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Soy [Unbelievable retardation] Enter at your own risk

  • Thread starter Deleted member 11159
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Deleted member 11159

Jul 26, 2018
This is beyond bluepilled, what an absolute retard.


Women don't care about your face or height, they care about your clothes because it says a lot about your mindset! :soy:
>you do realize your bones make up your height which women don't care about much
I think I lost IQ reading that :feelstastyman:
post "read about mate selection and evolution" and ignore. you're also stupid if you bother arguing with him after that, look at how ridiculous the post is. no one sensible will give him any heed, and i doubt that he himself truly believes the stuff he's talking about. it's all virtue signaling as much as possible with normies. it's like arguing with a 7 year old or an actual retard and getting upset about it not understanding any of the shit you talk about.
lol men care more about looks, but woman just wear makeup daily, get the majority of plastic surgery, buy way more clothes, and have way more standards for men than men have for women. makes perfect sense. girls that spend 2 hours getting ready care less about looks than men who roll out of bed and go out. right.
ok this thread made me lose 2 intelligence..should've never clicked it
post "read about mate selection and evolution" and ignore. you're also stupid if you bother arguing with him after that, look at how ridiculous the post is. no one sensible will give him any heed, and i doubt that he himself truly believes the stuff he's talking about. it's all virtue signaling as much as possible with normies. it's like arguing with a 7 year old or an actual retard and getting upset about it not understanding any of the shit you talk about.

It's not me, I learned my lesson arguing with him a few months ago. I still view his profile sometimes to see if he's actually being serious because I have a tiny bit of hope that it's some elaborate troll
>only 3% of men above 30 are virgins
Yeah, I can go pay a whore but that doesn't really count, does it?
post "read about mate selection and evolution" and ignore. you're also stupid if you bother arguing with him after that, look at how ridiculous the post is. no one sensible will give him any heed, and i doubt that he himself truly believes the stuff he's talking about. it's all virtue signaling as much as possible with normies. it's like arguing with a 7 year old or an actual retard and getting upset about it not understanding any of the shit you talk about.
This, one guy even laughed in my face "it doesn't work like that", even though I can guarantee you he will NEVER, EVER get laid. I'm pretty sure being raised by a single mother from birth makes you a cuck.
Height and frame are of tertiary important bro! Who cares if the 6’4” 24” bideltoid guy can kill you and take your woman if he wanted? That’s trivial. Who cares if your sons turn out tiny manlet framecels that can be killed with 1 punch. that’s irrelevant.. Just wear nice cologne and have a good personality and they’ll love you bro .. all 5 feet 4 inches of you bro.

Sub retard IQ on this guy
Beliving in the blackpill (aka the truth) equals low self esteem.
I think some of my brain cells just killed themselves.
post "read about mate selection and evolution" and ignore. you're also stupid if you bother arguing with him after that, look at how ridiculous the post is. no one sensible will give him any heed, and i doubt that he himself truly believes the stuff he's talking about. it's all virtue signaling as much as possible with normies. it's like arguing with a 7 year old or an actual retard and getting upset about it not understanding any of the shit you talk about.
But we’re not animals bro.. we’re past that.. we’re HYOOMINS. I mean, do animals live in buildings and drive cars to their jobs? Come on man, that’s just preposterous.. psh.. we’re better than that. I mean, look how cultured we are.. we went to the moon and you really think that being big is imporant?
couldnt read the whole thing i would have got cancer
it's the same with most normies. they have a worldview. if you challange their worldview, you are automatically wrong. on top of that, people like to blame others for doing exactly what they are doing themselves. I AM ALWAYS RIGHT. arguing is pointless, when your status is lower then theirs. and well youre incel, so your status is low to them.
it's the same with most normies. they have a worldview. if you challange their worldview, you are automatically wrong. on top of that, people like to blame others for doing exactly what they are doing themselves. I AM ALWAYS RIGHT. arguing is pointless, when your status is lower then theirs. and well youre incel, so your status is low to them.

True. Cucktears also always talk about sources but when someone actually cites them they just get downvoted and ignored.
Stopped after reading the first line, so retarded
I don't even know what I would say to this guy tbh. Would there even be any point? It just is what it is.
i don't even get whats transpiring here
Another cuck OP who can't stay off reddit
A living meme!
Half my brain cells became phytoestrogens
Molecule level IQ

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