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Serious Viewing foids as humans is cucked



Feb 24, 2020
They are dogshit IQ tbh.
Men are a superior species to foids in every aspect, we are smarter, stronger, faster, even the dumbest man is still smarter than the average foid.
A foid's entire life is to just get shat on by chad, men's entire life can be defined by multiple things such as art, fighting, literature, work, charity, religion and all.
To consider these dogs as "equals" is giga- cucked, foids are human from a technical aspect, but that's it. Humanity is often defined as high intelligence, enlightenment and virtue, which is what foids lack.They were and should be treated as cattle to be bought and sold.
I agree foids only purpose in life is their hole.
Based. Holes should have never gotten rights because they're inferior
foids literally stop maturing at like 12 or 13, imagine letting 13 yo boys drive and vote and you have the modern west
foids literally stop maturing at like 12 or 13, imagine letting 13 yo boys drive and vote and you have the modern west
ikr it's so bullshit
they have the mind of a child and are treated like an adult like jfl
no wonder civilization has gone to shit
Spot on Elliot
I can't say stuff like this with a straight face tbh. like my oneitis for example has a higher GPA than me and has all sorts of talents like art, sports etc that make her a fairly accomplished person. the fact is I'm just not "superior" to anyone, I am an undesirable mentally ill fuck up who is not good at anything
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I don't like the term 'sub-human'/not-human etc. used un-ironically, it seems like an unnecessary justification to simply claiming someone is deficient in some way. Like calling a child subhuman because it's not as mature as an addult, it's self evident.

Excuse the digression, I agree. Obviously females are mentally
undeveloped compared to males (on average, men are more likelly to stray from the middle distribution so more geniuses and more retards).
I agree foids only purpose in life is their hole.
Hence why they have never evolved in terms of maturity and abstract thinking. Their entire job is to give birth to live humans, men take care of the rest (in recent nature).
Male superiority doesn't matter one bit

Smarter? Stronger? More rational? Sure.

But we are still second class citizens compared to women. Most men are huge simps who would gladly throw other men under the bus only to get a chance of scoring pussy. These suckers will also sacrifice themselves for women they don't even know. And don't even get me started on the advantages they have in the job market, social events, etc.
I can't say stuff like this with a straight face tbh. like my oneitis for example has a higher GPA than me and has all sorts of talents like art, sports etc that make her a fairly accomplished person. the fact is I'm just not "superior" to anyone, I am an undesirable mentally ill fuck up who is not good at anything
"Accomplished" as long as she never have to compete against men.
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I can't say stuff like this with a straight face tbh. like my oneitis for example has a higher GPA than me and has all sorts of talents like art, sports etc that make her a fairly accomplished person. the fact is I'm just not "superior" to anyone, I am an undesirable mentally ill fuck up who is not good at anything
And yet she is still a mindless slave to Chad. She GPA mogs you because she was given advantages due to her gender. It's like blacks and whites 100 years ago. A black Urkel may have been more intelligent than a retard white, but his potential was wasted. Give men an equal shot, and they'll upstage women. We see this in any objective standard of measurement, like ACT or SAT.
women are just walking, talking, shitting incubators.
Foids are just an extension of Man. They are only here as a means of reproducing. Foids should be executed after having their second child because after that they are effectively worthless.
I like the word "foid"
I can't say stuff like this with a straight face tbh. like my oneitis for example has a higher GPA than me and has all sorts of talents like art, sports etc that make her a fairly accomplished person. the fact is I'm just not "superior" to anyone, I am an undesirable mentally ill fuck up who is not good at anything
Lmao if you were getting your dick wet rn you wouldn't give a flying fuck
High iq post. Foids are inferior to dogs
I wouldn't go that far. The thing is that women naturally serve a different purpose and this purpose has been lost and forgotten, despised even thanks to letting the globohomo marxists gain a foothold.
Never a problem for me. :feelzez:
I can't say stuff like this with a straight face tbh. like my oneitis for example has a higher GPA than me and has all sorts of talents like art, sports etc that make her a fairly accomplished person. the fact is I'm just not "superior" to anyone, I am an undesirable mentally ill fuck up who is not good at anything

Imagine thinking that she didn't suck off her teachers or that she gets a pass because of hole.
They are dogshit IQ tbh.
Men are a superior species to foids in every aspect, we are smarter, stronger, faster, even the dumbest man is still smarter than the average foid.
A foid's entire life is to just get shat on by chad, men's entire life can be defined by multiple things such as art, fighting, literature, work, charity, religion and all.
To consider these dogs as "equals" is giga- cucked, foids are human from a technical aspect, but that's it. Humanity is often defined as high intelligence, enlightenment and virtue, which is what foids lack.They were and should be treated as cattle to be bought and sold.
Foids don't have any evolutionary reason to be smart, this wont appeal to chad and this would only render it more difficult for accepting being a hole for dick in baby out

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