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Turned 23 today, it was a completely uneventful day



Mar 2, 2018
Just another reminder that I'm starting to get old.

Like back in the day, I'd do something special, maybe go to a baseball game, skip work, get drunk (my 21st birthday was the night a local sports team won the championship so the bars were bumping and everyone was lit, it was a cool experience), binge eat like 10000 caloires, but this year... just nothing. Got up at 3:30, went to work, came home, played guitar and video games like every other day. Didn't even get a nice bottle of wine or a nice steak.

Even worse, I have no thot to wish me happy birthday or blow me for my birthday; To validate that I've successfully aged another year. 23 is getting dangerously close to the point of no return, if it's not already past it. My drive to work this morning was incredibly somber and inquisitive, and I pondered how I've made it 23 years without being able to attract even one thot.

Positively, I got two texts, one from mom and one from dad wishing me happy birthday. They're good parents. :)

I don't know what the point of this post is. Cheers everyone.
Happy Birthday.

ButI have been doing that since I was 17. Never celebrated it once or got a birthday present, my siblings and parents would say happy birthday but after Highschool they stopped.

There are probably users on here who have it worse.

There really is no point in celebrating your birth date unless you are a normalfag
There really is no point in celebrating your birth date unless you are a normalfag
I kind of agree, but at the same time its a huge reminder that I am not normal. It doesn't bother me 95% of the time, but days like today it does.
I kind of agree, but at the same time its a huge reminder that I am not normal. It doesn't bother me 95% of the time, but days like today it does.

how come you live alone and not with your parents for work or just personal reasons, and what engineering are you doing.
how come you live alone and not with your parents for work or just personal reasons, and what engineering are you doing.
I bought my own house last month because I was tired of living with my parents (I was basically getting kicked out anyways). Me and my old man have had some rough patches in the past and we were in a bad one a few months ago that basically sparked it. Sure I could get an apartment, but a house is a better investment with more freedom (and more responsibility). Has nothing to do with my work or location. I only moved about 10 minutes away from my parents.

I got my bachelors degree (graduated last may) in electrical engineering and that's how I can afford a house at such a young age.
I bought my own house last month because I was tired of living with my parents (I was basically getting kicked out anyways). Me and my old man have had some rough patches in the past and we were in a bad one a few months ago that basically sparked it. Sure I could get an apartment, but a house is a better investment with more freedom (and more responsibility). Has nothing to do with my work or location. I only moved about 10 minutes away from my parents.

I got my bachelors degree (graduated last may) in electrical engineering and that's how I can afford a house at such a young age.
Isn’t managing hard and does it not feel lonely

also what line of work are you currently in (telecommunications...optical) and how is it might consider staying in computer engineering if I want to do hardware
Isn’t managing hard and does it not feel lonely

also what line of work are you currently in (telecommunications...optical) and how is it might consider staying in computer engineering if I want to do hardware
It's not bad. I've lived on my own back when I was in college (I went to college about 2 hours from home), so it's not really anything new. It's really cool to be in charge again.

I work in the construction industry. I design power systems in residential buildings. It's a pretty easy job and requires very little technical knowledge from school (basically, Ohm's Law and basic properties of transmission lines/E-mag stuff). Hardest pat is having to be super NT, like doing things such as interacting with coworkers, going to meetings, talking on the phone to clients/power companies, responding to difficult emails, that kind of shit.

Comp engineering is basically the perfect major for hardware. I've noticed that they're starting to put more emphasis on programming in these courses (at my college, the department was called EECS, which stood for electrical engineering and computer science engineering, meaning I had to take a bunch of computer classes). I assume you'll have to pick a "focus" your senior year, which you can probably select hardware at that point. You really can't go wrong with any kind of engineering degree. The hardest part about getting a job in "what you want to do" is actually being attractive and NT enough to interview well. In my experience, the actual degree and its related components weren't all that important.
It's not bad. I've lived on my own back when I was in college (I went to college about 2 hours from home), so it's not really anything new. It's really cool to be in charge again.

I work in the construction industry. I design power systems in residential buildings. It's a pretty easy job and requires very little technical knowledge from school (basically, Ohm's Law and basic properties of transmission lines/E-mag stuff). Hardest pat is having to be super NT, like doing things such as interacting with coworkers, going to meetings, talking on the phone to clients/power companies, responding to difficult emails, that kind of shit.

Comp engineering is basically the perfect major for hardware. I've noticed that they're starting to put more emphasis on programming in these courses (at my college, the department was called EECS, which stood for electrical engineering and computer science engineering, meaning I had to take a bunch of computer classes). I assume you'll have to pick a "focus" your senior year, which you can probably select hardware at that point. You really can't go wrong with any kind of engineering degree. The hardest part about getting a job in "what you want to do" is actually being attractive and NT enough to interview well. In my experience, the actual degree and its related components weren't all that important.
I know what you mean I’m doing an internship right now as an IT support analyst and half of my job consists of having to walk up to coworkers who have 0 knowledge about anything to do about coding and explaining to them the problem.

