academic subjects until I got really depressed, started skipping school on most days and struggling to pay attention during class.
Same after middle school I completely gave up on the system but still managed to get put in honors classes like English and Math. Undiagnosed ADHD/Autism will do that
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No. Math was, and is STILL my favourite subject to learn as a hobby. :feelsstudy:
No. Math was, and is STILL my favourite subject to learn as a hobby. :feelsstudy:
same I sometimes play sudoku for fun and try to advance my math skills further.
It wasn't my favorite subject but i did well enough
same I sometimes play sudoku for fun and try to advance my math skills further.

clapping joker GIF
Yeah i'm retarded foids mogged me at math.
Math was always the most confusing subject to me.

I remember getting so angry I threw a chair at my teacher in 3rd grade because I couldn't understand long division.

And as the years went on, middle school, high school, I never got the gist of it.

I was pretty good in ELA classes though.

incel trait: bad at academics
Dat schoolvak? Ja ken ik haha was ik mega slecht in, heb dat alleen 1e 2 jaar gehad vgm?(of ik ben dom want ik zie online dat het alleen bovenbouw vak is? )Daarna zat ik op kader en was het niet verplicht meer
Oh, ja klopt, eerste paarjaar was het tekenen en bv denk ik, en dan later werd het ckv

Ik stond voor deze 3 bijna altijd een onvoldoende
It never was my top subject but I'd say until 10th grade I managed to keep up
11th grade when the whole f(x) and curves thing came up with hundreds of f(x)=ax+b+x formulae to learn by heart I gave up on math
Oh, ja klopt, eerste paarjaar was het tekenen en bv denk ik, en dan later werd het ckv

Ik stond voor deze 3 bijna altijd een onvoldoende
Ja same. Ik ben daar echt te autistisch voor. Ik heb ook een iq test moeten doen in het verleden en was zo mega slecht in ruimtelijk inzicht en creativiteit, beide ver onder gemiddeld
I became below average at math when i reached high school
Ja same. Ik ben daar echt te autistisch voor. Ik heb ook een iq test moeten doen in het verleden en was zo mega slecht in ruimtelijk inzicht en creativiteit, beide ver onder gemiddeld
Damn, ik wil ook kijken of ik adhd of autisme. Moet ik nog doen
Damn, ik wil ook kijken of ik adhd of autisme. Moet ik nog doen
Ik kwam uiteindelijk in de problemen door mijn autisme en social anxiety omdat ik het niet meer aankon op school
No I used to be good at math (better than most of the chinks in my high school). I only became bad math after taking the covid vaccine, which gave me brain fog, and I didn't end up performing well in my uni math courses as a result.
i was average at all subjects except for art
Ik kwam uiteindelijk in de problemen door mijn autisme en social anxiety omdat ik het niet meer aankon op school
kut man, wat doe je nu dan? Werk of studie? Srry als je het al een keer gezegt maar ben het dan vergeten
kut man, wat doe je nu dan? Werk of studie? Srry als je het al een keer gezegt maar ben het dan vergeten
Neet momenteel, heb geen diploma's op middelbaar na
this gave me flashbacks. i got decent grades at times and they still put me in a clownfest every year. actually the last class wasnt too bad but i got the best grades in there by far without caring so the people in it were very dumb, even if more normal than the freaks in the previous classes
yeah barely passed, didn’t do anything for it either tho

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