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JFL Used up 38 y/o whore on inceltears wants to cut off the internet to avoid any blackpill exposure.

Please tell me she's getting rid of her android
i hope she throws herself off a balcony, stupid cunt.
Yeah, if her kids turn out incels, cutting off internet won't work.
Just kek when all these IT fags eventually have incel children.
JFL at the top comment "watch movies and TV shows that feature a variety of female main characters". That is going to "cure" inceldom isn't it?
On the internet it's totally fine for her jb daughter thots to send nudes to chads, and make tinder accounts that lie about their age to get fucked by them. But no, the boy learning about the blackpill is the real problem to these stupid old feminishit cunts.
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thats one way to get your kids to hate you
Lmaooo bitch can't even spell "incles" correctly. How in the fuck will she do anything correctly.
She worries because she knows her boys look subhuman and will suffer, eventually leading them down towards this path.

Fucking idiot full of herself is damn clueless her condescendin "help" fails for a deeper reason other than "they don't want to accept my truth"

You can't hide shit under the rug by "protecting your kids" from the fucking net, that is fucking delusional. This is reality, and if you decided to f-ing breed kids into this shitty world, it's up to you to accept the burden you imposed on them. No one said this was going to be a nice life and that anyone can earn his place by just bluepilled washed up nonsense.

To think a person who's been in a relationship since she was 18 knows shit about isolation really pisses me the fuck off, specially when she really thinks she's well meaning. Fuck's sake, for damn real, wake the fuck up. You're a fucking adult and this is no fucking wonderland. Even if you bluepill your kiddoes from fucking toes to hair, world's gonna do its job with them once they're in their damn 20s anyways. Up to genes and fate whether they make it or not, not your fucking ideas. Shit's beyond your control.
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She worries because she knows her boys look subhuman and will suffer, eventually leading them down towards this path.
She should actually buy them a nice pair of ropes, if she really cares about them. Cutting wires will make them even more pissed off. For many (including myself) posting on incel forums help them to cope, they will go ER if they have been denied access to their only coppage.
JFL at the top comment "watch movies and TV shows that feature a variety of female main characters". That is going to "cure" inceldom isn't it?
She has reason to worry about her sons. But her mistake is that she blames the messenger. Her son doesn't want to kill himself because of "incel culture" but because of a culture run by feminist shitcunts and fuckfoids like herself and most probably like her nasty shitcunt daughters.
JFL at the top comment "watch movies and TV shows that feature a variety of female main characters". That is going to "cure" inceldom isn't it?
Lol, that shit will actually blackpill u when u realize all those strong female characters written by men don't exist in real life
Gross useless whore who did nothing in her life except shit out 5 kids, literally a useless piece of shit.
I agree with her. Then feminism won't exist anymore either.
Tonight on "Shit that never happened"...

First of all, what "Incel board" is she talking about? AFAIK there only is 3, /r/Braincels, /r9k/ (jfl @ robots) and well incels.is

Secondly, she says they're all young. We don't even know how young they are. I have no clue about braincels or r9k, but we haven't had any 15 year olds making posts here about their mom harassing them. At least I haven't seen any.

Thirdly, it all seems too convenient, like why the FUCK would you go on REDDIT to find answers to these questions? Anyone with a brain would go to an ACTUAL psychiatrist, which granted is still fucking pointless but they're LEAGUES above ANYTHING these retarded ass whores and cucks will spit out.

My conclusion : The thread is a LARP. Nothing about it makes sense and it's all just trolling.

Also LOL account created 10 days ago, yeah this is 100% just a made-up story. Nobody is retarded enough to go on cuckit for professional advice.

Addendum : Apparently the "kid" who is an "incel" is 9 years old. NINE! 9 YEAR OLD BOYS AREN'T EVEN FUCKING THINKING ABOUT SEX OR GIRLFRIENDS!
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Lol what is this 2003? Get rid of all internet devices = disconnect yourself from humanity. What a low IQ subhuman.
Stupid fucking whore i hope her kids kill her
absolutely hilarious.
Yes.. cutting the internet off and ignoring reality is gonna help your kids out.
Not once they start getting interested in girls in school but get rejected and called ugly.
I hope they are good looking kids or you get what you get. Its just nature. Ugly guys arent just gonna be happy with being virgins.
It's just some hardcore virtue signalling. (And I'm going to run with the notion that its genuine and not some LARPer trying to portray us as evil).

