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SuicideFuel Truecel trait: you have no access to drugs



Jul 8, 2021
for normies getting drugs is simply calling/texting some dealer they know through their friends and connections. but for truecels who lack the social connections it's extremely difficult. they have to go to some risky darknet site and pay with bitcoin, and possibly get scammed out of their money. meanwhile nt normies can call their dealer and get drugs delivered easily like a pizza
I have weed growing in my backyard
don't have access to drugs is anyway a good thing
Its easy these days
for normies getting drugs is simply calling/texting some dealer they know through their friends and connections. but for truecels who lack the social connections it's extremely difficult. they have to go to some risky darknet site and pay with bitcoin, and possibly get scammed out of their money. meanwhile nt normies can call their dealer and get drugs delivered easily like a pizza
Facts. Incels that can get access to drugs easily from dealers are kind of sus. Usually you have to be a lower tier normie to have those kind of IRL connections
Online drugs is extremely.reliable in the UK and America
Why would I need it?
Same i have zero contacts
don't have access to drugs is anyway a good thing
for normies getting drugs is simply calling/texting some dealer they know through their friends and connections. but for truecels who lack the social connections it's extremely difficult. they have to go to some risky darknet site and pay with bitcoin, and possibly get scammed out of their money. meanwhile nt normies can call their dealer and get drugs delivered easily like a pizza
Same i have zero contacts

In my third world country ( Chile ), i can easily buy mdma, canabbis, cocaine, lsd, tussi and 2C-B. How? Using a degenerate gay android app called Grindr. My ex normie friend used to sell weed there. I put as tittle "LF Falo deliver". 5 minutes later, 3 guys wanting to sell me.

Don't do drugs tho , it will only make things worse.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUngLgGRJpo
. It gives you less and less pleasure over time, needing more, but the price and damage to your body is still there, and you will hate sober state more over time, you will enjoy little things of life less or nothing.
but for truecels who lack the social connections it's extremely difficult.
Cope,that may have been true before the internet,but nowadays you just search for whatever drug you wanna buy in your area and you'll find someone,that's how i linked with my xanax dealer.
So relatable, normies always like to brag how easy it is for everyone nowadays to buy drugs, but if I tried, I would either get scammed/beaten/robbed by some thugs or get caught by an undercover cop.
This is literally me, i also have no money
true. all i can arrange is some alcohol. once i was drinking behind a alley, cops came, i made a run.
Facts. Incels that can get access to drugs easily from dealers are kind of sus. Usually you have to be a lower tier normie to have those kind of IRL connections
Very sus

These retards are exposing themselves :feelskek:
You do have access to drugs though. Just go to the nearest ghetto and ask, it’s that simple.
You can easily order drugs online
the only drug iwould use is cocaine and i dont know where to get it, weed is everywhere but it is for losers
So relatable, normies always like to brag how easy it is for everyone nowadays to buy drugs, but if I tried, I would either get scammed/beaten/robbed by some thugs or get caught by an undercover cop.
I don't know how to get drugs. Im on many prescriptions though.
for normies getting drugs is simply calling/texting some dealer they know through their friends and connections. but for truecels who lack the social connections it's extremely difficult. they have to go to some risky darknet site and pay with bitcoin, and possibly get scammed out of their money. meanwhile nt normies can call their dealer and get drugs delivered easily like a pizza
What you call a "risky darknet site" is a much safer method for getting drugs than IRL connections. You also have a wider selection online, and it's much more convenient imo. The risk of getting scamming is extremely low if you buy from people with lots of reviews/a high rating.
I feel it's the same with escorts, well-off Chads :chad: always hire those from their contacts for any major event with their bros :feelscry:
Trucel trait you prefer your current situation of getting drugs from the dark web compared to what I see normies smoking
Weed is everywhere. You don’t have to be a normie to find a reliable connection, just money. Ghetto hoodrats scam incels so they can score crack tho.
I have weed growing in my backyard

I'm taking Prozac and Methylphenidate(Ritalin) for daily relief from mental illnesses.

My processing speed is impaired from the gene that gave me Palinopsia.

UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot : 71 A complex, multifactorial psychotic disorder or group of disorders characterized by disturbances in the form and content of thought (e.g. delusions, hallucinations), in mood (e.g. inappropriate affect), in sense of self and relationship to the external world (e.g. loss of ego boundaries, withdrawal), and in behavior (e.g bizarre or apparently purposeless behavior). Although it affects emotions, it is distinguished from mood disorders in which such disturbances are primary. Similarly, there may be mild impairment of cognitive function, and it is distinguished from the dementias in which disturbed cognitive function is considered primary. Some patients manifest schizophrenic as well as bipolar disorder symptoms and are often given the diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder.

What is Processing Speed?​

When describing Processing Speed in my reports, I write:

Processing Speed measures the speed and accuracy of visual identification, decision making, and decision implementation.

There are three key components of this statement: 1) visual identification, 2) decision making, and 3) decision implementation. Simply put, processing speed involves the ability to identify the task at hand, recognize the decision that needs to be made, and make the decision.

Students who excel at processing speed are able to work quickly on cognitive and academic tasks. Usually they are among the first students to finish a test or to complete homework assignments. Determining a student’s processing speed gives us insight into how efficiently he or she is able to complete such tasks. As we’ll see below, however, students who work quickly may also experience other variables that contribute to their speed, some that aren’t necessarily positive.

How is it Calculated?​

The Processing Speed index score is calculated using two subtests: Coding and Symbol Search. This is true for both the WISC-V (for children and adolescents) and the WAIS-IV (for adults).