I was planning to switch to comp sci + math because I dropped all courses last semester after getting fucked over multiple ways, tried taking 3 EE that I needed to complete my degree, weren’t even that hard except for electricity and magnetism 2. Dropped them after missing 2 mid terms and professor telling me I had to drop the course because I didn’t have a lab partner lol, then just dropped my CEG courses which were easy as fk, and went NEET the whole semester. GPA went from 3.8 to 3.2 on the 4.0 scale or something around there. Was able to score an internship luckily this summer.

Pretty much everyone I have talked to in computer engineering is working a software related job, unless that person has done a masters in EE AND CEG or they have done internships relating to EE (almost all internships for comp eng are something related to coding).

My school is EECS as well, now I’m not sure if I should switch into comp sci + math which will require 3 more years, do software engineering which my uni is offering me or stay in computer engineering.
I know what you mean I’m doing an internship right now as an IT support analyst and half of my job consists of having to walk up to coworkers who have 0 knowledge about anything to do about coding and explaining to them the problem.

I was planning to switch to comp sci + math because I dropped all courses last semester after getting fucked over multiple ways, tried taking 3 EE that I needed to complete my degree, weren’t even that hard except for electricity and magnetism 2. Dropped them after missing 2 mid terms and professor telling me I had to drop the course because I didn’t have a lab partner lol, then just dropped my CEG courses which were easy as fk, and went NEET the whole semester. GPA went from 3.8 to 3.2 on the 4.0 scale or something around there. Was able to score an internship luckily this summer.

Pretty much everyone I have talked to in computer engineering is working a software related job, unless that person has done a masters in EE AND CEG or they have done internships relating to EE (almost all internships for comp eng are something related to coding).

My school is EECS as well, now I’m not sure if I should switch into comp sci + math which will require 3 more years, do software engineering which my uni is offering me or stay in computer engineering.
My biggest recommendation is to not dawdle in college. It's a huge waste of time and $$$. An additional 3 years sounds like alot. I'd recommend the other two based off the information I have.

I relate to NEETing in college, I had 2 straight semesters of all Ds and Fs, and my old man just about threw me out and ripped me a new ass. I can be so mentally taxing to show up every day and do the work and interact with people and make friends and all that nonsense.

As a heads up, I graduated with a 2.4 GPA, so you are still plenty good in that respect.

Lastly, that internship experience will take you farther than anything you can do in school, no matter the major or the grades you get in the classes. Keep a good rapport with them.
My birthday was the same. Happy birthday for what it's worth.
I hate birthdays.
Nothing happened on my 17th 18th or 19th
Happy birthday

I was detained for 4 hours this year on my 19th birthday :feelsautistic:
My biggest recommendation is to not dawdle in college. It's a huge waste of time and $$$. An additional 3 years sounds like alot. I'd recommend the other two based off the information I have.

I relate to NEETing in college, I had 2 straight semesters of all Ds and Fs, and my old man just about threw me out and ripped me a new ass. I can be so mentally taxing to show up every day and do the work and interact with people and make friends and all that nonsense.

As a heads up, I graduated with a 2.4 GPA, so you are still plenty good in that respect.

Lastly, that internship experience will take you farther than anything you can do in school, no matter the major or the grades you get in the classes. Keep a good rapport with them.
Reassuring to hear thought I was fucked after my GPA got lowered.

Have to stay in uni because my parents are stubborn

Thanks for all of the info m8
I am turning 21 soon and have been drunk messaging old friends due to having nobody to meet with. I might even make some posts online about it
"They're good parents. :) "

Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbback to /r/cucktears
I am turning 21 soon and have been drunk messaging old friends due to having nobody to meet with. I might even make some posts online about it
Tell me your stories then.
"They're good parents. :) "

Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbback to /r/cucktears
JFL why? I have good parents. They have overall done good things for me.
I meant that I was maybe going to try to find friends online to do something with. I am a poor neet but could spare as much weed as needed. Weed is a god tier cope and it's because of that I don't do it often. It makes you such a blue pilled docile normal cattle it's insane. Politics are going to legalise it soon.
Tell me your stories then.
I messaged two people. One said he could give me a date we could have a pint, and the other I went to the gym with the next day. To be honest he is a really good guy but hearing him make the jokes that were always made about me, how I'm an anime pedo rapist etc, kind of made me realise that it was in fact over before it began.
How the fuck do I get out of that hole?

Are you saving up for surgeries btw? tbhtbhngl

jfl gonna be 20 soon myself :/ fuark time goes by so fast when you hit 18, I hope I will save up for a surgery until my prime ends tbhtbh
Are you saving up for surgeries btw? tbhtbhngl

jfl gonna be 20 soon myself :/
20 in 6months :feelscry: already got 3k, just need to get off my NEET ass and workcel for a couple of months while I can still make bank cuz no living expenses. I'll prob need LASIK too at some point, but 4 now fuck that. Don't even wanna see myself unless I ascend tbh tbh.
Happy Birthday!

