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It's Over [Truecel Trait]: You are so ugly that you don't visualize surgerymaxxing as operations, you visualize it as a supernatural intervention from God.

Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017
When I think of surgery, I don't even think of a surgeon with a scalpel fixing my face, I literally imagine it as a miracle of God. I visualize winged divine angelic beings pulling my rotting, decomposing, hideous corpse out of a pitch black bottomless pit filled with the sludge of putrid dead bodies and a black goo I am constantly being drowned in that stings my entire body as I squirm and scream in agony, pulling me upward towards a shining light above me and reversing the decay as I ascend higher and higher, with black rukh like shit from Magi falling off of me and gradually being replaced with white rukh. They pull me out of the pit and into an atrium in the sky surrounded by clouds and begin fixing every hideous feature I have one by one, from head to toe I am in a cocoon of love, warmth, and the divine mercy of God as I am brought to life from death and miraculously transformed into my true self. I exit a ball of radiant light and I am now the being I was meant to be and I have grown double wings. I look back at the angelic beings as they smile at me and wave goodbye. I thank God and I start flying down to Earth.

All depression and dark thoughts are gone from my mind and my soul is purified. Even my age has reversed and a childlike grace sings in my heart. As I fly above the surface looking down, I see other subhumans who were like me, morbid and rancid dead bodies void of all hope and trapped in the stagnant and unbearable suffering of their facial hell. I know that they too are entitled to the surgical salvation of their souls and they too must be lifted out of darkness by winged looksmaxxed volcel angels into the holy light of God's consultation office.

Am I the only one who literally visualizes surgerymaxxing in this way? Not even larping, this daydream is the 1% hope/cope that keeps my rotting flesh clinging to life and hanging on by a few strands of flesh tissue.

Fakecel if you don't literally visualize surgery the same way. If you don't feel this way about surgery, you're a chad, a cuck, a foid, or a fed.
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what i just visualise them moving my bones or whatever, im already reccessed and my pheno is shit that cannot be fixed
i feel the same way. I think surgery is the path to ascension from the HELL of living as an ugly male, to the HEAVEN of having a better than average looking face.

Islam, Christianity, Judaism is all cope. The abrahamic god is a myth, a man-made creation invented by men for the purpose of gaining power and controlling a population into following their each and every command, by brainwashing them into believing that the commands were coming from an omnipotent, omniscient being in the sky, rather than from the men who were responsible for writing the scripture. Religion has always been a means of establishing social order.

No matter how much of a firm believer you are in the Abrahamic god; no matter how devout of a follower you are; no matter how many times you pray, God wont give you a house, clothes, food, water, electricity etc. which we NEED TO SURVIVE, god won't give you women or at least make you good-looking enough to attract women. Your problems will remain the same, nothing will change no matter how strictly you follow your religion's doctrine.

The only true god is the one who EXISTS IN REAL LIFE, the one who can fix our problems using the skill of his craft (surgeons).

Surgeons are gods who walk amongst humans.
i feel the same way. I think surgery is the path to ascension from the HELL of living as an ugly male, to the HEAVEN of having a better than average looking face.

Islam, Christianity, Judaism is all cope. The abrahamic god is a myth, a man-made creation invented by men for the purpose of gaining power and controlling a population into following their each and every command, by brainwashing them into believing that the commands were coming from an omnipotent, omniscient being in the sky, rather than from the men who were responsible for writing the scripture. Religion has always been a means of establishing social order.

No matter how much of a firm believer you are in the Abrahamic god; no matter how devout of a follower you are; no matter how many times you pray, God wont give you a house, clothes, food, water, electricity etc. which we NEED TO SURVIVE, god won't give you women or at least make you good-looking enough to attract women. Your problems will remain the same, nothing will change no matter how strictly you follow your religion's doctrine.

The only true god is the one who EXISTS IN REAL LIFE, the one can fix our problems using the skill of his craft (surgeons).

