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Blackpill [Venting] If you think society is "degenerate", you are not blackpilled yet



Sep 13, 2019
Stop coping with this shit. Learn to accept the cold hard fucking truth already. This is what blackpill is ALL about.
Stop saying Chad is degenerate. Just accept that he won and you lost.
Stop calling stacy a whore because you are the only guy that she won't fuck.
Stop saying women are too loose with who they sleep with. Do you really want them to have less standards at this point? JFL some of you are goldfish level IQ

If you had any chance to be "degenerate" and slay, you 100% would. This is a good thing with a free society. Fuck going back to 2000 year old retarded religions just so you motherfuckers can cope again. I'd rather die incel than bow down to sharia law.

Stop with all these blackpill copes and embrace the truth no matter what. Im tired of coping being accepted aslong as its within the blackpill. We should invent a new term called "blackpilled cope".
Yep, this is one of the hardest black pills out there. We all cope even in super subtle ways.
Stop coping with this shit. Learn to accept the cold hard fucking truth already. This is what blackpill is ALL about.
Stop saying Chad is degenerate. Just accept that he won and you lost.
Stop calling stacy a whore because you are the only guy that she won't fuck.
Stop saying women are too loose with who they sleep with. Do you really want them to have less standards at this point? JFL some of you are goldfish level IQ

If you had any chance to be "degenerate" and slay, you 100% would. This is a good thing with a free society. Fuck going back to 2000 year old retarded religions just so you motherfuckers can cope again. I'd rather die incel than bow down to sharia law.

Stop with all these blackpill copes and embrace the truth no matter what. Im tired of coping being accepted aslong as its within the blackpill. We should invent a new term called "blackpilled cope".
High IQ. If we had a chance to be "degenerate" (be Chads and slay 24/7), we would.
Yep, this is one of the hardest black pills out there. We all cope even in super subtle ways.
High IQ. If we had a chance to be "degenerate" (be Chads and slay 24/7), we would.
Based and blackpilled. Im tired of blackpill copers. It was always about embracing the cold hard truth no matter what.
This is precisely why I'm trying to throw the game off a 10 story building and make my own.
Hate the game, don't hate the player, it's lookism and female sexuality that really deserves hate.
This makes no sense and sounds like massive cope.
Just rope and hope to be reincarnated as a Chad theory
yeah this is true man. I would slay as much as i could
Stop coping with this shit. Learn to accept the cold hard fucking truth already

I'd rather die incel than bow down to sharia law.

Funny question, would you "stop coping" and "learn to accept the cold hard fucking truth" if Islam did in fact take over the world and you had to bow to sharia, if not I hope you see the irony that when your own request is out against you, you give yourself the excuse to cope

In the same way that you'd rather die than bow down to sharia, many incels would rather bow to sharia to live in a cucked western culture, you can't expect them to accept "the cold hard truth" of their reality, if you wouldn't accept it if the tables are turned

This is what blackpill is ALL about.
Stop saying Chad is degenerate. Just accept that he won and you lost.
Stop calling stacy a whore because you are the only guy that she won't fuck.

Stop saying women are too loose with who they sleep with. Do you really want them to have less standards at this point?

I want them to have restricted choices, then their standards don't matter

If you had any chance to be "degenerate" and slay, you 100% would

I wouldn't and I'm sure its the same for many users, we never had dreams of "slaying" or being a player, we just wanted a single person, we didn't want a buffet, we just wanted our own piece of the pie, I think you are just projecting yourself onto other people, you don't want to feel conflicted or guilty for being a shit person while hating the hand you were dealt, so you have to rationalize it as "we'd all do it to, we just lost"

No, that's really just you, pretty sure most incels on this site just wanted a single woman who would care for them and "love them", they just found out the hard way love doesn't exist

This is a good thing with a free society


Freedom in society doesn't mean anything if you can't take part in the experience, its retarded to say that its "free" when many are barred from paricipation, clearly there's some kind of "entrance fee", and we know what that is, looks, so for incels society isn't really "free", its the illusion of freedom, its the freedom to look on and not take part JFL

Stop with all these blackpill copes and embrace the truth no matter what

This sound like some de-escalation psyop shit to me, there's no reason to give up, at some point some oppurtunity may arise in which we can gain some kind of revenge, advantage or even change shit, why wouldn't we take part, I'd gladly join Islam if I could help make that happen, and spread sharia law

Fuck off with your "just accept your shitty life" cuck shit
"Do you really want them to have less standards at this point?"

Wouldn't that be a good thing as an incel?
I agree but it's not possible to not show any emotional response to ongoing 'degeneracy' that reminds me of inceldom.
I wouldn't and I'm sure its the same for many users, we never had dreams of "slaying" or being a player, we just wanted a single person, we didn't want a buffet, we just wanted our own piece of the pie, I think you are just projecting yourself onto other people, you don't want to feel conflicted or guilty for being a shit person while hating the hand you were dealt, so you have to rationalize it as "we'd all do it to, we just lost"

No, that's really just you, pretty sure most incels on this site just wanted a single woman who would care for them and "love them", they just found out the hard way love doesn't exist

^^^ This.

Do you think Chad accepts loss?

No, he fucks people over just for him to get a minutae of gratification.

He will destroy other mens lives and break families just to add one more lay.
"Do you really want them to have less standards at this point?"

Wouldn't that be a good thing as an incel?
Oh fuck i obviously meant higher standards..
Hey incels, don't turn into a "bad guy", that wouldn't be playing fair. Just be good little boys and take every shitty thing society does to you, don't mind the fact that women are actually rude and horrible to you. Don't mind the fact that Chad belittles you and has caused you physical harm.

