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Blackpill Unattractive men overthink/overcomplicate social interactions and seduction



Genetically shackled to hell
Jul 15, 2019
Unattractive men always wonder what they're supposed to say or do to create attraction. When a foid gives them a bad look or is suddenly colder than usual they start wondering if they've said something wrong.

They always think that there's a specific set of actions that will give them what they want. That there are implicit, unwritten rules to follow (thus the PUA shit, thus asking women for advice). If they say the right words with the right tone at the right moment, the foid will laugh/smile/love them. If they dress nicely, or have a fresh haircut or put the right perfume or deodorant the women will notice them and love them. So many industries are built on this foolish idea. There's so much money to be made on the hopes of unattractive men.

They think chads just have it figured out, or that they intuitively/subconsciously always do or say the right things, that must be it !!!

I must have texted her too soon after getting her number !!! I broke the rule !!

Oh I guess I just wasn't funny enough that time !!! (gotta jester 24/7 in their minds)

I guess she looked down on me because my shirt wasn't ironed !!

I dont have the right hobbies or not enough hobbies!! I need to go out more !!! I need to party more !!

Maybe I'm not making enough money ??!!

This is especially true when a foid acts ever so slightly kind to the unattractive man. Like she'll say hi once, or she'll smile. The unattractive man thinks he has a chance, he thinks he's found the right woman, he thinks she liked how he behaved or whatever, he thinks they have a bright future ahead together.

In reality she was just in a great mood that day and happened to be nice/treat him like a human being. Or she just felt like being nice. Then the next time when she doesnt feel like being nice or her day isn't so great she acts much colder and the unattractive man wonders what he did wrong. He starts to overcomplicate things, overthinking everything, analyzing everything to the finest of details. In reality he's simply unattractive and had no chance to begin with, nothing he did was wrong or good, it doesn't matter.

Meanwhile chad does whatever the fuck he wants, he can dress like a bum, say random shit, be on welfare, not shower for a while and women will still love him. Chad can have 0 hobbies and sit at home, he just has to text women and they come over or invite him. Chad doesn't think twice about what he says or does, he's never had to question himself, he's never had to go full introspection mode like the unattractive man who's always calculating and planning everything only to fail miserably.

Chad never thinks about jestering, the idea of having to entertain a girl has never crossed his mind, girls have always loved being around him. But the unattractive man has to do metaphorical backflips and break dances 24/7. And even that gets him nowhere.

What a cruel and pointless world we live.
Trying to get a foid as a sub human male is pointless. No matter what you do, youre pretty much fucked.
cliffs v1:
it's over

cliffs v2:
chad always wins
Very true and brutal. That's why the blackpill must be taught.
Yes. It's absolutely crushing to accept that no woman, especially an attractive/young one, will ever feel any attraction or affection for you whatsoever no matter what you do or say if you're an ugly male. Therefore they have to come up with various copes.
Quantic High IQ post!!!

Women wants unattractive men dead. They hate us because yes and because we exist.

Searching for a way to conquer foids by being ugly is like searching for two integers a and b that satisfy squareroot (2) = a / b
Very high IQ, so freaking based and smart. Here is your like:heart:
TRP is a cargo cult. Plain and simple. Niggers see planes landing on airstrips with goods, so they build airstrips and try to attract planes with goods. TRP sees Chad get away with anything and break social rules all the time. So they start aping him, writing autistic books about some rules and art of seduction, trying to extract some sort of ruleset that allowed Chad to do what he does.
Yes. It's absolutely crushing to accept that no woman, especially an attractive/young one, will ever feel any attraction or affection for you whatsoever no matter what you do or say if you're an ugly male. Therefore they have to come up with various copes.
We've been brainwashed by everyone to think that our actions or words will get us women's love and adoration. From your parents, government and gold diggers who want unattractive men to work hard, pay taxes and have disposable income, to corporations peddling garbage and telling us we need to buy their shit to get women to love us.
Quantic High IQ post!!!

Women wants unattractive men dead. They hate us because yes and because we exist.
No matter how much self improvement you go through, women still don't like your mere presence just because of a few mm of face bone or because you're too short. It's so fucked up. You can't even mind your own business and try to live your life without being reminded that you're an eyesore.

