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Blackpill Wagecucking is 1 big blackpill.



Incel Revolutionary
Sep 5, 2018
I started 2 months ago with wagecucking, I thought maybe wagecucking will help me evolve as a person and make me more neurotypical and forget about the whole inceldom issue. The opposite happened and it's unbelievable how brutal it is, at the beginning (first few weeks) it was indeed helping me in forgetting the inceldom issue, but after more and more wagecucking I started to meet more blackpills that I've never seen before. Everyday I see blackpills left and right and it makes me miserable. I will give you an example:

• I go to work with the bus, the first thing happens: I get height-mogged bby 90% of the people there as I'm a 5'7 manlet.

• On work I've never had any attention from females, in the matter of fact I see the females flirting with Chadlites, Chads and Tyrones.Chad works 1 or 2 days at the company and gets mega attention from the foids, they ask him questions and help him out with the work. While I've had to learn everything mostly on myself without the same exited foids trying to help me out. Chad has it fucking easy.

• I got mogged by Chads on the work-floor and by Tyrones, it's not funny anymore and I think I'm going back to NEETlife because this is killing me mentally. I feel so inferior and so overpowered by Chad and Tyrone, they both are above 6'0 and are very masculine. It's not funny how hard you get mogged by those guys.
• The females (including roasties) have beta orbiters around them every fucking time, they always got beta orbiters sitting with them at break time. It's fucking disgusting how all these subhumans trying to make their sexual advance on these outworn roasties, it makes me sick to see something like that with my own eyes. I came to fucking wagecuck and not see this shit.

• I'm very high inhib which means people can misuse me easily because I'm high inhib, which means I can't say 'no' and I don't want to disappoint people. Some people are mistreating my goodness to them, even some leaders by giving me a shitty job position. Sometimes I know they are misusing my goodness but still because I'm too high inhib I can't say 'no'. I know it sounds cucked, but that's how my retarded brain works.

• Everyone gets along very well, I've seen people who were very new to the company and already made new friends. I still have 0 friends and I always sit alone, it's mostly because literally everyone at the company is a normie, most of them follow mainstream hiphop trends and other bullshit. I can't adapt to that shit.

• I swear to God when I say that for an ugly manlet like me, there is nothing better than being a NEET. NEETlife is truly the best thing you can do as an ugly manlet, you reserve your dignity and respect and you stay somehow away from the mental torture that you would have to endure when being around normies.

NEET = Master race = confirmed
what kind of work? pm me if u want
Not too long ago I found out that secretaries and shit would look up dudes in our work directory and flirt with them and shit. I even stumbled upon a couple who seemed to be kissing in a secluded area.

Of course I didn't even know this sex underground existed because I am invisible to these foids. I would be depressed if I wasn't so over this shit already.
You sound really sheltered ngl.
I have had the exact same experience tbh. When i'm on the bus i get mogged by 6'4 chads, i keep getting given the worst job to do, i have to see beta cucks flirting with 30+ roasties, i have made no friends and i always sit alone. I despise wagecucking, i want to die everyday.
Luckily for me, my workplace is fully male and I get along well with most people there. If I didn't feel comfortable I probably couldn't bear wageslavery for such a long time. I was a NEET for several years before that, NEETdom truly is the most desirable state to be as an incel.
Sitting alone on a break feels fucking awful.
I support NEETs because they will be the downfall of this rigged system. When the worker bees all drop out, the hive will die with them. Fuck this society.
I quit my first job, which was as a cashier in a store, literally the first month because I could not stand the overly-extroverted nature of normalfag society. At least in school, I could kind of isolate myself from the crowd and as long as I performed the tasks expected of me, there was no need for socialization.
Wageslaving is the exact opposite; it's like socializing is considered more important than doing your actual fucking job. It's a living hell for people like us.

The nature of my job made it so that I constantly felt pressured by people to be as quickly as possible and that I was constantly being judged. People kept making small talk with me and I didn't know how to respond. It destroyed my teen fantasies of just quitting school and getting some minimum-wage job, I realized that an existence like that would be way worse. I actually got a sort of anxiety attack on my last day which is what made me end up quitting, my coworkers could clearly see that I was mentally retarded back then which was a bit embarrassing.

