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Blackpill Unchecked female hypergamy is ruining the gene pool



Feb 16, 2019
Many would like you to believe that this unchecked hypergamy of women would eventually create a race of 7' 2" tall gigachads, but I'm here to tell you that this is false. Unchecked female hypergamy at this level is actually degenerate to genetic fitness as a whole.

First off, they imply that all women going for the super tall/attractive chads is gonna produce even taller/more attractive sons. This is wrong, because when you factor in genetic recombination, some of the genes of the mother transfer to the son. This is a big problem considering how rampant the juggernaut law, and if you increase hypergamy and cause even the deep sea creature level of hideousness women to reproduce with these top specimens, your offspring will be worse off. What's the result of this on a large scale? Not a net increase in genetic fitness, just women getting increasingly pickier as they chase the diminishing pool of chads.

I see super tall guys (chads) with short tiny ass girls who are probably no more than 5' 2" at best, all the time Like, the guy has at least a foot on her, and it really pisses me off. These retards act as if this level of unfairness in the sexual market would produce ultra-chaddy chads within two generations, but in reality these retarded morons are actually producing poor manlet sons by fucking literal midgets because they would take any pussy thrown at them.

She couldn't get with a man within her height that was reasonably 1-5 inches taller, oh no. She thinks she's so goddamn special for having a vagina, thanks to feminism, that she deserves the tip top man. And she doesn't care if her decision affects any future sons that she may have. Let that sink in.

Another point I should bring up is that most women are having babies later and later, because obviously they are empowered and you have no say so in what she can do with her body in her prime years you muhsoggynistik pig. In fact, women are so empowered, that instead of naturally having kids in their teens when kids benefit the most (you want to have kids with a prime woman? Pedo! Only women on the verge on menopause can truly consent! You controlling predator, you want to actually have healthy offspring with a wife that doesn't make your life miserable and is pleasant to be around, you!), they choose to have kids when things like autism and down syndrome occur at epidemic rates, and other wonderful genetic defects (cause that career and riding cocks come first, her body her choice filthy inkel). She's simply too busy spending her time as a young fertile woman riding thousands of cocks and trying to get a career and putting off children until she thinks she can entrap some beta loser she has to settle with, because feminism told her that she can have both the degenerate lifestyle and have a meaningful life at the same time.
Just take a look at this grandeur of delusion from coping wrinkly stinky rotting harpie hags. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190307131436.htm

With ugly women having babies with betabuxxes and chads in their 40s now, it's any wonder why we have so many ugly retards running around now. Quite the chad factories doing good for the gene pool, eh?

Sorry to ruin your dream about a future of everyone being gigachads and gigastacies by modern standards, but it's not happening if even chad himself has to settle with whatever he can get. If chads and normalfags would stop fucking the bottom rung women and providing them with endless validation and becoming more picky, then they would start reproducing with women of quality and help improve the genepool. But these ugly ass women riding the cock carousel and waiting to fuck a beta loser in her 30's are not improving the gene pool, they are producing more ugly bitches who think they are all goddamned queens because they have a vagina, and more incels. Thanks for creating a dysgenic society, you dipshit feminists!

If any dipshit cuck or feminist says "lol wamen empowermwent is good for improving genes silly inkel! u were meant to not reproduce tee hee" , shoot them down and embarass them with your newly acquired knowledge, or just simply link them here and watch their heads spin. :feelsokman:
This is EXACTLY what happened in my family with my dad and his parents. Unchecked hypergamy dilutes gene pools because it allows women with inferior genetics to mate with strong men they don't deserve.I made a post about this a while back. Here it is below:

View attachment 99732

Link: https://incels.is/threads/female-hy...-low-tier-men-my-family-is-an-example.109380/
Interesting. So it was already known that feminism and extreme hypergamy ruin the gene pool, just not the extent of damage it is capable of was known.

Male selecting for ideal female sexual partners obviously played a role in evolution, giving females sexual dimorphism and neoteny. But, of course, the female-controlled (((scientists))) never touched on this because it would be detrimental to wymen empowerment.
The damage is quite bad. Using my life as an example, my masculinity has gotten diluted because of my mom and my dad's mom both of whom are subhumans with short height and excess estrogen. I'm very estrogeneous. Its fucked me up big time. Someone give me a refund on this life. :feelscry::feelscry:
Not to mention racemixxing. Chads who doom their son to being incels by fucking a short rice or curry foid deserve to be shot.

I feel sorry for guys like you in their unfortunate situation. Nobody should be put through a lifetime of misery just so their selfish dad can get some pussy. Pussy isn't fucking worth ruining your son.
Its what happened to ER. Rice genes ruined his chances in the dating market.
That's exactly why I would never racemix. Would I ascend with an ethnic if I could? Yeah, but I sure as hell wouldn't put a ring on it and/or make babies with them.

Assuming I would ever stop being an incel and society would stop destroying men through divorce, I would have white babies only.
This is EXACTLY what happened in my family with my dad and his parents. Unchecked hypergamy dilutes gene pools because it allows women with inferior genetics to mate with strong men they don't deserve.I made a post about this a while back. Here it is below:
But this happened in the past, it was about wealth and social condition more than beauty, although beauty was always important.

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