IMO it's very interesting that an element of punters on here are married and punt because they don't get sex at home etc. I'm approaching my 24th birthday and have been punting for a year and a bit; I lost my virginity to a prostitute when I was aged 22 , and my only sexual experiences have been with escorts as you can see from my reviews. I've never been in a relationship or had a girlfriend due to my shyness when I was at school and university, despite the fact I am a reasonably good-looking guy who goes to the gym regularly.
I have visions of going through my life without ever having a relationship or kids and punting will be the only opportunity I'll have for sex.
In what way is sex with a prossie different from your girlfriend /wife? And is punting a viable alternative to a relationship if you can't find anyone?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 01:14: