Voting does not matter, democracy is not only a lie, it is an illusion.
Correct. Voting gives the average, powerless person the illusion of control in matters that dictate the authority over them. I don't know why people in the democratic West are so naive. They honestly believe that people in power, who understand and game the system to increase and maintain as much power as possible, would be happy to risk giving away that power to masses of ignoramuses and peasants and reduce their status and standing in society as a result.
In nearly every instance those who want power are not the kind of people who are fit to be in positions of power. Democratic politics is a cesspool of self-interested, psychopathic liars who never give straight answers when concealing their deceptions and true intents. The naive ones with good hearts, full of idealistic zeal, quickly become jaded and have to choose between playing ball or leaving politics.
Philosophers thousands of years ago knew this problem with democracy (Aristotle, to be specific) - that it was fertile ground for corruption and easily exploitable. The harsh black pill here is that the average citizen will never have real power (being able to efficiently and quickly effect change in your country through your will) in all systems of government, but in democracy, they're fooled into thinking that they do. Autocracies, plutocracies, and every other "ocracy" that puts power in the select hands of the few wealthy lords and land owners are, at least, more honest in that regard. Each and every person knows where they truly stand there.
The common rebuttal here is always the stock and standard, "it's the best we have." If your choices are between horseshit, bullshit, and dogshit, you're still choosing shit. The follow-up one is usually, "if you think it's so horrible here, why don't you move to North Korea?" This one is as retarded, if not more. The vast majority of people worldwide don't have the financial and logistical means to snap their fingers and live under a different authority and their set of rules.
That's another thing, all you're doing is trading one power group's rules of living for another's rules. The only way you can live under your own rules is if you're the sovereign. This is what's attractive about systems like anarchy. However, even that's unrealistic and impractical, for the sole reason that humans are ultimately tribal, and when groups get large enough something resembling an authority and government structure will always eventually begin to emerge.
tl;dr, if you're not the power, if you're not the one doing the fucking, then you're getting fucked in some way or another.