I know people call Fortnite a normie game but its free and pretty fun if you want to try it sometime.
I can relate. My 23rd birthday was shit too. I had to move back into my dad's for a while last year, so I spent it there and did fuck all for it. 2017 was the worst year of my fucking life. My 24th birthday is coming up next month and I'll probably end up spending it alone again, but this year I'm planning on getting a coach to somewhere that I've never been to before and having a bit of a day out.
Last edited:
20 in 6months :feelscry: already got 3k, just need to get off my NEET ass and workcel for a couple of months while I can still make bank cuz no living expenses. I'll prob need LASIK too at some point, but 4 now fuck that. Don't even wanna see myself unless I ascend tbh tbh.
What are you saving up for? I just want sliding genioplasty and welp prices vary a lot just tf
Happy Birthday!

I know people call Fortnite a normie game but its free and pretty fun if you want to try it sometime.
I play H1Z1 from time to time to get my battle royale fix. I've played Fortnite before and it was pretty uninteresting. I idn't like the building mechanic.

Are you saving up for surgeries btw? tbhtbhngl
My eye area is my worst facial feature and is very hard and/or expensive to fix (my eyes are very deep in my skull and also very round). I'm going to Mexico next year (if I can successfully get under 160lbs, I'm at 187lbs now) to get facial fat removed/liposuction if the weight loss doesn't fix it. Maybe I'll get it done in USA, but it's way more expensive here.

I can relate. My 23rd birthday was shit too. I had to move back into my dad's for a while last year, so I spent it there and did fuck all for it. 2017 was the worst year of my fucking life. My 24th birthday is coming up next month and I'll probably end up spending it alone again, but this year I'm planning on getting coach to somewhere that I've never been to before and having a bit of a day out.
What do you mean by getting coach?
What are you saving up for? I just want sliding genioplasty and welp prices vary a lot just tf
Wrap-around jaw and orbital-rim implants
I still don't know what getting a coach to somewhere means :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: Never heard this term before.
A coach is basically a more luxurious version of a bus that goes to different cities. I guess you call them Greyhound buses in the US.
A coach is basically a more luxurious version of a bus that goes to different cities. I guess you call them Greyhound buses in the US.
Ahhhh Ok. that could be fun.
Happy birth day bro be glad of what you have btw

My birthdays were fucking garbage since i was 13, basically my birthdays consist on buying a cake and some pizza and that's all but i can complain tbh because i prefer it this way
Depends on location but customs always expensive af
Where are you from? Fuark surgeries are so expensive here in UK

Wrap-around jaw and orbital-rim implants
damn just googled orbital rim implants in google images tbhtbh, so is it cheekbones implant basically that makes your cheekbones highset? I actually got blackpilled while researching this.. I realized I have low set cheekbones that give me NCT just LOL... Cheekbones basically "drag" your skin down you know how it is.. because if I pull my skin up on my temples I see PCT and more DOM eye area, I just checked in le mirror. just fuck. I need those as well..
sounds like all my birthdays since i turned 14.
I hate my birthdays because my mind ego says it needs to be a special day and i need to be treated special so usually I drive my car to a remote location and put phone into airplane mode so even my family can't reach me. And sleep in my car or just have it be another quiet day and thats good enough...doesn't need to be more. The expectation i've learned is needed for the day is what gets me down the most....I appreciate even the small wishes from family but mind starts playing tricks of comparing how this day should be bigger and more
Where are you from? Fuark surgeries are so expensive here in UK
damn just googled orbital rim implants in google images tbhtbh, so is it cheekbones implant basically that makes your cheekbones highset? I actually got blackpilled while researching this.. I realized I have low set cheekbones that give me NCT just LOL... Cheekbones basically "drag" your skin down you know how it is.. because if I pull my skin up on my temples I see PCT and more DOM eye area, I just checked in le mirror. just fuck. I need those as well..
Exactly. Gives you forward projection and infraorbital support. I don't have NCT but have subpar infraorbitals and flat cheekbones, which causes subhuman scleral show and the skin around my nose look melted. It's literally a night and day difference when I push the crease on my cheeks upwards to imitate better bone support. It's legit af.

Exactly. Gives you forward projection and infraorbital support. I don't have NCT but have subpar infraorbitals and flat cheekbones, which causes subhuman scleral show and the skin around my nose look melted. It's literally a night and day difference when I push the crease on my cheeks upwards to imitate better bone support. It's legit af.
I have alright cheekbone I think.. how do I know if it's flat? lmao.. if I turn my head 3/4 my cheekbone is very visible but again I am low body fat so dunno tbhtbhngl
I have alright cheekbone I think.. how do I know if it's flat? lmao.. if I turn my head 3/4 my cheekbone is very visible but again I am low body fat so dunno tbhtbhngl
That's lateral projection, nothing wrong with mine either. It's mostly what women get implants for.

IMG 20180621 233143

Example of subhuman forward projection and infraorbitals.
im 23 yEaRs old and im still a virgin. I've nevER even kissEd a giRl
Fuck it's over for you
Fuck it's over for you
don't remind me :confused:

I wanted to be married by 25 at the absolute latest. Being 23, the clock has struck midnight; no leads, ugly face, confirmed autism. It's beyond over. I refuse to commit suicide, but I wouldn't mind dying any time now.

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