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Dec 19, 2017
Let's share some of the unpopular opinions we have about the Black Pill, being an incel, looks theory, women, etc. No need to fight, let's just use this thread to try to understand different points of view.
I'll start:

-A manlet (less than 5'7) with a pretty face won't go that far with women and girls could prefer to choose a guy less good looking but tall. Height gets pussies wet.

-In a crowd, girls will pay attention first to height and then they will accept the guy if he is handsome and not the contrary. Women want to fuck men, not dwarves.

-Incels shouldn't be picky, they are the bottom of the barrel. They should and could, in certain cases, looksmatch with equally ugly women (not including fat/obese women) because I have seen serious relationships with no betabux implications with my own fucking eyes.

-Better to be low-tier normie and tall (6'1+) than chad and turbomanlet. Not only I consider there would be more chance to mate but also respect from society.

Your turn.
Coping lanklet detected.
hating women won't get you laid
VincentVanCope said:
Coping lanklet detected.

lanklet? do you mean manlet? I am 5'5 ffs. I am just trying to open a discussion, not trying to cope.
Short and unattractive. Really is no point in being alive.
No amount of religion and or patriarchy will ever beat female nature. I want to be a degenerate getting to fuck women who are lusting after me, not be in a marriage with a woman forced to be with me.
Mentalcels are still real incels

Dick size is a huge cope because you have to attract a woman first

Girls still go crazy for psl7 guys
Overfocusing on 20/80 rule is cope. It only really matters on Tinder or dating websites. Women all ideally want Chad but normal guys get laid all the time.
mentalcel can be worse than lookscel. key word: CAN.
Hating women because you're incel is cope

BIG cope
Facade said:
Mentalcels are still real incels

Dick size is a huge cope because you have to attract a woman first

Girls still go crazy for psl7 guys

Lol it's not huge cope especially if you want a chance In a LTR, not everybody wants to pump and dump

Having a big dick creates love And lust when in a ltr
Tellem--T said:
Lol it's not huge cope especially if you want a chance In a LTR, not everybody wants to pump and dump

Having a big dick creates love And lust when in a ltr

Meh 5 inches and above is probably enough you are dating the most used up roastie.

Your size (I think it was 5.7) is enough and you are too hard on yourself
fernandopox said:
Height gets pussies wet.

Facade said:
Meh 5 inches and above is probably enough you are dating the most used up roastie.

Your size (I think it was 5.7) is enough and you are too hard on yourself

I wish I could believe this
Facade said:
Mentalcels are still real incels

I don't think this is that unpopular. It's just a vocal minority of fuckwits who say otherwise.
fernandopox said:
Let's share some of the unpopular opinions we have about the Black Pill, being an incel, looks theory, women, etc. No need to fight, let's just use this thread to try to understand different points of view.
I'll start:

-A manlet (less than 5'7) with a pretty face won't go that far with women and girls could prefer to choose a guy less good looking but tall. Height gets pussies wet.

-In a crowd, girls will pay attention first to height and then they will accept the guy if he is handsome and not the contrary. Women want to fuck men, not dwarves.

-Incels shouldn't be picky, they are the bottom of the barrel. They should and could, in certain cases, looksmatch with equally ugly women (not including fat/obese women) because I have seen serious relationships with no betabux implications with my own fucking eyes.
-Better to be low-tier normie and tall (6'1+) than chad and turbomanlet. Not only I consider there would be more chance to mate but also respect from society.

Your turn.

Agree with most but the bold. Low tier normie is death sentence in 2018. Better to be a 5 foot 6 chad tbh, then atleast you can date high quality womanlets
They say incels are weak and entitled. But to be honest i don't know many people who could endure the suffering and pain we do.

Incels don't even try. When i look here i see all the time that incels try but they will reach a point where they just can't keep on going anymore.
> girls could prefer to choose a guy less good looking but tall.

I am above average height and have an ugly face, 0 success with femoids
> girls could prefer to choose a guy less good looking but tall.

I am above average height and have an ugly face, it just doesn't help even when my social skills are around 6-7/10 the perception of my social skills is reduced to 2-3/10
Tellem--T said:
I wish I could believe this

Seriously I'd rather have your height and dick size and than my height and my dicksize
42cel said:
No amount of religion and or patriarchy will ever beat female nature. I want to be a degenerate getting to fuck women who are lusting after me, not be in a marriage with a woman forced to be with me.
You are living in fantasy land. You've been brainwashed by modern western culture
NeverSubmit said:
You are living in fantasy land. You've been brainwashed by modern western culture

Are you seriously trying to tell me a woman can be happily married to a subhuman?
Personality matters (but it can only do so much)
80/20 is a meme most people have happy relationships
Women can be legitimately depressed or lonely. It's just very rare with all the support others and society afford them.
Cope. Height doesn't matter, face does.
Cope. Height doesn't matter, face does.

High iq post, height only enhances your looks when you have a good face
Unpopular opinion is being picky. Everytime I say that I won't fuck an ugly woman people are shitting on me
Tellem--T said:
Cope. Height doesn't matter, face does.
High iq post, height only enhances your looks when you have a good face
All the more reason why I'm confused as to why you're here brah.
All the more reason why I'm confused as to why you're here brah.

,supreme mentalcel and fornication is haram and I'm a loser in life and can't get married
Tellem--T said:
,supreme mentalcel and fornication is haram and I'm a loser in life and can't get married

Are you Muslim?
Are you Muslim?

