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LifeFuel Valentines day feels a little more special this year.



Joker fan,"all it takes is one bad day"
Jul 24, 2018
6fb7da73 15cd 4a77 b7f5 700f746e49aa parkland brother 1d43bc98 20d5 11e9 8b59 0a28f2191131

I'm going to go on a little vent, replacing something bad about this holiday with something that made me feel happy.
I block out my own meaninglessness and sadness with this obsession.
I'm happy for Valentine's day because this time around I finally have something to celebrate, when other high schools were painted red with flower decorations those hallways at the MSD freshman building were painted red with tiny puddles of blood and .223 shell casings. I FUCKING LOVE CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!

That morning when I was sad about being alone was overturned with a sense of joy when I heard someone say theres been a shooting then checked the news on my phone and went to the snapchat map and saw that masterpiece vid of those kids screaming inside the classroom with gunshots ringing out (i hadn't had that much of a field day since las vegas). That moment when the burst of gunshots happened with some kid saying "omg holy shit omg" I chuckled right after the girl screamed her whoreish ass off.

I hate people and society so much and you know what? Everyone of these mass killings wheather done with a car, a knife, a bomb, starting a fire, poisoning, or an ar 15 super duber scary rifle...................makes me glad I'm alive to watch the world that's why I check the news every 30 min. Everytime I check the news, i get this hopeful feeling that somewhere in the world a mass causality attack happened i look at china first with their vehicle and knife attacks, because they draw the inspiration that no matter how many road barriers you put up, no matter how many guns you ban, no matter how many people are put under authoritarian surveillance...................... there will still be a backback bomb detonating outside an elementary school. Time to address the real problem society.

Nikolas cruz wasn't the first and he is the furthest from being the last.
My only regret about that day is that he didint meet his goal of killing 20 people.
I'm in the mood for writing a long ass fan letter to him rn.
I'm not inciting any crime or threat of violence, I'm just saying why I have something to really like about Valentine's day now.

Live on hero, everyday I hope to see more just like you.................... and i see the world ending another day hahahahahhahahahahahahahah.

Nikolas Cruz parkland hallway2

Ap 18066693137228
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Definitely. Fills me up with joy, I don't support mass shooting, but my support/against won't change anything it's going to happen regardless. Might as well sit back and watch the show.
Time to address the real problem society.
Won't happen, the elites don't care about a statically insignificant amount of murders. In fact I'd wager that this is the outcome that they wanted, to further destabilize our civilization and drive alienated people to terrorism.

This doesn't make me happy at all, I'm mostly numb with a slight feeling of disgust popping up here and there.
Won't happen, the elites don't care about a statically insignificant amount of murders. In fact I'd wager that this is the outcome that they wanted, to further destabilize our civilization and drive alienated people to terrorism.

This doesn't make me happy at all, I'm mostly numb with a slight feeling of disgust popping up here and there.
Yeah the people that actually express their opinions on the news and whatnot are usually using the situation to push agendas.
Won't happen, the elites don't care about a statically insignificant amount of murders. In fact I'd wager that this is the outcome that they wanted, to further destabilize our civilization and drive alienated people to terrorism.

This doesn't make me happy at all, I'm mostly numb with a slight feeling of disgust popping up here and there.
Ik that's why the bloodshed across the world will forever continue, I hope it gets so bad to the point where a sizeable amount of people are too scared to go out into puplic and theres armed guards with automatic rifles at every store, venue, event, etc.
I love the kind fear the public has.
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No one talks about loneliness until a couple of students get shot.
Even then, it's briefly mentioned and the discussion changes to gun control, instead of loneliness prevention.

I don't support shootings but it is a necessary evil. Those brief moments when our loneliness is mentioned, when put together enough times, just might open the society's eyes and we will finally be noticed

Tbh. If low tier Normies or even Normies are getting hammered than I don't feel too bad.

I'm not alone. You'll never walk alone.
All this pain and suffering is something that society and people deserve until they open their fucking eyes and ask: Is there a problem with us?

It will probably take millions of deaths before they even question that, but I'll be waiting (Again, I'm not encouraging violence/shooting up schools).

I hate women indeed, but the world follows closely behind.
this song is about a school shooter named Valentine. It's not a love song

U tripping fool.
STFU about being a fool you dont know what he went threw. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves out of comfort or just brushing them off as mental.
salutations to all the selfless hERoes
STFU about being a fool you dont know what he went threw. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves out of comfort or just brushing them off as mental.
Let me tell you something, where im from I've seen people shot to death bro. Nothing is funny about watching somebody bleed out on the fucking concrete gurgling and gasping for their last breath. If he love carnage so much go join a gang. If he like to kill it will be easy for him to get in. Newsflash, they shoot back. You might get your dumb ass smoked.
Nothing is funny about watching somebody bleed out on the fucking concrete gurgling and gasping for their last breath.

It's more ERotic ngl
Let me tell you something, where im from I've seen people shot to death bro. Nothing is funny about watching somebody bleed out on the fucking concrete gurgling and gasping for their last breath. If he love carnage so much go join a gang. If he like to kill it will be easy for him to get in. Newsflash, they shoot back. You might get your dumb ass smoked.
Killing dozens of gang members isint going to send a proper message in that case but a bunch of people inside a movie theater will.
Your killing to be unfair, taking people with normal or happy day to day lives.
Its not just a desire to kill but to give a little unfairness back.

Killing gang members= typical violence no one cares about but them.

Killing 20 children at a elementary school= it has gotten personal.

I dont understand your logic behind this.
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There really is nothing like the smell of freshly buttered popcorn when you're watching Youtube videos of peeps getting smoked. The smell reminds me that unlike that kid whose body took a few .223s, I'm still here. Alive. Sentient. Breathing.
Every girl in girl in that pic deserved it.
They all laughed and called nik creepy I would loved to have seen their shit eating grins hiding under their desks and screaming.

You can tell who's the school bitch by the one in the center.
Won't happen, the elites don't care about a statically insignificant amount of murders. In fact I'd wager that this is the outcome that they wanted, to further destabilize our civilization and drive alienated people to terrorism.

This doesn't make me happy at all, I'm mostly numb with a slight feeling of disgust popping up here and there.

which will destabilize the nation even more leading to a fascist takeover, the elites cant win in the long term they are in decline

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