Just be a "good guy" and accept your fate. You have to be fair to Chads even when Chads have not been fair to you.
Funny question, would you "stop coping" and "learn to accept the cold hard fucking truth" if Islam did in fact take over the world and you had to bow to sharia, if not I hope you see the irony that when your own request is out against you, you give yourself the excuse to cope

In the same way that you'd rather die than bow down to sharia, many incels would rather bow to sharia to live in a cucked western culture, you can't expect them to accept "the cold hard truth" of their reality, if you wouldn't accept it if the tables are turned

This is what blackpill is ALL about.
Stop saying Chad is degenerate. Just accept that he won and you lost.
Stop calling stacy a whore because you are the only guy that she won't fuck.

I want them to have restricted choices, then their standards don't matter

I wouldn't and I'm sure its the same for many users, we never had dreams of "slaying" or being a player, we just wanted a single person, we didn't want a buffet, we just wanted our own piece of the pie, I think you are just projecting yourself onto other people, you don't want to feel conflicted or guilty for being a shit person while hating the hand you were dealt, so you have to rationalize it as "we'd all do it to, we just lost"

No, that's really just you, pretty sure most incels on this site just wanted a single woman who would care for them and "love them", they just found out the hard way love doesn't exist


Freedom in society doesn't mean anything if you can't take part in the experience, its retarded to say that its "free" when many are barred from paricipation, clearly there's some kind of "entrance fee", and we know what that is, looks, so for incels society isn't really "free", its the illusion of freedom, its the freedom to look on and not take part JFL

This sound like some de-escalation psyop shit to me, there's no reason to give up, at some point some oppurtunity may arise in which we can gain some kind of revenge, advantage or even change shit, why wouldn't we take part, I'd gladly join Islam if I could help make that happen, and spread sharia law

Fuck off with your "just accept your shitty life" cuck shit
Lol my favourite posters are people who scream ”cuck” whenever someone doesnt agree with every meme or cope. You really butchered that word
^^^ This.

Do you think Chad accepts loss?

No, he fucks people over just for him to get a minutae of gratification.

He will destroy other mens lives and break families just to add one more lay.
Cope, chad doesnt need to destroy any life to get laid. Wtf are you on about
Hey incels, don't turn into a "bad guy", that wouldn't be playing fair. Just be good little boys and take every shitty thing society does to you, don't mind the fact that women are actually rude and horrible to you. Don't mind the fact that Chad belittles you and has caused you physical harm.

Just be a "good guy" and accept your fate. You have to be fair to Chads even when Chads have not been fair to you.
Not what i Said in this post. I never said you are supposed to take it or anything. I Said stop telling yourself comfortable lies to make yourself feel better, aka cope. Literally blackpill 101
If i could participate in the “degeneracy” , I mean having casual sex with multiple foids , I wouldn’t complain at all tbh.
I wouldn't and I'm sure its the same for many users, we never had dreams of "slaying" or being a player, we just wanted a single person, we didn't want a buffet, we just wanted our own piece of the pie, I think you are just projecting yourself onto other people, you don't want to feel conflicted or guilty for being a shit person while hating the hand you were dealt, so you have to rationalize it as "we'd all do it to, we just lost"

No, that's really just you, pretty sure most incels on this site just wanted a single woman who would care for them and "love them", they just found out the hard way love doesn't exist
This sound like some de-escalation psyop shit to me, there's no reason to give up, at some point some oppurtunity may arise in which we can gain some kind of revenge, advantage or even change shit, why wouldn't we take part, I'd gladly join Islam if I could help make that happen, and spread sharia law

Fuck off with your "just accept your shitty life" cuck shit
No, I would not be a degenerate because I believe in God.

Genesis 6:12-13
And God looked upon the world and saw how degenerate, debased, and vicious it was, for all humanity had corrupted their way upon the earth and lost their true direction
13 And God said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

Matthew 24:37-39
37 As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. 39 And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away. So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.

damn shit man this is brutal ngl
STDs exist as proof that degeneracy exists.

If there were no potential consequences to sex you would be right. But as it stands it's more physically secure to have safe sex with partners of trustworthy character.

Escortcels have to literally pat down hookers for herpes checks, unless they're rich enough to afford banging the pros. JFL

Fuck going back to 2000 year old retarded religions just so you motherfuckers can cope again. I'd rather die incel than bow down to sharia law.
Cope. A system where you get laid is always better than a system where you don't.
What retardation is this?
If i just accept the current status quo as normal and give up to despair i wont be here,i will be in reddit and browsing IncelTears.
Its not 'blackpill' its just lethargy.Accepting a biological fact(i.e death is inevitable,blackpill is true) does not mean we cannot try to fight it or minimize the effect (i.e we must delay our deaths using gene therapy,we must minimize degeneracy by social control)
I would absolutely be a degenerate but because I am not I hate those who do. the irony is not lost on me but who cares.

You are Volcel
Not "we" I have more important shit to do in life than degenerate animal bullshit. hook up culture is for animalistic scum no offense boyo
Great thread, degeneracycopers and religiocopers annoy me a fucking lot.
The natural state of humanity is hedonistic and degenerate.
I want nothing to do with it.
so because chad won I can't point out the fact that hypergamy destroys human societies? soy thread
Stop saying women are too loose with who they sleep with.
Do you really want them to have less standards at this point?
I think you probably intended to say "higher standards" or "more standards".

In either case the answer is yes: but I want them to be standards in different regards, like with less emphasis on looks and social success.

You know: like we are already conditioned to develope.
This thread is a load of bullshit. Of course we would all fuck Stacy if we were Chad but in times when people were starving foids depended on men and would take anyone just so they don't die on the streets. We need to go back to those golden times. This said I know it won't happen during my lifetime thanks to fucking cunts who won't join the fight like you OP. So fuck the world and fuck you too.

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