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卐 卍࿕࿖࿗࿘ꖦ
Oct 12, 2018
First of all, I want to present this that although I have proof of this claim at the end of the day it is all subjective, and such is a big problem with religion. However, this proof is pretty hard to just disprove. I also want to say that in the specific bible verse (for those religious brown and black people) still allows you to be faithful yet it also shows that jesus frickin hated niggers. THIS IS NOT A SHITPOST. AS FOR USUAL (BECAUSE MY THREADS ARE TYPICALLY MORE 'OUT THERE'.) I AM SERIOUS.

I also want to make the point here that many people saying jesus was black and that he was secretly this or that are liars. This proves both Jesus was racist and jesus was not of the race many christian scholars of the new age believe he was (That being dark brown or black fully). At the darkest he looked a sandy white, but in reality he probably looked indistinguishable from whites today.

Matthew 15:21-26
21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.

26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

Ok you dumb niggers, so basically what that means is that there was this bitch that Jesus didn't want to fucking heal cuz shes not part of the lost sheep of Israel. Now, considering jews are the devil and twisted the bible I believe the "Sheep of Israel" at this time were white people (But that is again only how I interpret it, however it never mentions niggers or brown people as the lost sheep, only jews with white Christians interpreting it as them). Now, this woman was from Caanan.

Here is the ultimate blackpill and suifuel for any ethnic looking at this thread: What did the canaanites look like?

Canaan, the son of Ham who made Canaan (the people groups) father:
8727675F 3599 4236 8DCD 8FA6DC9A86F3

This was the man who made Canaan, and thus the Canaan people. They were nigs

But here is some lifefuel.
Matthew 15:21-26
27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.

Jesus healed the (Black) canaanite eventually after persuasion, but only after the woman showed great faith. This is lifefuel because blacks can still ascend to heaven, they just cant do it as easy cuz they're black and jesus hates black people.
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he also hated jews
No, canaanites looked like sandniggers. Bantu(real niggers), originally from west africa, were just beginning they're genocidal expansional across most of africa at that time. The Bantu almost reached cape town, and were about to genocide the indigenous san people, but the Dutch Afrikaners arrived in time to save them.
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No, canaanites looked like sandniggers. Bantu(real niggers), originally from west africa, were just beginning they're genocidal expansional across most of africa at that time
During like 20BC? No man. And the ancient Egypt painting dates wayyy before that. Canaanites were black.
ultimate nigger pill
So the Hebrews were Anglo-Saxon n shit?
Stop imposing the blackpill onto everything. Jeez.

There's actually a word for this in biblical study, where you come with an idea, and seek it out in the bible. The cananites were not black. The reason jesus refused to heal was he wanted the pagans to let go of their old religions.

This was moved to offtopic I’ve noticed
in Revelation Jesus is described as having hair 'white like wool/snow'
that probably just meant light blonde (or actually white i. e. Albino Jesus) bc compared to the average black/dark brown Middle Eastern hair it appeared incredibly light
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; (Revelation 1:14)
is history cope. We keep makong these records throughout the ages yet the same stupid shit always happen and foids get the upper hands. if society seeks to create equality, is it inevitable for that equality to go hand in hand with foids and give them power over men.
Stop imposing the blackpill onto everything. Jeez.

There's actually a word for this in biblical study, where you come with an idea, and seek it out in the bible. The cananites were not black. The reason jesus refused to heal was he wanted the pagans to let go of their old religions.

A127C6BE FB78 4BDC 935A 07557B87E16F

Is this not black? Ham made Canaan, who made Canaanites.
in Revelation Jesus is described as having hair 'white like wool/snow'
that probably just meant light blonde (or actually white i. e. Albino Jesus) bc compared to the average black/dark brown Middle Eastern hair it appeared incredibly light
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; (Revelation 1:14)
View attachment 274813
Blondism occurs rarely in Middle Eastern and North African populations. I'm Moroccan and two cousins of mine have blonde hair.
View attachment 274819
Is this not black? Ham made Canaan, who made Canaanites.
yeah Ham is also explicitly said to be the father of Cush who was the forefather of all Cushites (an actual East African ethnic group) so it's not a big stretch to suspect that Ham is the forefather of all blacks
yeah Ham is also explicitly said to be the father of Cush who was the forefather of all Cushites (an actual East African ethnic group) so it's not a big stretch to suspect that Ham is the forefather of all blacks
Coping shitskins will say Jesus is one of them. I would make a thread on it but my threads keep getting moved to offtopic where then it just dies because offtopic is a wasteland (despite my threads being relevant to inceldom but I guess they’re too radical or something)
Coping shitskins will say Jesus is one of them. I would make a thread on it but my threads keep getting moved to offtopic where then it just dies because offtopic is a wasteland (despite my threads being relevant to inceldom but I guess they’re too radical or something)
yeah whitecels are hated here
JBB applies even to incel forums
Cananaties werent black (is that the latest culture they're claiming?)

The lost sheep of israel means jews. Acc to gospels he actually forbade preaching to goyim until after he came back to life.
Cananaties werent black (is that the latest culture they're claiming?)

The lost sheep of israel means jews. Acc to gospels he actually forbade preaching to goyim until after he came back to life.
They were niggers. Stop coping. and lost sheep of Israel doesn’t mean Jews it means the aryan man. But yes he was racist and it was epic.
C6592EDC 2F2D 4E7B A813 63DD3B9D559A
Keep coping because you worship a sandnigger like a proper white cuck
in Revelation Jesus is described as having hair 'white like wool/snow'
that probably just meant light blonde (or actually white i. e. Albino Jesus) bc compared to the average black/dark brown Middle Eastern hair it appeared incredibly light
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; (Revelation 1:14)
Jesus was aryan just like god wanted everyone to be.
in Revelation Jesus is described as having hair 'white like wool/snow'
that probably just meant light blonde (or actually white i. e. Albino Jesus) bc compared to the average black/dark brown Middle Eastern hair it appeared incredibly light
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; (Revelation 1:14)
Jesus was aryan just like god wanted everyone to be.
Are you still coping kike worshipper

'And his eyes were as flame or fire"

Got it so he also had red eyes lmao
Are you still coping kike worshipper
>doesn’t have any argument to proof Jesus was a white man.
Absolutely BTFO. Jesus was aryan child of god and not gross negro homo erectus look alike
>doesn’t have any argument to proof Jesus was a white man.
Absolutely BTFO. Jesus was aryan child of god and not gross negro homo erectus look alike
So you also believe he had red/orange eyes right
So you also believe he had red/orange eyes right
Eyes were a flame of fire could mean blue like a blue flame. Or hunter eyes. They never said anything about color.
Eyes were a flame of fire could mean blue like a blue flame. Or hunter eyes. They never said anything about color.
Why don't you quote the rest of the verse lmao

"His feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a fire"

A brown man lmao
No, canaanites looked like sandniggers.

In the area called Israel-Palestine, the nations there were the same(racially), however, to give OP a benefit of doubt, they were most likely lighter than modern populations but not by much(in other words, frequency of white passing sandnogs was higher in the past), but they were never nordics or related to modern euros like OP suggests
Is that what the churches in USA teach?

In the area called Israel-Palestine, the nations there were the same(racially), however, to give OP a benefit of doubt, they were most likely lighter than modern populations but not by much(in other words, frequency of white passing sandnogs was higher in the past), but they were never nordics or related to modern euros like OP suggests
5EF3A67B 785F 4033 AC0D 9B10F5BCFE7E

imagine coping this hard
Why don't you quote the rest of the verse lmao

"His feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a fire"

A brown man lmao
It's all symbolic. But if a god did exist, he would have to have been white.
Keep coping. There only needs to be one white man to kill all the nignogs because of his higher Iq :feelsYall:
Nignogs are cucking your society beyond repair lmao. Keep coping while cumskins get genocided. You probably cross the street when you see a black like the high inhibition white pussy you are
Nignogs are cucking your society beyond repair lmao. Keep coping while cumskins get genocided. You probably cross the street when you see a black like the high inhibition white pussy you are
Can’t disagree with the fact that them and other nonwhites are indeed taking control and cucking (Jewish controlled) white nations because of the white mans incredible generosity. However eventually whites will have enough.

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