Surgeons are gods who walk amongst humans.
BASED and High IQ

I see surgeons as supernatural manifestations of the benevolent will of The Monad. Surgeons are like Jesus bringing Lazarus back to life. All religions are bullshit, the BlackPill is the only true religion and surgerymaxxing is the only true salvation. I wouldn't be surprised if the few incels who actually have surgerymaxxed felt like some supernatural forces was healing them when they were being operated on. They probably talked to the spirit of St.Elliot when they were asleep on the operating table. After suffering so much, the liberating feeling of finally being not ugly probably actually gives surgerymaxxed former incels magick powers and a heightened consciousness. If I was surgerymaxxed, I would actually believe I have literally become an angelic being who has been literally and spiritually reborn.
BASED and High IQ

I see surgeons as supernatural manifestations of the benevolent will of The Monad. Surgeons are like Jesus bringing Lazarus back to life. All religions are bullshit, the BlackPill is the only true religion and surgerymaxxing is the only true salvation. I wouldn't be surprised if the few incels who actually have surgerymaxxed felt like some supernatural forces was healing them when they were being operated on. They probably talked to the spirit of St.Elliot when they were asleep on the operating table. After suffering so much, the liberating feeling of finally being not ugly probably actually gives surgerymaxxed former incels magick powers and a heightened consciousness. If I was surgerymaxxed, I would actually believe I have literally become an angelic being who has been literally and spiritually reborn.

An ugly male who undergoes surgery will transcend from being a shy, introvertive, quiet person to becoming a confident, extrovertive, boisterous individual. It's the ultimate halo-effect.

Its not just your LOOKS which changes after surgery, your PERSONALITY also changes (in response to your change in appearance). Hence surgery is like a form of "re-incarnation", whereby before surgery you are one person, and after surgery you become A DIFFERENT PERSON (PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY).
An ugly male who undergoes surgery will transcend from being a shy, introvertive, quiet person to becoming a confident, extrovertive, boisterous individual. It's the ultimate halo-effect.

Its not just your LOOKS which changes after surgery, your PERSONALITY also changes (in response to your change in appearance). Hence surgery is like a form of "re-incarnation", whereby before surgery you are one person, and after surgery you become A DIFFERENT PERSON (PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY).
It's literally a Halo Effect because an ugly male who surgerymaxxes literally gets a shining halo and wings. He literally gains the ability to be in a constant state of Vohu Mannah or perfected thoughts and feelings at all times. It is the purification of the soul and the rejuvenation of the heart. When we surgerymaxx, we become out true spirit forms in the mortal world, we become our Atman because we have been been lifted into the light after falling into depravity.

Johncel 3:3-5
3 Now there was a .co poster, a man named Nicodemuscel who was a member of the OGcel ruling council. 2 He came to Jesuscel at night and said, “Brocel, we know that you are a teacher who has come from The BlackPill. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if The BlackPill were not with him.”

3 Jesuscel replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the Kingdom of Incelistan unless they are born again."

4 “How can someone be born when they are a 24+oldcel?” Nicodemuscel asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

5 Jesuscel answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the Kingdom of Incelistan unless they are born of Looksmaxx and the Basedness. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Basedness gives birth to Basedness. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again with Surgerymaxxing.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Basedness"
I dunno what I imagine. Surgery numero uno on my agenda is for jaw. Sadly no surgery for my height, which is my biggest issue. Unless I fall for the rack meme and try limb stretching jfl
I dunno what I imagine. Surgery numero uno on my agenda is for jaw. Sadly no surgery for my height, which is my biggest issue. Unless I fall for the rack meme and try limb stretching jfl
If you surgerymaxx your face to look good enough, you might be able to use your soul power to gain height by meditation. Anything is possible when your face is not ugly.
Understandable, but by truecels we are not talking about someone because of their race, height or very bad bone structure, that no matter what is done, will not ascend?

