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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Truecel Trait: Not being afraid of death.



Genetic Failure - Never began
Dec 30, 2018
I welcome death with open arms.

We were all born alone, we shall all die alone.

Current life is a joke.
Nah man can't really relate ngl, i don't want to die before i'm at least 45yo.Also hate that we get to live for such a short period
One of my suicide plans is to go where a newscaster is broadcasting in the street live. I'll walk up to her on live TV in front of the camera and say "facial surgery isn't covered by insurance" and pull out my revolver and blow my brains out.
One of my suicide plans is to go where a newscaster is broadcasting in the street live. I'll walk up to her on live TV in front of the camera and say "facial surgery isn't covered by insurance" and pull out my revolver and blow my brains out.
Joker tier sui plan ngl
I'm not afraid either tbh, if it happens, it happens, it's only natural.
Im scared of death but also OF life
If I were about to rope I'd probably feel it, since I'm a weak person. My best bet when the time comes is probably to order some heroin and OD. Getting caught would be a risk but I'm mildly autistic and mildly insane so I might get sent to one of those prisons for abnormals
Nah man can't really relate ngl, i don't want to die before i'm at least 45yo.Also hate that we get to live for such a short period
I am waiting for WWIII, than I can die and go to Valhalla.
NO. i want to live for eternity
I wouldn't be opposed to dying in an accident or something, as long as it is quick.
Wouldn't go out of the way to kill myself atm tbh
i always fantasized about suicide and dying pretty much everyday since my early teens,

but now since im blackpilled and spend 0 time chasing or interacting with women i feel much better.

i get also antidepressants and anti anxiety medication,
with those im actually motivated to do my hobbies that i love.

might sound stupid but my dream and goal is to becomme a really good fortnite player (i even take less drugs as to play better)
i practice everyday one hour before i even go into a solo, just grinding creative and edit and aim practices.

so i actually dont want to die, i want to live and play more fortnite, do more sports and music and shit, i just wish i wouldn have to work everyday, all day, this depresses me so much and when im at work i just want to kill and die, kill everyone or kill myself or get killed by a random chance,

but as soon as im home im better and have fun most of the time, just the prison of work fucks me and the amount of time i have to surrender just to live comfortably sometimes makes me want to kill myself
I don't care tbh, i just hope it isn't a violent death, but a peaceful one.
One of my suicide plans is to go where a newscaster is broadcasting in the street live. I'll walk up to her on live TV in front of the camera and say "facial surgery isn't covered by insurance" and pull out my revolver and blow my brains out.
Nah man can't really relate ngl, i don't want to die before i'm at least 45yo.Also hate that we get to live for such a short period

You're probably normie. What is the point in reaching 45 if you are too old to get a non-exwhore gf by 30? 45 is no mans land. Too old for a good gf, too young to die of old age
One of my suicide plans is to go where a newscaster is broadcasting in the street live. I'll walk up to her on live TV in front of the camera and say "facial surgery isn't covered by insurance" and pull out my revolver and blow my brains out.

1. You won't do that.
2. If you did, they would make it so only women can benefit
I just wanna die peacefully
I want to die but i'm too much of a pussy to kill myself and i will probably get scared if someone points a gun at me jfl :feelsrope:
I’m betting on cancer, preferably fast kind so I’m gone about a month after diagnosis.
i always fantasized about suicide and dying pretty much everyday since my early teens,

but now since im blackpilled and spend 0 time chasing or interacting with women i feel much better.

i get also antidepressants and anti anxiety medication,
with those im actually motivated to do my hobbies that i love.

might sound stupid but my dream and goal is to becomme a really good fortnite player (i even take less drugs as to play better)
i practice everyday one hour before i even go into a solo, just grinding creative and edit and aim practices.

so i actually dont want to die, i want to live and play more fortnite, do more sports and music and shit, i just wish i wouldn have to work everyday, all day, this depresses me so much and when im at work i just want to kill and die, kill everyone or kill myself or get killed by a random chance,

but as soon as im home im better and have fun most of the time, just the prison of work fucks me and the amount of time i have to surrender just to live comfortably sometimes makes me want to kill myself