Alhamdullah yes,

I struggle praying 5 times, I will inshallah pray 5 times a day
Tellem--T said:
Alhamdullah yes,

I struggle praying 5 times, I will inshallah pray 5 times a day

masha'Allah brother, I already liked you but now I like you way more. I struggle as well, insha'Allah we shall both overcome this.
masha'Allah brother, I already liked you but now I like you way more. I struggle as well, insha'Allah we shall both overcome this.

Add me on your buddy list Brother, inshallah we will overcome this
Trying to get out of Inceldom is not a cope.
Just be first theory is somewhat legit.
Tellem--T said:
Add me on your buddy list Brother, inshallah we will overcome this

masha'Allah brother, I already liked you but now I like you way more. I struggle as well, insha'Allah we shall both overcome this.

Heartwarming to see brothers uniting over Islam, even while being tested. May Allah SWT make it easy for you both.
7339er said:
Heartwarming to see brothers uniting over Islam, even while being tested. May Allah SWT make it easy for you both.

after this encounter i had the motivation to pray asr salat, alhamdullah, unity is everything, as the companions of the prophet had ikrami muslimeen (Unity), The muslim world today lacks this and thats why their is so many problems in the muslim world and communities within non-Muslim countries. But at the same time there is very good communiies and good people, we should surround ourselve with them, as our prophet always use to say be around those who remember allah, subhanallah.
Not all Indians are subhuman.
7339er said:
Heartwarming to see brothers uniting over Islam, even while being tested. May Allah SWT make it easy for you both.

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]after this encounter i had the motivation to pray asr salat, alhamdullah, unity is everything, as the companions of the prophet had ikrami muslimeen (Unity), The muslim world today lacks this and thats why their is so many problems in the muslim world and communities within non-Muslim countries. But at the same time there is very good communiies and good people, we should surround ourselve with them, as our prophet always use to say be around those who remember allah, subhanallah.[/font]
I don't have any.
fernandopox said:
-A manlet (less than 5'7) with a pretty face won't go that far with women and girls could prefer to choose a guy less good looking but tall. Height gets pussies wet.

I used a chad photo on Tinder and told every girl that I am 5'6" only! They still begged me to fuck them!
Huttburt tallcel detected. The amount of average height and even short pretty boys that have women fawning over them completely disproves this shit. Face it: if you're ugly, that's it. Tall or short, skinny or buff, you're fucked.
Ok here I go

1. The whole 80/20 thing, while stemming from a general truth (most relationships involve compromise of some sort), is a dumb hard-and-fast rule as most of the factors in a relationship can't be quantified as hard stats. Also, relationships aren't purely utilitarian.

2. Looks and personality both matter less than lifestyle. I've seen loads of great guys with great personalities ring in their thirties single and alone because their lives are boring, or because they haven't reached the traditional milestones of "making it" (house, car etc.). One of my better internet friends is 28, lives alone, been on a grand total of one date in his entire life. Great guy, lifts, does everything right from a looks/personality perspective, but he lives paycheck to paycheck in a tiny apartment in a depressing city working a generic office job.

Basically, in lieu of looks/personality, go for either a prestigious lifestyle or an adventurous one (preferably both).

A guy could be ass ugly with the worst personality, but if he's a skydiving instructor or a soldier or a search-and-rescue pilot women will flock to him, because he's dangerous and exciting. Likewise, a guy could be as boring as dry toast but if he has a six figure salary and a second house on Cape Cod women will be attracted to him. It all goes back to the protector/provider paradigm: women are attracted to looks, yes, and personality too, but deep down they are most attracted to men who can be protectors and/or providers. A guy who does dangerous brickhead shit on the daily like jumping out of planes or running into burning houses signals himself as a protector; a guy with a lot of capital and resources at his disposal is clearly a provider.

3. The alpha/beta meme is dumb and needs to die.
  • opinions that I have that are unpopular here: behavioral factors (e.g., high inhib AvPD/ScPD/Aspie spectrum) prob plays a larger role in inceldom than its given credit for here. Not that it makes it any easier to change one's situation, given that all personality/behavioral variance has 50% heritability (i.e., prob associated w/ immutable predisposing factors). It's much easier for a neurotypical to implement red pill advice on behavioral "frames" than someone with Avoidant PD or Asperger's  
  • opinions that I hold that are unpopular everywhere: Ernest Becker existential absurdism... that any baseline mood beyond despair, apathy, anhedonia, detachment and being apolitical.. necessitates some form of delusion to cope with the reality of an ephemeral existence (i.e., mortality) in an ephemeral Universe (i.e., "heat death"/"Big Freeze"). 
subsaharan said:
  • opinions that I have that are unpopular here: behavioral factors (e.g., high inhib AvPD/ScPD/Aspie spectrum) prob plays a larger role in inceldom than its given credit for here. Not that it makes it any easier to change one's situation, given that all personality/behavioral variance has 50% heritability (i.e., prob associated w/ immutable predisposing factors). It's much easier for a neurotypical to implement red pill advice on behavioral "frames" than someone with Avoidant PD or Asperger's  
  • opinions that I hold that are unpopular everywhere: Ernest Becker existential absurdism... that any baseline mood beyond despair, apathy, anhedonia, detachment and being apolitical.. necessitates some form of delusion to cope with the reality of an ephemeral existence (i.e., mortality) in an ephemeral Universe (i.e., "heat death"/"Big Freeze"). 

I am also an absurdist an I agree with what you said. i think the human nature itself is just a huge cope
Facade said:
Mentalcels are still real incels

Dick size is a huge cope because you have to attract a woman first

Girls still go crazy for psl7 guys

i think youre my spirit animal

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