You should be grateful that you can live the NEET life bro, I wish I could live like that. It seems that I'm simply not made to live among people. The only job that would work for me would be one without any social interaction but alas, that doesn't really exist unless you've got a talent that you can make money off from your home.
NEETmaxxxing boios stop work for expensive copes food and shelter can be free
Wage slavery is impossible for an incel. The only options are being NEET or career maxxing
I quit my first job, which was as a cashier in a store, literally the first month because I could not stand the overly-extroverted nature of normalfag society. At least in school, I could kind of isolate myself from the crowd and as long as I performed the tasks expected of me, there was no need for socialization.
Wageslaving is the exact opposite; it's like socializing is considered more important than doing your actual fucking job. It's a living hell for people like us.

The nature of my job made it so that I constantly felt pressured by people to be as quickly as possible and that I was constantly being judged. People kept making small talk with me and I didn't know how to respond. It destroyed my teen fantasies of just quitting school and getting some minimum-wage job, I realized that an existence like that would be way worse. I actually got a sort of anxiety attack on my last day which is what made me end up quitting, my coworkers could clearly see that I was mentally retarded back then which was a bit embarrassing.

You should be grateful that you can live the NEET life bro, I wish I could live like that. It seems that I'm simply not made to live among people. The only job that would work for me would be one without any social interaction but alas, that doesn't really exist unless you've got a talent that you can make money off from your home.

I lucked out and got a job as overnight cleaner by myself. I only do it part time but there is another dude who does it full time. He’s 57.. wonder if he’s an incel
I started 2 months ago with wagecucking, I thought maybe wagecucking will help me evolve as a person and make me more neurotypical and forget about the whole inceldom issue. The opposite happened and it's unbelievable how brutal it is, at the beginning (first few weeks) it was indeed helping me in forgetting the inceldom issue, but after more and more wagecucking I started to meet more blackpills that I've never seen before. Everyday I see blackpills left and right and it makes me miserable. I will give you an example:

• I go to work with the bus, the first thing happens: I get height-mogged bby 90% of the people there as I'm a 5'7 manlet.

• On work I've never had any attention from females, in the matter of fact I see the females flirting with Chadlites, Chads and Tyrones.Chad works 1 or 2 days at the company and gets mega attention from the foids, they ask him questions and help him out with the work. While I've had to learn everything mostly on myself without the same exited foids trying to help me out. Chad has it fucking easy.

• I got mogged by Chads on the work-floor and by Tyrones, it's not funny anymore and I think I'm going back to NEETlife because this is killing me mentally. I feel so inferior and so overpowered by Chad and Tyrone, they both are above 6'0 and are very masculine. It's not funny how hard you get mogged by those guys.
• The females (including roasties) have beta orbiters around them every fucking time, they always got beta orbiters sitting with them at break time. It's fucking disgusting how all these subhumans trying to make their sexual advance on these outworn roasties, it makes me sick to see something like that with my own eyes. I came to fucking wagecuck and not see this shit.

• I'm very high inhib which means people can misuse me easily because I'm high inhib, which means I can't say 'no' and I don't want to disappoint people. Some people are mistreating my goodness to them, even some leaders by giving me a shitty job position. Sometimes I know they are misusing my goodness but still because I'm too high inhib I can't say 'no'. I know it sounds cucked, but that's how my retarded brain works.

• Everyone gets along very well, I've seen people who were very new to the company and already made new friends. I still have 0 friends and I always sit alone, it's mostly because literally everyone at the company is a normie, most of them follow mainstream hiphop trends and other bullshit. I can't adapt to that shit.

• I swear to God when I say that for an ugly manlet like me, there is nothing better than being a NEET. NEETlife is truly the best thing you can do as an ugly manlet, you reserve your dignity and respect and you stay somehow away from the mental torture that you would have to endure when being around normies.

