I hate tinder “game” advice with a passion tbh. Makes me cringe every time someone says to take better pictures or act more alpha in my texts.
Being alpha over text and douchy in your facial expression is like a homeless man downtalking and demanding money from you.
The homeless man’s best strategy is to act as nice as possible then you might give him change. On tinder as an Incel if you want a 1/1000 chance you gotta act extremely polite and be willing to endure the headache of rescheduling flaked dates, dealing with bs excuses etc... while maintaining a fun and humourous persona pretending not to care about her thot behavour.
Is the CEO downtalks, he’s likely to get people to do things for him versus being nice. This is because he has power. Chad can take shirtless selfies and call girls bitches over text and she’ll love it.
As an Incel you gotta act like a doormat that constantly emits positive energy.