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JFL USAcels, how do you cope!?



Oct 1, 2019
I am honestly shocked whenever I am reminded that escortcelling is illegal in the so called "land of the free". It is shocking that a basic human desire such as having a warm, wet hole to put you're dick in can be denied in such a way.

I always thought that the USA was less feminist than Europe, but this seems to be one of those weird exceptions. Of course, feminists themselves are in denial about whether escorts are "poor, vulnerable exploited young women" or "Strong, empowered, independent entrepreneurs":soy::soy::soy:

So, basically, you can buy loads of guns and ammo, but you can't buy some hole time for you're dick. Or, at least, without fear of arrest. I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT COULD BE A RECIPE FOR...

Not that I am against guns though, I think it's cucked that in Europe we can't buy at least a basic hand gun, some of the assault rifles are a bit OTT that you can get in 'Merica though.

Anyway, back on to topic.

Contrary to popular belief, escorts WILL NOT serve you're every whim. The MAJORITY of escorts are actually the stereotypical fat, ugly feminists.

Most escorts are 35+ (at least in the UK) and escortcelling is frowned up on, unlike in continental Europe.

Often time with an escort has made me want to pick them up and throw them out of the window and take my money back, but occasionally I've found one that gives me a good time.

I mean, it is at LEAST twice as good as fapping, depending on the escort I would say up to 10x as good as fapping. Just getting to touch the feminine flesh itself is a pleasure.

So without being able to escortcel, I would have been even more miserable.
I am honestly shocked whenever I am reminded that escortcelling is illegal in the so called "land of the free". It is shocking that a basic human desire such as having a warm, wet hole to put you're dick in can be denied in such a way.

I always thought that the USA was less feminist than Europe, but this seems to be one of those weird exceptions. Of course, feminists themselves are in denial about whether escorts are "poor, vulnerable exploited young women" or "Strong, empowered, independent entrepreneurs":soy::soy::soy:
In Europe it's even more cucked(in many places at least). It's illegal to BUY sex, but legal to sell it. So only men takes a risk when buying sex it's perfectly fine for foids to be whores.
In Europe it's even more cucked(in many places at least). It's illegal to BUY sex, but legal to sell it. So only men takes a risk when buying sex it's perfectly fine for foids to be whores.

That's actually not true. As far as I know, prostitution is legal in most European countries. It's only the United Cuckdom where it's "semi" legal but frowned up on.
That's actually not true. As far as I know, prostitution is legal in most European countries. It's only the United Cuckdom where it's "semi" legal but frowned up on.
Prostitution europe
At least in the USA the people to land ratio is low and it's easy to avoid interacting with humans in your normal daily life.
In Europe it's even more cucked(in many places at least). It's illegal to BUY sex, but legal to sell it. So only men takes a risk when buying sex it's perfectly fine for foids to be whores.
Society elevates foids to levels of gods.
i want to get out of the US as soon as possible fuck this place
It’s over for them
literally anywhere besides a 3rd world country, have family in new zealand so might go there
Would recommend UAE or Abu Dubai.
how come America is Puritan and Wildly degererate at the same time
how come America is Puritan and Wildly degererate at the same time

I've wondered the same. Porn capital of the world where chad slays hundreds of 18 year old stacies one after the other, whereas escortcelling is not allowed. Just doesn't make sense.
I'm not a usacel
USA cels-- Why do you not go to tijuana?- the mexican border city- i saw videos of hordes of pretty latina ladies that are on the steet waiting for cock, To me-- you can have alot of fun in tijuana
USA cels-- Why do you not go to tijuana?- the mexican border city- i saw videos of hordes of pretty latina ladies that are on the steet waiting for cock, To me-- you can have alot of fun in tijuana
That's where a fellow cel and I are planning to travel soon.

The thing is that it's dangerous, though, with a high crime rate.
USA cels-- Why do you not go to tijuana?- the mexican border city- i saw videos of hordes of pretty latina ladies that are on the steet waiting for cock, To me-- you can have alot of fun in tijuana
"I wish i was in Tijuana..."
"No comprende, it's a riddle!"
I always thought that the USA was less feminist than Europe
The U.S. is less feminist but more traditionalist than Europe. We don't have cucked hate speech laws and Christian values are a lot more prevalent in our population, but consequently, we don't allow prostitution.
The U.S. is less feminist but more traditionalist than Europe. We don't have cucked hate speech laws and Christian values are a lot more prevalent in our population, but consequently, we don't allow prostitution.

Interesting, I didn't consider the religious angle, I thought that was limited to the southern states. It certainly makes for an unusual and repressive combination.

It's wrong that you are criminalised for trying to go for a basic need.
USA have more copes than most other places. Maybe I should move there.
At least there are some benefits to being American. Might as well call it Americanmaxing from now on :feelsLightsaber:
try record the sex if you consent.
I will definitely share our experiences on the forum, at least.

In the meantime, I'll be trying really hard to push back against my depression and relearn rudimentary Spanish.

It's nonsense I can't just spend like 100 dollars and go fuck a hooker and lose my virginity. At least not without feeling like I'm being set up for a sting operation. And the $100 "escorts" look like they belong at a pig show.
In Tijuana, you can fuck a good looking street slut for just $25. Apparently the cost is lower if you use pesos, the local currency, as with other services/products in Mexican tourist areas (they like to take advantage of foreigners). I guess this is an opportunity for me to relearn rudimentary mathematics and memorize the exchange rate.

In America, prostitutes are the lowest of the low given that they can't find any other way to monetize their bodies. Ideally, foids prefer to financially exploit sub8s without having any sex at all or as little of it as possible (ewhoring or having a betabuxx husband), and if they can't, you know something is deeply wrong with them. But in Mexico, an impoverished country, the situation is different. There are many average and above girls who have no better way to make money from their mere existence than prostitution.
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So, basically, you can buy loads of guns and ammo, but you can't buy some hole time for you're dick. Or, at least, without fear of arrest. I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT COULD BE A RECIPE FOR...

I'm such a dumb ass, I've never made this connection.

The USA is the country with both one the most repressive laws against prostitution and the most permissive laws about guns.

And yet people wonder why guys like ER exist.

I mean ok I know ER didn't want to see hookers but maybe it's because the fact that it's illegal brainwashed him into thinking it was a bad thing. Also the illegality of it makes whatever clandestine form of it repulsive (poor conditions and quality).
just travel to SEA, SA, or EE. USA is fucking hell on earth for non-chad white men
i want to get out of the US as soon as possible fuck this place

I feel pretty much the same honestly, and have semi-plans to go perhaps to another country that is more welcoming, but we will see what ultimately happens I suppose. USA has become simply a scary country for me to be in, seeing as I feel there are numerous new religious movements rampaging across it in psychotic fits of frenzy whilst pretending with seeming total impunity as if the establishment clause were not applicable to their themed collections of fiction materials, due to their anosognosia prohibiting them from comprehending that their religious fiction materials are portals into an alternate nonexistent fantasy world with no presence in reality.




A bunch of psychotic religious people screaming at the monsters in the fiction materials encoding the delusional imaginations of the clusters of schizophrenics stalking the media in convergent states of scripted psychotic decompensation. Then charismatic leaders acting as essentially preachers on podiums thumping their hands and promising to send ever more legions of Ghost Busters after the make believe monsters from the make believe fantasy worlds of the themed fiction materials that encoded the delusional imaginations of the convergent schizophrenics stalking the media as a swarm engulfing them.

Pretty much perfectly captures modern USA.

It's really quite scary when they seem to start dominating congress and the like with screams for more and more morality crusades, while in actual reality they just appear to be foaming at the mouth religious psychotics who can't help but to rampage against the free world in their various rabid fits of fiction material induced terrorism against the sane. It's certainly not the way I would like to spend my life, being concerned about which of the outraged, psychotic, and retarded neurotypical fiction material referencing mobs I need to be concerned with at the given moment in time. Eventually they will likely all mass wake up from their hypnotic daze of moral righteousness. Then they can start cleaning up the burning ruins of the once great country they decided to smash into pieces and burn to the ground because of their refusal to acknowledge that their fiction materials are not magical portals into an otherwise unknowable alternate reality of actual existence. Traditionally, this was a non-issue because of traditionally being prevented by the application of the establishment clause and law enforcement community to them; however, today it results in their legislation passing and the subsequent mass enslavement of the disbelievers in their faiths, which has prompted my family to be substantially in the process of fleeing to a safer, stabler country.

USA is likely going to collapse in short order I believe. I find this unfortunate even, and wish it were not so, much as I shout otherwise oftentimes; however, you simply can't have out of control mobs of psychotic fucks referencing fiction materials and being granted congressional hearings and legislation instead of rounding them up with a loony van and throwing them into a fucking mental hospital to administer the much needed NMDAR PAMs to their malfunctioning DMN/TPN toggling mechanisms. You also can't have the entire country criminalized by the outraged screams of eternally morally indignant people who ought to simply shut the fuck up and remain within their highly religious church clusters instead of attempting to impose the will of God onto the filthy heathens.

I don't even mean to sound so nasty and bigoted toward the religious. I actually am even coming around to accepting Einstein's definition of God, for it makes physical sense and is essentially valid physics, other than for we use a quantum model now primarily. I am not per se anti religious, and enjoy discussions with educated, civilized, and freedom tolerating religious people. However, in the USA I feel the preponderance of those most strongly signaling as religious tend to simply seem to want to have a never ending psychotic tantrum regarding the myriad imminent catastrophes to befall them, which can be addressed only by mass incarceration of the population and an ever growing police force to do such things as ensure alternative mating tactics don't divert their faithful to the heathens, which is just preposterous.