TRP is a cargo cult. Plain and simple. Niggers see planes landing on airstrips with goods, so they build airstrips and try to attract planes with goods. TRP sees Chad get away with anything and break social rules all the time. So they start aping him, writing autistic books about some rules and art of seduction, trying to extract some sort of ruleset that allowed Chad to do what he does.
The best part is when they use shit that EXCLUSIVELY work because chad is extremely desirable and can get away with it.

Like oh yeah man you have to ignore women !! That will make you more attractive !!

JFL it only works if they want you or had ANY interest in you to begin with.

Or just be mean to her !! Just treat her like shit like chad does !!

Meanwhile that gets you to HR or sued or beaten by simps/the police.
This fits well with neurotic/autistic men too
Seduction only works for Chads and Above
Chad can just be himself.

The only ways for us to be ourselves without enduring sexual frustration is to either avoid female interaction, thus withdrawing from society, or to pay for sex, but even that is not allowed in many countries.
As an unattractive male, who constantly overthinks social interactions and trying to figure out how to get a girlfriend, i can say this is 100% accurate
Yes man High IQ
Solid thread, ive heard it all before of course but something about the way you articulated it here hit me harder thanvmost
This post has the high IQ of the sun
its literally just chad only then betabux when the foid can’t get chad
It's only when a woman is tired of chasing chad or wants more comfort in life that she settles for betabucks. Even then she's not one bit attracted to the betabuxxer, she likes the perks that money offers.

Then the well dries up, she leaves him and the betabuxxer thinks money creates attraction lmfao. No man, she was NEVER attracted to you, you were just a useful idiot and once you stopped being useful you went back to being a subhuman that should be thrown away in her eyes. Like the rest of us.
they refuse to accept its because they're attractive
High iq post, everyone shud save this up.
High iq post, everyone shud save this up.
Thanks. I typed it after wondering how is it possible that i spent most of my life being oblivious to the fact that women are never attracted to me because of my looks.

I always thought I just didn't say the right things, I didn't dress right, I didn't have an interesting hobby, or I wasn't seeing foids frequently enough (this is why so many men embark on the friendzone path)

It's this video game mindset of ooooh I guess I just didn't play the game right, I didn't do the proper combo, didn't know this rule/stat. smh
Thanks. I typed it after wondering how is it possible that i spent most of my life being oblivious to the fact that women are never attracted to me because of my looks.

I always thought I just didn't say the right things, I didn't dress right, I didn't have an interesting hobby, or I wasn't seeing foids frequently enough (this is why so many men embark on the friendzone path)

It's this video game mindset of ooooh I guess I just didn't play the game right, I didn't do the proper combo, didn't know this rule/stat. smh
I feel this will be one of the many important posts that will be able to convince the many fence sitting bluepilled incels the clown world we are living in.

It is not healthy for one's mind to always be in doubt, inadequate, unworthy in the attempt to attain romantic affection from a female.
I feel this will be one of the many important posts that will be able to convince the many fence sitting bluepilled incels the clown world we are living in.

It is not healthy for one's mind to always be in doubt, inadequate, unworthy in the attempt to attain romantic affection from a female.
Thanks a lot for the compliment it made typing it worth it.

The problem is that your average normie has hope. I still had hope back in the day, I embarked on a 5-6 years long journey of self improvement and was hopeful the entire time. Sure it was soul crushing sometimes to see couples or to feel alone every day. But when you have so many things on your check list you think to yourself it's ok if things aren't going my way right now, things will only get better as I improve.

But nothing worked. Dressing better, caring for my health/skin/diet, getting bigger and leaner thanks to lifting/eating right, succeeding as a stemcel engineer student, learning another language, getting much better at social interactions etc

While those things have some perks irl, they do nothing when it comes to making you attractive to women if your face is just too bad or you're too short. But that's something men just don't know because no one's told them (society and industries prosper thanks to the hopes of unattractive guys) or they're just in denial.

The only reason I've seen the light is because 1) I've ran out of things to do (which takes years of self improvement) and 2) FaceandLMS's videos which were my introduction to the blackpill.
It never began if you aren't Chad.

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