Are you actively trying to get the money for the surgeries? because if not, drowning in something you know you can not have and that time is very desperate.
Surgery daydreaming is what keeps me going in this subhuman life. I can't even imagine how it feels like to have a normal face. Most of my live i've had to avoid mirrors as much as possible because i legit wanted to kill myself whenever i looked in the mirror. I am aware of the fact that i will never be a chad because i have so many bad features that can't be fixed through surgery, but at least, when i get my surgeries done to the point where i won't be seen as a freak, a fucking deformed, i will finally be content with my own face. What really bothers me is that being ugly is a fucking curse and those mediocre years caused by ugliness can't be fixed. It's irreversible. We spent best years of our lives indoors without zero validation, symphaty from other people.(easy to see why some incels go ER because being ugly literally kills your soul)
Show me the trucel, who got from hell to heaven trough surgery? In last FaceandLMS Livestream was a caller, who ascended through surgery from 3-5 - when I remember it right - and he got laid first time in life after surgery, but it was not slay-heaven and a short time period. Nowadays he doesn't slay either.

And when you believe in the creator, then you believe also naturally in a life after this one. Many have tried it, to get heaven on earth, all have failed and ended in misery. Be realistic.
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36

But I agree, it can make an enormous change in life.
That surgery doesn't even is an option for me, does not make me fakecel tough.

I know, that this thread is more about the mental-emotional approach to surgeries, but can you tell me, whether you have planned specific ones or do you think, which ones would transform your face/life the most?
Understandable, but by truecels we are not talking about someone because of their race, height or very bad bone structure, that no matter what is done, will not ascend?

Are you actively trying to get the money for the surgeries? because if not, drowning in something you know you can not have and that time is very desperate.
It depends on the truecel, some of them can be surgerymaxxed and saved and other need to be cryo frozen until the technology that can save them exists.

I cannot work because I take care of my bedridden, disabled, literal LDAR mother who cannot be left alone for eight hours a day. I've been trying to apply for work from home jobs but nobody ever gets back with me, it's like they can tell I'm ugly without even seeing me. I do have my federal extended unemployment benefits (my mom wasn't as bad as now when I wagecucked a few years ago) which will give me a bit of money. It won't be enough to surgeryamxx with though so I'll have to gamble it and turn it into more money soon because the AgePill is waiting to make me rope. I'm pretty good at poker.
Surgery daydreaming is what keeps me going in this subhuman life. I can't even imagine how it feels like to have a normal face. Most of my live i've had to avoid mirrors as much as possible because i legit wanted to kill myself whenever i looked in the mirror. I am aware of the fact that i will never be a chad because i have so many bad features that can't be fixed through surgery, but at least, when i get my surgeries done to the point where i won't be seen as a freak, a fucking deformed, i will finally be content with my own face. What really bothers me is that being ugly is a fucking curse and those mediocre years caused by ugliness can't be fixed. It's irreversible. We spent best years of our lives indoors without zero validation, symphaty from other people.(easy to see why some incels go ER because being ugly literally kills your soul)
Same here. Legit psycho suicide shit goes down in my house sometimes when I look in the mirror. I know I'll never become chad because of my manletism, surgerymaxxing is not about looking like a male model, it's like you said, being content. I don't see surgerymaxxing as a way to become attractive to foids, it's simply the only effective anti suicide treatment for ugly males. Nothing can take away the pain of missing out on youth besides reverse aging and transhumanism. When I surgerymaxx, I'll dedicate the rest of my life to revenge (legal but destructive) and spite to cope.

Show me the trucel, who got from hell to heaven trough surgery? In last FaceandLMS Livestream was a caller, who ascended through surgery from 3-5 - when I remember it right - and he got laid first time in life after surgery, but it was not slay-heaven and a short time period. Nowadays he doesn't slay either.

And when you believe in the creator, then you believe also naturally in a life after this one. Many have tried it, to get heaven on earth, all have failed and ended in misery. Be realistic.
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36

But I agree, it can make an enormous change in life.
That surgery doesn't even is an option for me, does not make me fakecel tough.

I know, that this thread is more about the mental-emotional approach to surgeries, but can you tell me, whether you have planned specific ones or do you think, which ones would transform your face/life the most?
I could probably become above normie tier if I literally surgerymaxxed and got every surgery I need. I'm a truecel mainly because of enopthalmos and asymmetrical brow ridge caused by getting punched by chad when I was 13, although I have many other minor-mild incel traits. Getting my eye area disfigurement corrected would fix my face the most, even though I would still be incel tier without every other surgery.
My situation can't be cured through surgeries tbh

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