I want to do important and useful things, not play the psychotic games of these people while the world has actually serious issues needing addressed in it, and there are actually things of value to do, other than screeching about a scientifically refuted fantasy world and emphatically stomping your feet into the ground screeching for increasing legislation of all matters because of some fraudulent tabloid having riled you up into a rabid, mouth foaming frenzy for the tenth time.

I simply cannot live among rabidly psychotic people who can't to any notable extent stay associated with actual reality. Moreover, it seems to me based on my more recent research, and this actually fits decently well with my life experiences, even as I was always with a decent group of friends and respect paid to me, and cannot complain too much regarding such matters, that I simply will never be truly accepted by neurotypicals, who more so tolerate me as a friend somewhat oftentimes, but never really as one of them. That this seems to be based on my phenotype and ultimately probably substantially being influenced by the sort of genes I have, and that the associated behaviors have been systematically criminalized and demonized egregiously by a seemingly treasonous executive order and the use of hypnosis for the formation of 20th century establishments of religion is ultimately the final straw that broke the camel's back of fleeing from this country as far as my family is seeing things. Particularly as father, who is also high in autism traits, feels roughly the same in being more so tolerated than really accepted here, and as being essentially a non-person (which is even stronger a word than I would use), despite having explicitly risked his life aiming to defend this nation and its previous constitution, which he came home to find in a never ending free fall, and considers to be no longer in effect to any notable extent today.
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The USA is such a weird country of contradictions. Escortcelling is illegal, but having a borderline retarded foid get dicked on camera at age 18 is perfectly fine in the eyes of the law. They should go after pornographers, not oxytocin-starved truecels.
The USA is a massive country, actually i plan to move there, the women are shit but everything else seems awsome-and you have to admit there are very few mass-shootings with the 300 million population and loose guns laws, the population of the USA is more than the populations of UK/AUS/Canada combined

The USA is such a weird country of contradictions. Escortcelling is illegal, but having a borderline retarded foid get dicked on camera at age 18 is perfectly fine in the eyes of the law. They should go after pornographers, not oxytocin-starved truecels.
So it's France, Finland and Sweden that is cucked. Glad to see EE and Russia are based and blackpilled as usual, holes are punished:feelskek:
france also doesnt allow men to have paternity tests, so child support is forced upon. possibly the most cucked country of all time, fucking shithole lol
The USA is a massive country, actually i plan to move there, the women are shit but everything else seems awsome-and you have to admit there are very few mass-shootings with the 300 million population and loose guns laws, the population of the USA is more than the populations of UK/AUS/Canada combined
USA is a shithole for men
I'm not a USAcel but as an unambiguous virgin (i.e. non-escortcel) I feel I can contribute to the discussion, specifically how I've managed to cope having reached the age of 29 without ever having had sex.

Of course we have a hard-wired desire to have sex with girls, but what are the factors that comprise that desire? There are two main factors - sexual release and dopamine. I'm not in a position where I can have sex with girls, but I can obtain sexual release and dopamine through other means.

Sexual release comes through masturbation. When I masturbate, I know exactly how I like it done, I can go at my own pace, take as long as I want, I'm under no pressure to 'perform', I do it exactly the way I want it and I can do it whenever I feel like it. This wouldn't be the case with sex. It's hard to imagine a hypothetical scenario in which I had a girlfriend or fuck buddy, but in that scenario, if I were in the mood for sex, there's no guarantee she would be or vice-versa, it would take time to figure out each others' desires and how to satisfy them and even at that we may well not be able to satisfy each other as well as we could ourselves.

Dopamine comes from a variety of sources. It could be masturbation, eating a delicious steak, watching hilarious videos on YouTube...just about anything you enjoy. It's not restricted to sex by any stretch of the imagination.

Having said that, I know what you mean about getting to touch female flesh. When approaching girls, sometimes I touch them on the arm or shoulder, and getting to touch their soft, warm skin, even for just a second, feels so good. It's crazy how it has such an impact on us.

my thoughts exactly lol

For an incel, life in Europe > life in the U.S.

OP is spot on. I grew up in five different countries on three different continents and the U.K. is my favourite place so far.

Having said that, I know what you mean about getting to touch female flesh. When approaching girls, sometimes I touch them on the arm or shoulder, and getting to touch their soft, warm skin, even for just a second, feels so good. It's crazy how it has such an impact on us.

How do they react when they touch you on the arm?
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my thoughts exactly lol
I think time to move to Ukraine, lol
For an incel, life in Europe > life in the U.S.

OP is spot on. I grew up in five different countries on three different continents and the U.K. is my favourite place so far.
US is strange, porn is legal but prostitution is largely illegal.
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