Very legit post. I would be willing to live if I could be rich and spend my days how I want, not wageslaving.
But why are you unwilling to post a picture of your face?
some days I want to die and some days I can cope pretty nicely. I wouldn't want a horrific death but in my sleep, i wouldn't mind.
foids want us dead so fuck them
You're probably normie. What is the point in reaching 45 if you are too old to get a non-exwhore gf by 30? 45 is no mans land. Too old for a good gf, too young to die of old age

1. You won't do that.
2. If you did, they would make it so only women can benefit
I'm as incel as everyone on this forum, i just think most people here are LARPing about wanting to die so early( i'm 19) , i've got my copes and want to see what the future will be like, maybe they will invent sexbots with human-like AI by 2050 you never know.Also death itself is unjust for incels, think about it, wouldn't you like to outlive everyone and see better times for Incels to live in
i want to live just to spite all those people that want incels dead. I hate society more than myself
Most definitely a fakecel
Wanting to live has nothing to do with inceldom at all, it's easy to just talk on the internet.I would prefer to live with ny copes rather than non existing at all...after all to crave life is a part of human nature just like wanting to have sex
Actually that's simply a masculine trait
I never got any alerts for this :cryfeels:

I want to die but i'm too much of a pussy to kill myself and i will probably get scared if someone points a gun at me jfl :feelsrope:

I'll do my best to suppress my flight or fight response and just close my eyes and let it happen. Although I'm telling them to shoot my head.

I’m betting on cancer, preferably fast kind so I’m gone about a month after diagnosis.
Tbh. Cancer would be a way to go.

But why are you unwilling to post a picture of your face?
I've never posted an image of my face on the internet. Why start with an Incel forum?

Also in the unlikely event I get recognized, my university is VERY liberal and I'd get suspended without question.

Actually that's simply a masculine trait
Can relate. I was having severe chest pains at the beginning of the week and was hoping that it was the start of a fatal heart attack.
You're probably normie. What is the point in reaching 45 if you are too old to get a non-exwhore gf by 30? 45 is no mans land. Too old for a good gf, too young to die of old age
We need to die way before 45. If we survive that long, the pain will reach next levels of unbearable and our suicide won't even be sad
I'm as incel as everyone on this forum, i just think most people here are LARPing about wanting to die so early( i'm 19) , i've got my copes and want to see what the future will be like, maybe they will invent sexbots with human-like AI by 2050 you never know.Also death itself is unjust for incels, think about it, wouldn't you like to outlive everyone and see better times for Incels to live in

Oh, you're 19. Nvm then.
We need to die way before 45. If we survive that long, the pain will reach next levels of unbearable and our suicide won't even be sad

Yea if you make it to 45 then you may as well just tough out the following 25 years, as you've done most of it.
I'm not afraid of death at all, only of suffering. Be it here or in the possible afterlife.
same. inceldom destroyed my dreams. Meditation made me accept the suffering and make peace with death. I don't fear death but do dislike injury.
I fantasize about some guy mugging me on a nightwalk and when he finds out I'm broke cause neet he just shoots me in the chest.
I'm a bit afraid but also welcome it
I'm not afraid of death and killing myself, but I would feel very sorry for my family. I love them but they are like shackles to me :feelsbadman:
It made me fearless though.
Death would be an improvement.
Yeah i'm not afraid of death anymore either. Dying ones seemed to be the most horrific thing that could possibly happen to me, but now i believe that there's nothing fearfull about death itself. It's just the way in which i might die that still kinda scares me, since it could contain a lot of pain and suffering which i would've to endure. I don't really mind staying alive for a little bit longer though, expecially because i still have some family members and friends who seem to care about me.
One of my suicide plans is to go where a newscaster is broadcasting in the street live. I'll walk up to her on live TV in front of the camera and say "facial surgery isn't covered by insurance" and pull out my revolver and blow my brains out.

Budd Dwyer style. Blowing brains out on live TV.
For an incel death is a sweet mercy
If it happens,it happens.

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