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Brutal Ukrainian soldier loses in CQC to a chink

  • Thread starter CroatianManlet2
  • Start date
Yeah, I saw that. Fucking brutal. Knife fights like this between infantry soldiers is exceptionally rare.

Respect to the Mongolian who let the Ukrainian die with dignity. RIP
it was Yakut
Fighting for nothing
Most brutal scene from this war so far
Yeah, I saw that. Fucking brutal. Knife fights like this between infantry soldiers is exceptionally rare.

Respect to the Mongolian who let the Ukrainian die with dignity. RIP
He didnt, he killed him with the rifle at the end
He didnt, he killed him with the rifle at the end
I must have seen an edited version that cut that part out then. Shit. I mean, I get it, it's pragmatic.

But damn, that's cold.
Poor guy. His country has already forgotten about him and he's just another statistic.
Actually it looked like something exploded, but I also doubt that he has wasted a grenade on the dying tool.
You can still see him breathing his last breaths at the end.
Poor guy. His country has already forgotten about him and he's just another statistic.
He died so ukrainian foids can whore in the west never have children and never return the mongolian who was from the far east probably has 5 kids at home
He died so ukrainian foids can whore in the west never have children and never return the mongolian who was from the far east probably has 5 kids at home
My legs look like this so hers can look like this
Fighting for nothing
This. Nobody will get any bitches no matter how many you kill on the battlefield. Inkwells have nothing to gain from ever joining the army unless you like killing people.
brb gonna do one hundred pushups so I get strong and not killed in hand to hand combat
brb gonna do one hundred pushups so I get strong and not killed in hand to hand combat
That wont mean shit if you get hit by howitzer shell or a drone finds you
I never said I was going to do a hundred pushups so I could withstand high explosives.

Anyway here is a transliteration and (google) translation of the spoken part of the video that starts at about 6:40 in case anyone wonders what the guy said as he died.

всё, мама, прощай.
vse, mama proshai.
That's it, Mom, goodbye.

Подожди. Дай я спокойно умру.
Podochdi. Dai ya spokoino umru.
Wait. Let me die in peace.

ты же мне всё вскрыл.
Ty che mne vse vskryl.
You revealed (opened?) everything to me.

Дай немоного отдышусь.
Dai nemonogo otdyshus'.
Let me catch my breath for a while.

Ошень больно.
Oshen' bol'no.
It hurts a lot.


Дай я уйдя спокойно.
Dai ya uidya spokoino.
Let me die peacefully.

Не трожь меня, все.
Ne troz' menya, vse.
Don't touch me, that's all.

Дай я умру.
Dai ja umry.
Let me die.

Да не трогай ты меня. Дай умры.
Da ne trogai ty menya. Dai umry.
Don't touch me. Let me die.

Уйди, пожалуйста.
Uidi, pozaluista.
Go away please.

Я хочу уйти сам.
Ya khochu uiti sam.
I want to leave on my own.

Спасибо тебе.
Spasibo tebe.
Thank you.

Ты был лучшим боичом в мнре.
Ty byl luchschim boichom v mire
You were the best warrior in the world.


Ты был лучше.
Ty byl luchsche.
You were better.


Не надо.
Ne nado.
No need.
I never said I was going to do a hundred pushups so I could withstand high explosives.

Anyway here is a transliteration and (google) translation of the spoken part of the video that starts at about 6:40 in case anyone wonders what the guy said as he died.

всё, мама, прощай.
vse, mama proshai.
That's it, Mom, goodbye.

Подожди. Дай я спокойно умру.
Podochdi. Dai ya spokoino umru.
Wait. Let me die in peace.

ты же мне всё вскрыл.
Ty che mne vse vskryl.
You revealed (opened?) everything to me.

Дай немоного отдышусь.
Dai nemonogo otdyshus'.
Let me catch my breath for a while.

Ошень больно.
Oshen' bol'no.
It hurts a lot.


Дай я уйдя спокойно.
Dai ya uidya spokoino.
Let me die peacefully.

Не трожь меня, все.
Ne troz' menya, vse.
Don't touch me, that's all.

Дай я умру.
Dai ja umry.
Let me die.

Да не трогай ты меня. Дай умры.
Da ne trogai ty menya. Dai umry.
Don't touch me. Let me die.

Уйди, пожалуйста.
Uidi, pozaluista.
Go away please.

Я хочу уйти сам.
Ya khochu uiti sam.
I want to leave on my own.

Спасибо тебе.
Spasibo tebe.
Thank you.

Ты был лучшим боичом в мнре.
Ty byl luchschim boichom v mire
You were the best warrior in the world.


Ты был лучше.
Ty byl luchsche.
You were better.


Не надо.
Ne nado.
No need.
Yes, at the end of the video he said "No need to / Don't."

So, obviousely the asian dude wanted to finish him off.
Can't take any chances on the battlefield.
Fucking brutal rip to the ukrainian soldier
Jfl I saw an r/AsianMasculinity thread for that one. Literally retarded soy ricecels literally celebrating that one of ""their"" kind managed to kill a white man. These copers were saying shit like "THIS IS PROOF WE AER BIOLOGICALLY SUPERIOR AND SHIET!!1!!". Even despite me being ricecel myself, I thought that's the most retarded thing I've ever read.

Even niggers don't celebrate and make a whole discussion on the internet when they have a video of some nigga stabbing and murdering some pigskin
Jfl I saw an r/AsianMasculinity thread for that one. Literally retarded soy ricecels literally celebrating that one of ""their"" kind managed to kill a white man. These copers were saying shit like "THIS IS PROOF WE AER BIOLOGICALLY SUPERIOR AND SHIET!!1!!". Even despite me being ricecel myself, I thought that's the most retarded thing I've ever read.

Even niggers don't celebrate and make a whole discussion on the internet when they have a video of some nigga stabbing and murdering some pigskin
wtf he wasn't even "asian" lol he was turkic

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