The Coding subtest requires the student to view a series of numbers written in rows on a page. The student then draws a corresponding symbol under each number. The student is given two minutes to complete as many symbols as possible. The student is awarded one point for each correctly drawn symbol. The student is not penalized for incorrect symbols.

The Symbol Search subtest displays one or two symbols (depending on the age of the student) on the left hand side of the page. The student then must determine whether that symbol appears in a series of symbols displayed on the right side of the page. If the symbol appears, the student circles it. If not, the student checks the “No” box. The student has two minutes to complete as many items as possible. The student is then awarded one point for each correct answer but loses a point for each incorrect answer.

Once the two subtests are completed and scored, the score is then converted to a standard score that can be interpreted. The Processing Speed index score can be interpreted using the following scale:

  • 130 or above: Very Superior
  • 120-129: Superior
  • 110-119: High Average
  • 90-109: Average
  • 80-89: Low Average
  • 70-79: Borderline
  • Below 70: Extremely Low

Individuals with disorders that include psychotic symptoms (i.e. psychotic disorders) experience broad cognitive impairments in the chronic state, indicating a dimension of abnormality associated with the experience of psychosis. These impairments negatively impact functional outcome, contributing to the disabling nature of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression. The robust and reliable nature of cognitive deficits has led researchers to explore the timing and profile of impairments, as this may elucidate different neurodevelopmental patterns in individuals who experience psychosis. Here, we review the literature on cognitive deficits across the life span of individuals with psychotic disorder and psychotic-like experiences, highlighting the dimensional nature of both psychosis and cognitive ability. We identify premorbid generalized cognitive impairment in schizophrenia that worsens throughout development, and stabilizes by the first-episode of psychosis, suggesting a neurodevelopmental course.


The Psychiatric Risk Gene Transcription Factor 4 (TCF4) Regulates Neurodevelopmental Pathways Associated With Schizophrenia, Autism, and Intellectual Disability​

Genetic variants in and around the transcription factor 4 (TCF4) gene are associated with range of disorders that are frequently associated with cognitive dysfunction.1–3 The most recent schizophrenia GWAS reported three independent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TCF4 that surpassed the threshold for genome wide significance.4 Intriguingly, rare TCF4 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) have also been described in schizophrenia patients, although their impact on the function of the protein has not been established.5,6 In addition to the genetic studies in schizophrenia, TCF4 variants are associated with early information processing and cognitive markers, some of which are schizophrenia endophenotypes.7–10 Damaging TCF4 mutations have also been described in large-scale genotyping studies in patients with ID, neurodevelopmental disorders, and most recently ASD.11–15 Haploinsufficiency of TCF4 causes Pitt–Hopkins syndrome (PTHS); a rare form intellectual disability (ID) associated with characteristic facial features, autonomic dysfunction, and behavioral traits that resemble autism spectrum disorder (ASD).16–19 Collectively, these studies implicate TCF4 in a range of neurodevelopmental disorders.

CF4 is a member of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family of proteins.20–22 For the purposes of disambiguation, it should be noted that TCF4 (Gene ID: 6925) described herein should not be confused with T-cell factor 4 (Gene ID: 6934, official gene symbol, TCF7L2) since they can share the same acronym. TCF4 and its paralogues, collectively known as E-proteins, interact with other bHLH proteins to regulate DNA binding specificity and transcriptional activity at promoters and enhancers that contain E-boxes (5′-CANNTG).2,20,23 The human TCF4 gene encodes multiple protein isoforms of which only the major isoforms TCF4-A and TCF4-B have been characterized in detail.24 In neurons, TCF4 regulates the intrinsic excitability of pyramidal cells of the prefrontal cortex and has been shown to attenuate neurite branching.25,26 Furthermore, haploinsufficiency of Tcf4 in mice affects gene expression and DNA methylation in the brain, leading to enhanced long-term potentiation, learning and memory deficits, and autistic-like behavior.22,25,26 By contrast, mice over-expressing Tcf4 in the brain display deficits in sensorimotor gating, fear conditioning, and circadian processes as well as impairments in attentional and behavioral anticipation.7,27
I'm taking Prozac and Methylphenidate(Ritalin) for daily relief from mental illnesses.

Methylphenidate and PSI:

Effects of methylphenidate (Ritalin) on information processing in hyperactive children

The effect of methylphenidate on information-processing efficiency was studied in 12 hyperactive, nonretarded children. Performance on six efficiency tasks (Posner Letter Matching, Reaction Time, Memory Search, Category Verification, Item Identification, and Word-Span) and a general measure of on-task behavior were compared for children receiving methylphenidate or a placebo. The median drug dosage was .38 mg/kg, and it was ingested 1 1/2 hours prior to testing. Children blind to the drug-placebo condition were tested on 4 days. In general, methylphenidate-related improvements in attention to on-task behaviors were found. An overall analysis of processing speed suggested that methylphenidate improved efficiency. Methylphenidate significantly decreased reaction times to simple and complex stimulus arrays; differences due to the drug remained even when on-task attentive behaviors were statistically removed. Significantly fewer identification errors occurred on the Posner task in the methylphenidate condition. Results indicated that methylphenidate improved general attentional behaviors and positively influenced processes that define perceptual efficiency.

who's high af rn :smonk:
for normies getting drugs is simply calling/texting some dealer they know through their friends and connections. but for truecels who lack the social connections it's extremely difficult. they have to go to some risky darknet site and pay with bitcoin, and possibly get scammed out of their money. meanwhile nt normies can call their dealer and get drugs delivered easily like a pizza

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