Normies cannot understand or even begin to comprehend that their 'advice' is not needed nor worth anything. Them repeating the same old tripe they read on Facebook or some fucking online article about depression never helps because its not personal nor does it come from a decent and well-meaning place. All the mindless drivel they spout only says one thing - "Don't forget about me today" - It's why normies cover their social media with filters and banners showing sorrow or support for the latest flavor of the month tragedy or cause. They are fickle and shallow and are too blinded by superficial acts of kindness to understand how two dimensional they come across as.

She didn't give a fuck a kid was on the verge of suicide, no, she saw the post and thought "How can I make this about me?" so she did. Rather than create a post asking others to help support people with suicide or look for advice on how to possibly aid this kid she creates a post about how this kids potential suicide has bothered HER and how SHE should deal with it because she's worried about HER family. She had an agenda in reaching out, she knew she was unwelcome and yet did it anyway, under false pretences, knowing she could then run back to her little echo chamber and lament over how poorly SHE was treated and how to stop HER kids from turning into those mean-old-Incels...and not even because of the suicidal tendencies, its because she thinks we're mean.

But then again, that's probably just a LARPer.
Thirdly, it all seems too convenient, like why the FUCK would you go on REDDIT to find answers to these questions? Anyone with a brain would go to an ACTUAL psychiatrist, which granted is still fucking pointless but they're LEAGUES above ANYTHING these retarded ass whores and cucks will spit out.
No, going to a psychiatrist will lead to similar results.

Reminder that I have had a fat female mental health professional trying to ban me from the Internets for over a year now.
what a great idea to take away their biggest cope.
Addendum : Apparently the "kid" who is an "incel" is 9 years old. NINE! 9 YEAR OLD BOYS AREN'T EVEN FUCKING THINKING ABOUT SEX OR GIRLFRIENDS!
I'm pretty sure I did actually.
On the internet it's totally fine for her jb daughter thots to send nudes to chads, and make tinder accounts that lie about their age to get fucked by them. But no, the boy learning about the blackpill is the real problem to these stupid old feminishit cunts.
OMG who is the fucking retard who put 5 kids in her belly?
He needs to rope himself now!!
Fucking christ. What a crusty whore.
LOL....she knows her sons are subhuman...thus she found the board.

Imagine if her sons were handsome, she wouldn't be lurking here reading this sentence....

My wife's eighth-grade daughter came home crying today because the school's resident mob of "Toxic Boyz" shanghaied a pep-assembly and burnt an effigy of her while reciting verses from the Bible. Why? Because she politely turned down one's advances to rape her. Sixth-grade. This is the world we live in. Thanks Drumpf, Thanks incels. First-grade kids.
My wife's eighth-grade daughter came home crying today because the school's resident mob of "Toxic Boyz" shanghaied a pep-assembly and burnt an effigy of her while reciting verses from the Bible. Why? Because she politely turned down one's advances to rape her. Sixth-grade. This is the world we live in. Thanks Drumpf, Thanks incels. First-grade kids.

Ironically (actually not ironically...we all know the truth), it would have been seen as a romantic overture if the boys looked like this...

I know people try to hide from the more painful parts of reality (think about the slave labor in China that put together everything we use), but being so offended that she simply cuts off the internet?

I feel like she is tacitly admitting the blackpill is real, because if her boys were exposed to it they'd see the truth.

My wife's eighth-grade daughter came home crying today because the school's resident mob of "Toxic Boyz" shanghaied a pep-assembly and burnt an effigy of her while reciting verses from the Bible. Why? Because she politely turned down one's advances to rape her. Sixth-grade. This is the world we live in. Thanks Drumpf, Thanks incels. First-grade kids.
How can you turn down a rape?
I know people try to hide from the more painful parts of reality (think about the slave labor in China that put together everything we use), but being so offended that she simply cuts off the internet?

I feel like she is tacitly admitting the blackpill is real, because if her boys were exposed to it they'd see the truth.

She knows if she was a their age she would find them UGLY and that is the truth she has to grapple with.

She knows her sons are subhuman.... that is the only reason her maternal instinct is kicking in.
Femoidists and their numale cuck slaves would rather get rid of the freedom of speech completely, than simply accept the truth.
Hahahaha cut off the whole internet? Delusional people. Sad.
the best thing are all the cucks in the comments
"the best way to avoid your sons becoming incel is raising them to be good little feminists"

fucking lmao at these delusional retards, this will just turn the kids into weak pushover betas, which will get them bullied, which will then turn them into mentalcels. it's already over for these boys.

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