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Turbo incel on r/CuckTears can't possibly cope any harder



Feb 15, 2018

Now that I've gotten your attention...
Sometimes, we here ask "why incels, why now?" The obvious answer is that the Internet allows eccentrics to meet. These groups sometimes turn into echo chambers that encourage the worst kind of behavior.
But I think there's more to it than that. Society's changing faster than ever before. Technology, economics, marketable skills and social norms seem to change by the day. It's not easy to keep up, and a lot of people are left behind.
I think Incels fall into this category, a bit. A lot of them don't seem to understand social norms. We all knew weird kids back in school. Some of them got lucky, were helped by a kindly teacher or a good friend, but a lot of them drifted through without any clear direction and ended up as even weirder adults. They might have come from broken families, had psychological problems or had some other trouble.
There's an economic version of this, too, one that's taken a far worse toll on society. People graduate without knowing the skills they need, and are unable to keep up in a world that demands you constantly learn in order to stay relevant. Frankly, I don't think everyone is even capable of doing this, but even some people who are get burnt out or discouraged.
Incels are a social version of this. I'm not saying it's not their fault. A lot of these guys have shitty attitudes. I'm not someone who's had a lot of luck in love (didn't lose my v card until I was in my early thirties), but I never blamed or hated women for not sleeping with me.
But not everyone's as resilient as I am. Some people will break under the strain. Right now, I don't think society's very good at helping those left behind. The Internet also worsens social isolation, since it gives people an easy but unsatisfactory substitute for the real thing.
We also don't have as many widespread social norms as we did in the past. Conformity's not good, but there's a dark side to too much individualism. Kids without clear directions on behavior will have to figure things out themselves. Some will do okay, but some will not.
Incels are responsible for their behavior. And their behavior is often pretty awful and sometimes actually evil. Society could be doing more to prevent people from ending up in this stage, but I have to admit that I don't really know a surefire solution for this.

Yeah it's not because we see through the bluepill, we just dont understand social norms. If only we knew that normies are anti rape and anti hitler, then we would also be against those things

Too bad we are able to think for ourselves, if only we could mindlessly follow popular opinion like the normies do then all our problems would be solved.

Good thing he was resilient enough to be a good cuckold slave for over 30 years of virginity, so that he eventually was able to get some beta bux sex from an ugly landwhale
Wow when he turned 30 he got sex from a used up whore. Man he sure is above incels
The worst kind of incel, the one who experiences a modicum of success and then thinks he’s above it all. Peering down at us as though he’s regarded any differently by society.
Wow when he turned 30 he got sex from a used up whore. Man he sure is above incels
Yup! all I have to do is wait 12 more years and i can get sex from a cum bucket. Tottaly convinced now
lmao, so this guy " escaped " at 30 by getting with a used up roastie who was ready to settle for a beta bux provider. And now tries to give insight as to how we behave.

Oh this is just too funny, maybe if hes a good boi the normies will give him approval and validation.
Uncletomcel, he was incel for most his life but now he's selling us out because he got a taste of roast beef.
He got a lot of stuff wrong. Isn't shirty attitude or evil behavior. Its that we don't meet women's high standards.
Also doesn't he realize he's contradicting himself? He says that he didn't have a shitty attitude and he was a good boy but he was still incel. Why can't it be the same for us?
Some of them got lucky, were helped by a kindly teacher or a good friend
That's not luck. That's having value, which is determined by your genetics and/or parents having status.

Also, I don't believe most incels blame or hate women because they won't fuck them. I recognize that I'm ugly, and nobody wants to fuck the ugly. I hate females because they're solipsistic, lying cunts that are pointless to communicate with unless they're physically attracted to you.
Grotesque said:
Some of them got lucky, were helped by a kindly teacher or a good friend
That's not luck. That's having value, which is determined by your genetics and/or parents having status.
Also, I don't believe most incels blame or hate women because they won't fuck them. I recognize that I'm ugly, and nobody wants to fuck the ugly. I hate females because they're solipsistic, lying cunts that are pointless to communicate with unless they're physically attracted to you.

legit i wish people would understand this, there are endless great reasons to dislike females and we discuss them all the time here, only problem is when we do cucktears is nowhere to be found
The cunt doesn't know his place.

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