NEET = Master race = confirmed

I started wagecucking around the same time. I no longer play video games or fap because I have no time

Also get a car, fuck sharing a bus and fuck the planet
I am losing my mind wageslaving but I need to keep going to get the fuck out of here to meet my glorious SEA harem. idk if I will be able to make it out because I don't know how much longer I can hold onto this. waging is the ultimate sacrifice of life for an incel it truly kills to be a wagie with no attention and no pussy to stuff cock into
sounds like hell which you have to suffer to get something to eat, i hope you hate your parents for giving you curse of being born to this shitty world
I’m wagecucking in a touristic city, in the kebab country. I work 12 hours a day and all i see at work are fucking white whores almost wearing nothing with their white beta providers. I swear europe cucks are the worst. Even their 9 y/o spawns wear like a whore, have BF, and prolly fucking.
It never began. NT normies, Chads, Tyrones, and all foids are hell spawns wired to keep us down ESPECIALLY at the job place.
I started 2 months ago with wagecucking, I thought maybe wagecucking will help me evolve as a person and make me more neurotypical and forget about the whole inceldom issue. The opposite happened and it's unbelievable how brutal it is, at the beginning (first few weeks) it was indeed helping me in forgetting the inceldom issue, but after more and more wagecucking I started to meet more blackpills that I've never seen before. Everyday I see blackpills left and right and it makes me miserable. I will give you an example:

• I go to work with the bus, the first thing happens: I get height-mogged bby 90% of the people there as I'm a 5'7 manlet.

• On work I've never had any attention from females, in the matter of fact I see the females flirting with Chadlites, Chads and Tyrones.Chad works 1 or 2 days at the company and gets mega attention from the foids, they ask him questions and help him out with the work. While I've had to learn everything mostly on myself without the same exited foids trying to help me out. Chad has it fucking easy.

• I got mogged by Chads on the work-floor and by Tyrones, it's not funny anymore and I think I'm going back to NEETlife because this is killing me mentally. I feel so inferior and so overpowered by Chad and Tyrone, they both are above 6'0 and are very masculine. It's not funny how hard you get mogged by those guys.
• The females (including roasties) have beta orbiters around them every fucking time, they always got beta orbiters sitting with them at break time. It's fucking disgusting how all these subhumans trying to make their sexual advance on these outworn roasties, it makes me sick to see something like that with my own eyes. I came to fucking wagecuck and not see this shit.

• I'm very high inhib which means people can misuse me easily because I'm high inhib, which means I can't say 'no' and I don't want to disappoint people. Some people are mistreating my goodness to them, even some leaders by giving me a shitty job position. Sometimes I know they are misusing my goodness but still because I'm too high inhib I can't say 'no'. I know it sounds cucked, but that's how my retarded brain works.

• Everyone gets along very well, I've seen people who were very new to the company and already made new friends. I still have 0 friends and I always sit alone, it's mostly because literally everyone at the company is a normie, most of them follow mainstream hiphop trends and other bullshit. I can't adapt to that shit.

• I swear to God when I say that for an ugly manlet like me, there is nothing better than being a NEET. NEETlife is truly the best thing you can do as an ugly manlet, you reserve your dignity and respect and you stay somehow away from the mental torture that you would have to endure when being around normies.

NEET = Master race = confirmed

Had same experience quit after 2 months went part-time. Fuck working full time it was just too much.
I am losing my mind wageslaving but I need to keep going to get the fuck out of here to meet my glorious SEA harem. idk if I will be able to make it out because I don't know how much longer I can hold onto this. waging is the ultimate sacrifice of life for an incel it truly kills to be a wagie with no attention and no pussy to stuff cock into

I see we share a common dream.
I've been wagecucking for several years. When I first started, I was still pretty bluepilled. I was actually delusional enough to think that I could get friends, a social circle, increased social status, and maybe even positive female attention from working with other people.

Of course that was all a bullshit fantasy. Work is just like high school. The same cliques, the same bullies, the same pecking order, the same obsession with popularity and status. The normie douchebros were the worst bullies; at least the chads usually just ignored me. The only kindness I ever received was from a few guys who felt sorry for me.

Foid coworkers either ignored me or made fun of me. I would watch them occasionally go over to some new normie-tier or chadlite guy and talk to him and get to know him. None of them ever did that for me. I tried talking with a few of the women, but they made it clear they didn't want to be around me and eventually I gave that up for fear of having "harassment" charges filed against me.

Wagecucking is bad enough for decent looking guys. It's hell for ugly and short men.
What you do for a living has ZERO relevance to whether or not foids will find you physically attractive.

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